"Mezuru!!" Gameru got out of the car and hurried to the outside.

  To him, Mezuru is as important as a 'mother'.

  "Heh..." Seeing Gameru walking away, there was only Uva holding on to himself, without a trace of alertness, Kazari sneered in his heart, showed the sharp claws of his right hand, and stabbed directly into Uva's body!

  "Ah!!" Uva screamed, looking at Kazari in horror.

  I saw Kazari quickly pulled out his hand and took out five core coins from Uva's body.

  Uva still has one core coin left, and it is also the most critical and conscious one.

  Losing five core coins, Kazari's armor shattered, staggered back a few steps, turned back into a human form, and fell to the ground.

  "Ka...Kazari!! What do you mean?!" Uva roared, looking at Kazari angrily.

  "It's nothing, I just need your core coins." Kazari smiled and pocketed the five core coins of Uva.

  "Could it be... Mezuru too?"

  "Like you, I took away the core coins."


  "Alright, alright, just lie down. Anyway, now you can't do anything but yell. If you anger me, I'll really kill you." After the last sentence, Kazari's tone suddenly turned cold.

  Uva suddenly closed his mouth, at least he still had a core coin, and he didn't want to die yet.

  Bang-!Bang-bang-! !

  At this moment, there was a knocking sound from the transporter.

  "Oh, I almost forgot, there's a princess inside." Kazari said to himself with a smile.

  Bang-! !

  I saw the back door of the transporter being kicked open from the inside!

Chapter 24 Greed.vs.greeed

  At this time, in the research room of the Hongshang Institute of Biological Research - Maki Kiyoto.

  "This is almost done, and only the final inspection is left after that." Maki Kiyoto muttered to himself in a low voice, his eyes fixed on the drive in the computer screen in front of him.

  This is Kamen Rider Birth's drive!

  Although Sanmuqingren asked Hongshang Guangsheng for 5000 ordinary coins and an Ankh core coin on the grounds that Birth was not completed, in fact, Sanmuqingren did not need these coins at all, because Birth was almost completed.

  The coins requested by Kiyoshi Sanmu were all used to lure Greeed and Ankh to snatch them, in order to achieve Kazari's real purpose of snatching the core coins!

  "I don't know how Kazari-kun is going? The real power of the core coin, I want to confirm it anyway!" Maki Kiyoto muttered to himself coldly, stood up from the swivel chair, and looked at the wall hanging on the wall. A strange portrait, and said: "The moment when all the coins are collected in one vessel! Even if it is just a scale..."


  Kazari knows Ankh quite well, and it is too easy to lure Ankh out, just let him know that there is a core coin belonging to him, then he will definitely come to take it back.

  But OOO and Eiji Huono are not so simple. Kazari knew Eiji specially and knew that he was the kind of person with a strong sense of justice. If he asked him to help Ankh snatch coins from Goto, Eiji would definitely not agree!

  Therefore, Kazari kidnapped Binay and told Eiji afterwards, which made Eiji come with Ankh.

  Closer to home, when Binay woke up, he found himself in a dark place where he could not see his fingers.

  He couldn't move his hands or feet, and Binay felt that he was bound by the twine.

  But it can't be hard for Bina, because... she's a strange girl!

  "Hey!!" Hina exerted a little force, and her hands directly propped up the hemp rope!

  With free hands, things will be easier to do after that.

  I saw Binay untied the hemp rope on his feet, and then looked around.

  When he realized that it seemed to be a sealed space, and that there might be an exit in front of him, Binai raised his foot and kicked it without thinking!

  Bang-!Bang-! !Bang-! ! !

  With three consecutive kicks, Binet kicked open the back door of the transporter!

  Then, Binay saw the monstrous and terrifying face of Kazari outside.


  Suddenly, Binet was so frightened that he sat down and let out a terrified cry.

  Although he has a terrifying and strange power, Hina's courage... is not very big.

  "Speaking of which, you're useless." Kazari walked towards Binet with a gloomy face.

  Bina was so frightened that her delicate body kept trembling. Seeing that Kazari was about to come to her, she closed her eyes in fear.

  "The princess will definitely be saved by the brave in the end, huh... But that kind of romantic plot only exists in comics!" Kazari sneered, raised his right hand, and was about to tear Bina and the transport car to shreds!


  But at this moment, a cold voice came in from outside the warehouse.

  Hearing this sound, Kazari's body trembled, and he quickly turned around to look at the entrance of the warehouse, only to see Mezuru and Gameru, who had been separated by him, walk in together.

  "Me...Mezuru?!" Kazari exclaimed in surprise, why is Mezuru here?Obviously she should be lying on that bridge now, unable to move!Why?

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