"That's why I said, never underestimate him!" Uva just wanted to say this to 'Ankh', but at this moment the wizard used teleportation magic and teleported to the middle of 'Ankh' and Uva!

  This scene happened so suddenly that none of them could react, so the wizard stretched out his hands and grabbed the neck, and they were all pushed to the ground by irresistible force!

  "It's a pity, it seems to be Game.Over." The wizard sneered, grabbing the hands of Uva and 'Ankh' necks with a little force, although this wouldn't make them Greeed feel the pain of suffocation, but as long as the wizard continued With a little force, they can break their necks!

  "Damn!!" Uva didn't expect the wizard to be able to teleport?But he didn't want to just Game.Over like this, he quickly took out an ordinary coin from his body and planned to throw it into Yuu's body!

  Uva doesn't know what Yu's desires and desires are, but such a powerful person must have amazing desires and desires!I am afraid that a very strong Yummy may be born!Even enough to defeat Yuu!

  Thinking like this, with such anticipation, Uva intends to throw this coin when the wizard is not ready!


  The wizard didn't give Uva this chance and stepped on his hand holding the coin!

  "Uva, it's obvious that you have allowed you to collect coins arbitrarily in the Wall District during this period of time, but the result is only this level? I'm really disappointed!" Wizard said coldly.

  Hearing this, Uva's body trembled violently.

  It turns out that what he has done so far is all in the hands of this man?

  "I... I was wrong! Wang! Please forgive me!!"

  No longer caring about dignity, Uva chose to beg for mercy, just like him at the time.

Chapter 56 Exchange

  Uva desperately begged for mercy, in exchange for Yu and wizard to let go.

  I saw the wizard let go of the right hand that grabbed Uva's neck. The latter thought that the wizard was going to spare his life and said quickly: "King, you forgive me, right? I will never do it again in the future, I promise!!"

  "Guarantee? Oh, the so-called guarantee is just an excuse for today's survival. Besides, Uva, my heart is not wide enough to forgive a traitor." Wizard said coldly, which made Uva feel hopeless.

  This man, Hirokata Yuu didn't even think about letting him go!

  "Damn it!!!"

  With a strong sense of survival, Uva got up and ran away.

  However, Uva just walked a few steps, but he suddenly looked in pain, and his body suddenly swelled several times, from a sturdy body to a fat man who was [-]-[-] pounds fat!

  "This..." Before Uva could understand his own physical condition, he heard a 'bang' in the next instant, and his entire body exploded from the inside!The [-] coins in the body and Uva's core coins fell to the ground like water spilled.

  Seeing this scene, Mezuru and 'Ankh', who was grabbed by the neck with the wizard's left hand, both widened their eyes in horror.

  "You... what did you do?" 'Ankh' asked in a trembling voice, he knew that it must be what the wizard did to cause Uva to suddenly explode and die.

  "It's nothing, just put the fire into Uva's body, and then detonate the fire to make it self-detonate in the body." Wizard chuckled, under the fearful eyes of 'Ankh', a small flame burned in his right hand, "It's very simple. method, like this.”

  "Stop! Stop!!"

  'Ankh' finally understood what fear was at this moment, he shouted, but the wizard ignored it, as if to demonstrate, he slammed the flame in his hand into 'Ankh''s body!

  "Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

  Greeed couldn't feel the pain, and the wizard's palm didn't exert any force at all, but 'Ankh' thought he would explode and die like Uva just now, so he screamed in fear.

  "Is it a child in the end? Heh... In fact, I'm just demonstrating, I have no plans to detonate at all."

  Seeing 'Ankh' who was about to cry, wizard thought to himself.

  As long as it doesn't detonate, the flames will only slowly go out in the body.

  By the way, this is a move that Yuu unleashes on the basis of magic, so it can only be used if you transform into a wizard.

  "Hey, you didn't plan to kill him, did you? What do you want to do with him?" Mezuru probably knew what kind of person Yu was. If he really wanted to do it, he would have done it without saying a word, but it was obviously to scare Ankh. ', but Mezuru was a little puzzled.

  "Send him to Ankh of the Lord." The wizard released his transformation and chuckled.

  "Oh? To restore that Ankh? But... how could you be so kind?"

  "What? Don't I look like a nice guy?"

  "...Not at all."

  Mezuru rolled his eyes, and then added in his heart, "Instead, he's more like a bad guy."

  "You... you want to give me to that fake other me? What are you kidding me?! I definitely don't!!" 'Ankh' was just relieved that Yuu was trying to scare him and wouldn't detonate, and listened to Yuu again. After giving him to the main lord Ankh, he panicked again and began to struggle desperately.

  However, even though Yuu had released his transformation, his hand still firmly grabbed his neck, pinning him to the ground, unable to move.

  "That Ankh is a fake you? How dare you say it." Mezuru sneered, although she didn't like Ankh, this body really belonged to that Ankh.

  To say false, this 'Ankh' is false.

  "Wow! Coins all over the floor!!"

  At this time, a surprised voice came over.

  I saw Gameru happily picking up the coins that burst from Uva's body on the ground, one by one, and playing with them.

  Before, Gameru was hit hard by Uva and was knocked out and lost consciousness. When he woke up, he thought that Mezuru might be in danger and rushed back. He came in first and saw coins all over the floor, and Gameru was immediately happy. Be like a child.

  "Just in time, Gameru, help me escort 'Ankh' to another Ankh." Yu looked at Gameru and said.

  "Ah? It's the king, when did you come?" Gameru asked in a milky voice, running over obediently, and took over 'Ankh' from Yu's hand.

  Gameru is the strongest in Greeed, and has one more core coin than 'Ankh'. With his suppression, 'Ankh' can't escape even if he wants to.

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