"However, how did he know about Mr. Ida's physical condition? Obviously, this is the first time he and Mr. Ida have met."

  Unable to figure it out, Erika looked at Yuu with doubts. Although she couldn't say she was interested in Yuu, she was just a little curious. What kind of man is this?

  "So, are you going to fire me?" Idamin asked with a wry smile. He was fired on the first day he came to work. I'm afraid there is nothing more tragic than this.

  "How come, just to make you work better and bring greater benefits to the consortium, I plan to help you take out this bullet." You Qing smiled, he observed Yidamin's physical condition with divine power, The same can also be used to take out the bullet in Idamin's head without leaving any damage!

  "You... what did you say?" Yidamin's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

  Even Erika looked at Yuu in shock.


  At the same time, Kazari, who turned into a huge lion, is now fighting OOO who is coming.

  Mezuru and Gameru, on the other hand, watched from a distance, intending to take advantage of the fisherman.

  "Mezuru, is that really Kazari?" Gameru asked blankly.

  "It's not wrong, I guess Kazari took our coins to put them in his body and make him stronger. It just seems that he couldn't control this power and went berserk." Mezuru chuckled, her purpose was naturally, to complete Yuu's mission, defeat Kazari, and get all of Kazari's core coins!

  Of course, Mezuru has to recycle its own core coins by the way.

Chapter 32 Kamen Rider Birth Appears

  "I'm going to help you get this bullet out."

  For a moment, Itami was excited by Yuu's words, but after thinking a little calmly, he couldn't help but doubt the authenticity of these words.

  First of all, how is he going to help himself get the bullet out?Surgery?But the problem here is the Hongshang Consortium, not the hospital!

  Seeing Idamin's suspicious expression, Yun smiled lightly and put his right hand in front of his head.

  Then, a magical scene appeared!I saw a silver bullet pierced from Idamin's forehead and landed in Yuu's right palm.

  The bullet didn't penetrate Yidamin's head directly, but was taken out by Yu through the air without hurting his head, so Yidamin didn't feel anything, and because he didn't have a mirror, he couldn't see it either. The bullet was taken out by Yuu from his head, only to see a bullet fall from his head into Yuu's hand.

  However, Erika could see clearly.

  "This..." At this time, Erika's beautiful eyes opened to the maximum, and she was speechless when she saw the bullet in Yu's hand.

  "Okay, how do you feel now?" Yu asked.

  "You... did you really take it out?" Yidamin stared blankly at the bullet in Yu's hand. He felt that the uncomfortable feeling that had been stuck in his head like a stone had completely disappeared!

  "If you don't believe me, you can go to the hospital for a check later." He said calmly, threw the bullet into the trash can five meters away, and added, "But before that, Mr. Ida, it's time for you to go to work. "

  "That's right!" Yi Daming nodded, although he still didn't believe that the bullet that had been bothering him for a long time was really taken out so easily by Yu, but it seemed that the Hongshang Consortium did not intend to fire him, so he was lucky !

  "Then I'll go to work first. Although I haven't used Birth yet, I won't let you down. Just look forward to my performance, little brother, president~" Yidamin gave a thumbs up, and then hurriedly left.

  "Miss Lizhong."

  After Itami left, Yu looked at Erika a little lost, and asked, "Besides receiving Mr. Date, do I have anything else to do?"

  "Ah?" Yu was suddenly called, Erika was stunned for a moment, and then shook her head, "Temporarily...not for now."

  "Then I'll go out and call me if you have anything."

  "Wait...wait a minute!"

  Just as Yu was about to leave, Erika stopped Yu, only to see her frowning and asking, "How did you do it just now?"

  "Didn't you see it? That's how it was done." You Dan smiled.

  "But... how could humans do that?" Erika asked excitedly, because she was so shocked that she couldn't calm down.

  "It's true that humans can't do it, but what if... it's a god?" Yu Qing smiled, and after the words were over, Erika left, who was completely stuck in place.


  Ankh is quite sensitive to coins and can always spot Yummy or Greeed first.

  When Kazari was runaway by Kiyoto Sanmu throwing six core coins, Ankh felt something, so he hurried over with Yingji.

  The berserk Kazari can be said to have completely lost his mind, and he is carrying out massive destruction at this time!

  "Ankh, give me coins, don't let him destroy any more!!"

  Seeing that the surrounding scenery was completely destroyed by Kazari, Yingji hurriedly asked for three core coins from Ankh to Ta.To.Ba, turned and rushed to stop Kazari.

  However, OOO was easily pressed to the ground by Kazari and rubbed...

  After all, at this time, Kazari has his own seven core coins in his body, and the six core coins thrown in by Sanmu Qingren are completely incarnations of powerful forces. It is not easy for OOO to overthrow them.

  "This guy Kazari actually put so many core coins in his body, doesn't he want to live? Hey, it's none of my business if he wants to die, but he has a core coin in his body!" Ankh said low Sheng muttered to himself, and then shouted loudly: "Yingsi, no matter what, you must knock him down for me!!"

  OOO was trampled on the ground by Kazari at this time, Ankh's words made him smile bitterly, Ankh is always a tough guy, don't you know that his current situation is very bad?

  boom--! !

  Just as OOO was desperately thinking about how to break free of Kazari who was stepping on him, a beam of light shot over, hitting Kazari's huge body and knocking Kazari back.

  OOO regained his freedom, and quickly stood up and looked in the direction of the beam, and saw a metal knight with a cannon on his chest, stepping into the battlefield.

  "Mezuru, what is that?"

  In the distance, Gameru pointed at the knight who fought off Kazari with the cannon on his chest, and asked Mezuru next to him.

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