After he finished speaking, Yu asked with interest: "Dr. Maki, what is your purpose? It doesn't seem to do you any good to make Kazari go berserk, right?"

  "There is really no actual benefit, but I got the most precious thing!" Maki Qingren said indifferently, looking at the doll on his right arm, he paused and then said: "Ki Shiba-kun, what do you think of the current world? Don't you think it's time to end it before it's still beautiful? My mission is to end the world, to make Kazari go mad, and to prove that the power of the core coin can end the world!"

  Kiyoto Sanmu is not the kind of person who often talks about his ideals and the end of the world. The reason why he told Yu this is that he wants to join Yu.

  He is definitely not the only one who has the idea of ​​ending the world in today's world!

  Kiyoto Sanmu believed so, and after seeing Odin destroy Kazari with one blow today, he felt a little bit of fear!

  Without a strong helper, it may not be so easy to complete the ideal of ending the world!

  Although Kiyoto Sanmu doesn't know how strong Yu is, he knows from Kazari that Yu dominates all Greeeds except Ankh!

  To be able to dominate those Greeeds, the power possessed by this man, Yuuka Hibuka, must be only strong but not weak!

  "Would you like to complete this noble mission with me? Hibukata-kun." Kiyoto Maki invited.

  This sentence, Kiyoto Sanmu said while looking at Yu, in order to show enough sincerity.

  But he didn't know the fact that Odin was Yuu's transformation.

  "It turns out that this man is the kind of lunatic who wants to destroy the world... 640 is also right, looking at the doll on his right arm, he knows that this man is definitely not a normal person." Qingren's invitation, he did not rush to answer, but asked: "You said that the power of the core coin can end the world? Are you serious?"

  "Of course, this is the conclusion I came to after [-] years of research!" Sanmu Qingren said solemnly. As early as [-] years ago, he was recruited by Hongshang Guangsheng to become a researcher of coins.

  Although he was exposed to ordinary coins at the beginning, after Sanmu Kiyoto showed his amazing talent, Hongshang Guangsheng gave him the core coins for research.

  Of course, Greeed had not been resurrected at that time, and the number of core coins owned by Hongshang Guangsheng was limited. Although Qingren Sanmu knew after research that core coins contained powerful power that ordinary coins could not match, the number was too small to be used to end world.

  Until the resurrection of Greeed, Kiyo Sanaki completely ignited the ideal of ending the world!

  "If you collect all of the Greeed's core coins and put those coins on one of the Greeeds, a monster capable of destroying the world will be born! Just like the Kazari runaway!"

  When the words fell, Kiyoto Maki looked at Yu again, and invited him sincerely: "So, Hibachi-kun, do you want to end this world with me?"

Chapter 39 What a God!Chairman brother

  "Not interested in."

  Yuu's answer caused Kiyoto Maki to frown in disappointment.

  "Is this your answer? It seems that you can't understand my lofty ideals. In that case, please go back!" Qingren Sanmu coldly issued an order to evict guests. Since the other party can't understand him, he is destined to be in the wrong way. Man, there is no need to waste precious time on him.

  "Heh, Dr. Maki, isn't it a bit whimsical for you to just kick me out like this?" You Qing smiled, her expression suddenly cold, and continued: "Although I will get rid of Kazari sooner or later, he is still me in the end. My dog, but it was broken by you, you said, should you give me an explanation?"

  Hearing this, Kiyoto Maki turned his gaze to the doll on his right arm, and said to the doll indifferently: "No explanation, Kazari-kun sacrificed for my lofty ideals! Hibachi-kun, if you don't leave, I will Security will be called."

  "Security? It's a joke, let them drive me away as the president?" You sneered.

  "..." Qingren Sanmu's brows furrowed again, ignoring the identity of the man's president. Although he was just an agent, the guy from Hongshang Guangsheng gave him all the authority.

  Let the security drive him away?Totally impossible…

  "Right..." At this moment, Yu stretched out his right hand in the direction of Kiyoto Maki, sucked the doll on Kiyoto Maki's right arm with divine power, and then crushed it!

  "Although there is no rule that you must look at each other when talking to others, don't keep staring at a puppet and talking to me, it makes me unhappy, very!"

  Qingren Sanmu was stunned, and he didn't even listen to Yuu's words at all.

  Seeing his doll being crushed into pieces by Yu, Kiyoto Maki suddenly felt breathing difficulties, and even bursts of severe pain came from his chest.

  next moment…


  Kiyoto Maki knelt on the ground with his head in his arms, watching the doll that was crushed into pieces by Yoo, screaming frantically.

  "Sure enough? This man didn't keep the doll on his arm because of his interest, but he had some kind of deep obsession with this doll." You condescendingly looked at Kiyoto Sanmu, who was kneeling and holding his head and screaming frantically. , I analyzed it in my heart.

  "Dr. Maki? What happened?"

  An anxious voice came from outside the door.

  He glanced at Kiyoto Maki who was like a madman, smiled, opened a crack beside him, and left.

  Yuu didn't mean to kill Kiyoto Sanmu, but just came to see this man and asked for an explanation by the way.

  As Yuu said, although Kazari is just a dog, it is still up to the owner to beat the dog, so he destroyed the doll that was cherished by Kiyoshi Sanmu as an explanation.

  As for whether Kiyotaka Maki will take revenge after the event, Yuu doesn't know, but he is very much looking forward to Kiyotaka Maki playing with him.


  Yu went directly back to the villa. Seeing him coming back, Allie flew into his arms while shouting 'Daddy Daddy'.

  In this world, both Ellie and Mai are the people Yuu needs to protect, but Yuu has set the strongest protective talisman on the mother and daughter, even if the enemy attacks his family because they hate him, he will not To be afraid.

  By the way, Idamin was doing a checkup at the hospital at this time.

  The president is not an ordinary person, he has the power to defeat monsters like Kazari with one blow!

  Then, he said that the thing about helping himself to take out the bullet, maybe, is true!

  The test results came out soon, and the bullet in Itami's head really disappeared!And there is no trace left, as if when it was taken out, a treatment was done by the way!

  In this regard, Itami is undoubtedly excited, and he is already grateful to Yuu in his heart!

  There is a bullet stuck in the head, how serious this is, as a field doctor, Idamin knows very well!

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