At this time, Sakura Rei was in the office chatting with his assistant about matters related to cooperation with the Hongshang Foundation. When it came to whether it was time to entertain the people of the Hongshang Foundation tomorrow, the door was pushed open from the outside.

  "Who? I didn't tell you not to disturb..." Before some angry words could be finished, Sakura Rei's voice stopped abruptly, her eyes widened to the widest, and she looked at the woman who walked in.

  Sakura Rei is conceited that she is the best beauty, but the one in front of her... can only be described as an angel!

  "He... President, have I seen the angel? It's so beautiful!" Sakura Rei's assistant, his eyes seemed to be heart-shaped, staring at the 'angel' who walked in with the glowing sphere.

  "How can there be angels in this world? Who are you..."

  "Li, you know nothing but looks, you're just a vase."

  753 This angel is naturally Yumi Sakura.

  Sakura Yumi interrupted Sakura Rei's words and smiled faintly.

  Hearing this familiar voice, Sakura Rei suddenly knew who the unbelievably beautiful person in front of her was.

  "You're elder sister... elder sister?" Sakura Rei looked at Sakura Yumi with shock. That elder sister who had never dressed up and looked simple was actually so beautiful?Compared to myself... no, I'm more beautiful than myself!

  As if unwilling to admit defeat, Sakura Rei didn't think that her appearance would lose to the angel in front of her.

  "Mr. Suten, you say... Compared with my sister, who is more beautiful?" Sakura Yumi asked with a smile, looking at Sakura Rei's assistant, Mr. Suten.

  "It's you, you're even more beautiful!!" Mr. Suten nodded desperately like a chicken pecking at rice, and Sakura Rei's face turned completely black when he saw this scene.

  "Rei, it's like the ebb and flow of the tide. When the tide is high for me, it's when the tide goes out for you." Sakura Yumi chuckled and walked towards Sakura Rei, "This time it's your turn to hide in my shadow. Now, under my beautiful shadow. Therefore, you should give up the position of president, whether it is the new product launch tomorrow or the reception of the Hongshang Foundation, it will be done by me. "

  "Don't... don't be kidding, the reason why this company can get to where it is today is all because of my image!" Sakura Rei cried out with some collapse, obviously she couldn't give up the high-ranking position of president.

  "Really? Then... don't blame elder sister for teaching you." Sakura Yumi smiled indifferently, the egg in her hands emitted a strong white light, covering the office.

Chapter 44 Yummy's debut

  This is the second day. As the chairman of the Hongshang Consortium, Yu and his secretary, Erika Rika, came to the company headquarters of 'Sea Goddess' at ten o'clock in the morning to participate in the new product launch of 'Sea Goddess' today. , and later negotiated cooperation with the person in charge of the 'sea goddess', President Sakura.

  Yuu and Erika were entertained by Sakura Rei's assistant, Mr. Suto.

  Well, to correct it, Mr. Suteng is now Sakura Yumi's assistant, because he is already intoxicated by Sakura Yumi's beauty, plus Sakura Rei's position has been used by Sakura Yumi, who is her sister, without a doubt. way replaced.

  "President Hongshang, our President Sakura is now preparing for the new product launch, so we will discuss the cooperation after that. Before that, our company hopes that you can participate in our new product launch." Xu Teng The gentleman said to You with some respect. When he knew that You was the president of the Hongshang Consortium, he couldn't help being shocked. After all, You looked like a young man in his twenties, and he really didn't look like the president of a powerful consortium.

  "Naturally, take us to the press conference." Yu nodded and said.

  "Okay, this way please." Mr. Suten made a 'please' gesture, and then brought Yuu and Erika to the site where 'Sea Goddess' held a new product launch.

  The scene was very lively at this time. Yumi Sakura was presenting information on new products on the stage and answering questions from reporters from time to time.

  Having said that, there were not many such interactions, because everyone on the scene was captured and captured by Sakura's beauty, so that the men on the scene, looking at Sakura's eyes, turned into heart-shaped, and even Many men sighed like this: "Ah! She is several times more beautiful than the previous president, no, more than a hundred times! Damn it! Why did I get married so early!"

