The two left and disappeared from the scene.

  And Birth didn't intend to keep them, nor was he stupid enough to fight them.

  After all, those are two Greeeds!Even if there is only one, Birth thinks it is enough, let alone two...

  "Smart judgment, it is indeed correct to choose you to be the Birth, Date-kun!" Hongshang Guangsheng stood in front of the window of the chairman's room with his hands behind his back, watching everything that happened downstairs. I'm quite satisfied that I didn't make a blind shot.


  "Sorry, old president, I let them escape." Yi Daming returned to the president's room of the Hongshang Consortium, scratched the back of his head a little embarrassedly, and said to Hongshang Guangsheng.

  "It doesn't matter, in front of an opponent who knows that you obviously can't win, you are doing the right thing! You have done a good job at this!!" Hongshang Guangsheng laughed, and immediately put the stone made of five purple core coins on the table. The disc was handed to Idamin, "Ida-kun, do you live with Dr. Maki? I need Dr. Maki to help me study this purple core coin, so I'll ask you to help me deliver it to him."

  "It's not a problem, but Dr. Maki..." Itaming took the disc and said in a difficult manner.

  "What's up with him?"

  "That's it... Ever since his beloved doll disappeared inexplicably, he has been trapped in his room all day, and then kept shouting the words to end this world..." Itamin said with a slightly wry smile, if it wasn't for his courage, I guess I really don't dare to live with a gloomy person like Makiyo, not to mention that sometimes in the middle of the night, Makiki may say a gloomy sentence, such as: "This world should end! No, it must end! Let everything return to nothingness! Ahhhhhhhh!!!”

  "All in all, the doctor may be broken. I plan to get my salary in a few days and take him to the hospital." Yidamin said that the bullet in his head has been taken out by Yu, so he does not need money for treatment, and he In fact, he is a good-natured person like Yingji. Although he has known Qingren Sanmu for a short time, he is willing to pay for it.

  "It seems that during the time I went to Europe, a lot of things happened to Dr. Maki." Hongshang Guangsheng nodded thoughtfully, then patted Yidamin on the shoulder, saying, "Anyway, I'd better keep it Send this purple core coin to Dr. Maki!"

Chapter 54 You are inflated

  Eat the golden fruit and become a magical skill possessed by the man of origin - perception, enough to discover a planet at the end of the universe!The coverage it covers is simply amazing!

  Well, let's not talk about the end of the universe, for Yu, everything that happens on earth, even if it is turbulent, he is very aware of the appearance of Uva and the fact that he took another 'Ankh' , and always knew what Uva was doing during this time, and what he wanted to do now.


  At night, in an abandoned bar in the suburbs, Mezuru was sitting on a chair watching a book describing feelings in his hand with interest.

  The reason why she reads this type of book is purely to grasp human emotions.

  Only by understanding human beings can they Greeed use human emotions to dig out a deeper desire and desire, and let it give birth to a powerful Yummy for them.

  If human desires and desires are strong enough, then Yummy's power can be infinite!

  "Delicious!" Gameru was sitting on the ground at the moment, holding a bag of French fries and eating with relish. He obviously couldn't experience the taste at all, but he felt strange that the snack like french fries was very delicious.

  Speaking of which, although Gameru was killed by the runaway Yingji and turned into a dinosaur group today, as long as the core coin with consciousness is not shattered, this Greeed can be resurrected, so Gameru can live like this at this moment.

  Of course, this also includes Kazari, but Kazari is completely cold.

  "Oh, it's really deserted here as always."

  Suddenly, a laughter came in from outside.

  Uva, who saw only a human appearance, walked in with a child in red.

  "Ah? It's Uva...Mezuru, Uva is back." Gameru said in a milky voice, still chewing chips in his mouth.

  "Uva?" Mezuru put down the book in his hand, looked at Uva slightly in shock, and asked, "Didn't you fall into Ankh's hands? I thought you had been given by him..."

  "I escaped, although Ankh almost took all the coins, but thanks to that guy from Kazari suddenly running wild, Ankh hurriedly left with OOO, giving me a chance to escape." Uva laughed.

  "Really? If that's the case, why haven't you come back for a while? Why did you come back suddenly today? And... Who is the kid beside you?" Mezuru asked a few questions in a row that puzzled her, frowning slightly. Liu Mei, his eyes fell on the child beside Uva.

  "I don't want to come back to be the king's lackey. Besides, I can collect coins in secret! So although I don't have a few core coins in my current body, the number of ordinary coins... Haha, it has reached tens of thousands!"

  Hearing that Uva had tens of thousands of ordinary coins in his body at the moment, Mezuru's eyes widened in shock.

  How hard is it to collect ordinary coins?It can be seen from the fact that she didn't get one of the collections during this period of time, and finally she had to rely on alms. It can be seen that Uva actually collected [-] pieces during this period of time?How on earth did he do it?

  "Mezuru, I didn't come back this time to show you this kind of thing, I came back to defeat the king, that guy, Yuu Hibakata! I've had enough of hiding! We are Greeed, yet we surrender to Under the human body? Don't you think it's funny, Mezuru?" Uva said angrily.

  Mezuru nodded at this, because she also thought it was ridiculous, no matter how you looked at it, Greeed was a higher-ranking existence than humans!

  Greeed has an inexhaustible lifespan, and the power is by no means human beings can compete with, even a single Greeed can overthrow a country without knights!Such an existence surrenders to human beings?It's ridiculous to think about it!

  "It's ridiculous, but Uva, do you think you can defeat him? The power that that man possesses is definitely not something that can be defeated by just [-] ordinary coins." Mezuru folded his arms and said indifferently.

  "So, I need your help and Gameru! With me, and Ankh, I'll be able to do it!" Uva patted her chest and promised.

  "You mean Ankh? How could he possibly help you deal with that man?" Mezuru shook his head sneeringly, and Ankh didn't have a body, so he couldn't fight at all.

  "By the way, you just asked me who this kid next to me is? He is 'Ankh', but it's another 'Ankh'." Uva pointed at the child beside him and smiled.

  Hearing this, Mezuru frowned, but he wasn't interested in the so-called other 'Ankh', so he didn't care too much, just listened to Uva again: "Of course, we may not have a [-]% chance of winning, but if we start from the What if Yummy was created in the king's body? We all put ordinary coins into his body together to create the strongest Yummy! Then we'll deal with him together!"

  "This...isn't this the plan that Ankh proposed to overthrow the king 800 years ago?" Mezuru asked in surprise.

  They have done this in the past, all Greeed put a common coin from the original OOO 800 years ago at the same time, so a Yummy called the strongest was born!

  Had it not been for Ankh's betrayal at the end, the defeat of OOO would have been a sure thing.

  But ironically, it was Ankh who proposed to defeat the king, but it was also Ankh who betrayed him in the end.

  "That's right, although I don't want to use Ankh's plan at the time, but if I want to defeat this king who may be stronger than 800 years ago, I can only do this!" Uva paused, looking at Mezuru with a serious face, Then: "Will you help me? Mezuru?"

  Gameru's opinion Uva does not need to ask, as long as Mezuru agrees, Gameru agrees.

  "Sorry, I won't join forces with you."

  However, just when Uva thought Mezuru would agree, Mezuru shook his head, then picked up the book and read it, "If there is nothing else, please leave. As for the man you want to defeat, I advise you to stop. good."

  "whispering sound!"

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