"How is that possible? Even the king, the first generation OOO, and the TaToBa group have no flying ability, so why is Yu Shibuya able to fly?" Ankh blurted out in surprise. At this time, he and Mezuru were both surprised because they knew OOO too well. that's why they were so shocked.

  It is true that TaToBa does not have the ability to fly, but Ankh and Mezuru do not know that it is not TaToBa that can really fly, but Yuu himself as a god.

  "Have you calmed down a little?" Yuu landed from mid-air and asked Yingji who was slowly getting up from the ground.

  "Goo!!" It was Yingji's strange cry that answered Yoo.

  I saw the horns of the triceratops on Yingji's shoulders stretched suddenly, stabbed Yu in the chest, and pressed Yu against the wall behind him!

  "Are you sure to kill..." Yu used the card to change the form of the OOO dinosaur group several times, so it is clear that the double horns on the shoulders of the dinosaur group are prepared for the kill!

  It captures the opponent with the free-elongating horns on its shoulders, then freezes it into an ice sculpture with the freezing airflow, and finally smashes it together with the tyrannosaurus tail. This is such a simple and crude nirvana.

  By the way, the destructive power of this kill is around 200T. If you are hit, even Yuu will inevitably be seriously injured.

  "Ow!!!!" Yingsi roared, and fanned his wings, rolling up the refrigerated airflow again, turning the seconds he captured into ice!

  Then, the Tyrannosaurus' tail stretched out, Yingji turned around abruptly, and slapped the frozen Yuu again!

Chapter 52 Resurrected Ankh, New Consciousness

  Bang-! !

  The Tyrannosaurus Tail flicked past, smashing Yuu, who was frozen into an ice sculpture by the freezing airflow!

  The ice stones flew away, and the audience, Mezuru and Ankh, watched this scene with wide eyes. They didn't think that Yuu, who took the blow from Yingji head on, would survive. The thermal motion of the upper molecules is weakened, the arrangement of the molecules will be tighter, its flexibility will become poor, and the object will be brittle. At this time, the ice cube will become harder, which leads to the fact that if the ice cube is broken, the objects inside will only be broken. This kind of result!

  "What a joke! How could you just die like this? You should have died not by OOO's hands, but by me!!" Mezuru gritted his teeth secretly, thinking angrily, unable to accept Yuu for a while The fact that he actually died!

  "It's really a close call."

  A faint voice came from the sky, and Mezuru quickly raised his head when he heard the sound, only to see Yu floating in the air unharmed at this moment.

  The frozen object will shatter as the ice cubes shatter, but Yuu broke out of the ice just before the ice sculpture was shattered by Eiji's Tyrannosaurus Tail, so of course nothing happened.

  Seeing that Yu was fine, Mezuru breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly realized, why should he worry about him?Obviously hate him to death!

  And regardless of Mezuru, who was in a somewhat complicated mood at this time, I saw Yu descending from mid-air, and Yingsi let out a loud roar, his fighting intent undiminished. Fist now!

  After all, Yingji was in a state of rampage at this time, just like a beast.

  Yuu was more satisfied with this, Yingji would not lose his fighting spirit because of his strength, so he played with Yingji for a while.


  "It's time to wake up too, Huo Ye." You said in a deep voice, a dodging came to Yingsi's back, slapped his palm on Yingsi's back, the palm of his hand carried divine power through Yingsi's body, and smashed the two purple core coins inside. kicked out!


  Immediately, Yingji let out a groan and fell to the ground.

  Yu promptly supported Yingji and pulled out the three purple core coins from his drive. Yingsi immediately released his transformation and closed his eyes and passed out.

  "Yingsi!!" Seeing Yingsi falling, Ankh hurried over.

  "He's fine," Yu said, handing Yingji to Ankh to support him.

  Seeing that Yingji was only in a coma, Ruyou said that there was nothing else, so he felt relieved, but he said, "This idiot, he was inexplicably penetrated by a core coin, and he went berserk because of it, what a idiot!"

  Yingji was completely in a coma at this time and couldn't hear Ankh's complaints, but Yuu smiled when he heard it, and said, "You have a really good relationship with Huo Ye, Ankh."

  "Don't be kidding, this idiot is just a prop I use to collect coins, how could I be with him..."

  "Ankh, you can only eat one popsicle a day..."

  Before Ankh could finish his words, he heard Ying Simeng say such words.

  "Heh..." You smiled and said, "You don't need to explain this, I understand it, in short, take care of him."

  After speaking, Yu put away the five purple core coins, turned around and walked towards Mezuru.

  Although Ankh wondered what Yuu was trying to do with the purple core coin?But putting that kind of dangerous thing in Yuu's place is indeed the best choice, so he didn't specifically ask Yuu what he wanted to do with the purple core coin?

  "Speaking of which, it's really thanks to this man, otherwise I wouldn't be able to stop Yingji who ran rampant." Ankh secretly said, looking at Yu's back with a hint of gratitude.

  Afterwards, Ankh helped Eiji to leave, and Yuu took out nearly a thousand ordinary coins from nowhere and placed them in front of Mezuru.

  "This..." Mezuru looked at such a large number of ordinary coins in astonishment, his eyes were full of shock, he looked at You and asked, "Where did you get so many coins?"

  "Secret." Yu pretended to be mysterious and smiled. As the acting president of the Hongshang Consortium, he had the 'real power' given by Hongshang Guangsheng, and it was just trivial for him to mobilize a thousand ordinary coins from it.

  "I love to talk!" Mezuru rolled his eyes, folded his arms, and said angrily, "So, what are you trying to show off by putting these coins in front of me? Knowing that I have been short of coins recently, you are a real person. Too much!"

  "Hey, can you not think of me so badly? And you'll know after a little thought? These coins are obviously meant to be given to you." You twitched the corners of your mouth and smiled bitterly.

  "Give it to me?" Mezuru was a little surprised, and then asked suspiciously, "What do you want to do? Or what is your purpose?"

  "The purpose? It's very simple. My beloved toy is out of power, so I bought a new battery to charge her, and that's about it."

  "I'm not a power bank."

  "...It's just a metaphor."


  Mezuru snorted coldly, but was relieved and accepted the thousand ordinary coins.

  "Then thank me gratefully."

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