  The acting of the man who said this can be said to be exaggerated to the extreme. If it is made into a TV series, it will definitely be criticized by the audience. This is too fake!But this is by no means acting, because Yumi Sakura is so beautiful at this time, even Yuu is amazed.

  "Although I knew yesterday that she is a beautiful woman, it is unexpected that she can be so beautiful after a little dressing up." You thought to himself, looking at Yumi Sakura on the stage with admiring eyes.

  "What? Does the great god like this type of woman?" At this moment, Erika teased Yu with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

  "I just think it's pretty, but I can't talk about liking it." You shook his head slightly and replied.

  Although Yu was really interested, and there were not a few women, he would never fall in love with a woman easily, and he would never fall in love with her simply because of her beauty.

  "Yes, after all, you have such a beautiful wife, so you must be very dedicated to her, right?" Erika recalled the dance she had seen that day. It was the first time she felt that there was such a beautiful woman in the world.

  After all, Wu is the daughter of origin, not to mention her beautiful appearance, plus the temperament of being the daughter of origin, it is enough to make Wu a top beauty with a full score or more.

  "Speciality..." Yu smiled noncommittally, in fact, this word can't be used on him at all.


  The press conference continued for an hour before it came to an end. After all the reporters at the scene left, Yumi Sakura was brought to Yu by Mr. Suto.

  "Although I heard from my sister Li that the Hongshang Consortium will send someone over today to discuss cooperation with our Sea Goddess, but it was the chairman of the Hongshang Consortium who came, which surprised me quite a bit." Sakura Youyou smiled and said, at this time, her frown and smile were particularly exciting.

  "It should have been me who was surprised. Although I haven't seen you for a day, it's like every three autumns, but Miss Sakura, you have changed a lot. Not only is the new president of the sea goddess, but you have become so beautiful." With a smile, he shook hands with Yumi Sakura, but quickly released it.

  "Really?" Sakura Yumi smiled and then invited Yu to go to her office to talk, after all, this is not the place to talk.

  Yu nodded, and followed Erika and Yui Sakura to her office.

  On the way, Erika asked Yu in a low voice, "Mr. Hibukata, did you know the president of Sea Goddess?"

  "Let's get to know each other, we have a relationship." Yu said, and then told Erika that Sakura Yumi was actually a friend of Itami's. The reason why he knew Sakura Yumi was just yesterday at an Oden hawker.

  Of course, Yu and Sakura Yumi are not the only one. When he discovered Mezuru last night, Yu noticed that Mezuru was observing Sakura Yumi, so Yuu knew very well at this time that Sakura Yummy was Yummy's host, and Sakura Yumi was also the host of Yummy. It would be like this without Yummy's help!

  Arriving at Sakura Yumi's office, Yu and Erika were invited in. Then Mr. Suto made tea and put it in front of Yu and Erika, and began to talk about the cooperation between the Hongshang Consortium and the Sea Goddess.

  The purpose of your trip is to earn funds for the Hongshang consortium, so you naturally want to maximize the benefits.

  Yumi Sakura made concessions to this, and she had almost no intention of rejecting Yuu's request.

  Although this is Sakura Yumi's first time as president, she is definitely no worse than Sakura Rei. She knows very well how great the benefits will be from being able to establish a relationship with the Hongshang Foundation, so she proposes to Yuu. Conditions, she is completely OK.

  However, there was one thing that Sakura Yumi was very puzzled about, so that after the cooperation was negotiated, Sakura Yumi asked with a smile: "President Hongshang, do you think I am beautiful?"

  "It's very beautiful, it's not an exaggeration to call it a country and a city, what's wrong?" You wondered why Sakura Yumi asked this?

  "Then you...why didn't you fall in love with me?" Yumi Sakura asked, brushing her hair.

  Since she put on makeup and became so beautiful, almost without exception, the men who saw her today fell in love!

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