"Is that really true?" Yuu smiled noncommittally, and suddenly put his right hand on Mezuru's shoulder.

  "You... what do you want to do?" Subconsciously, Mezuru felt something wrong. After she asked this sentence, a strange feeling entered her body!

  "It's nothing, just like giving Ankh life just now, it also gave you life." You smiled and added after a pause: "However, unlike Ankh, the life you have is short-lived, it will only last for a week. time."

  "Boring, if you make me experience the feeling of having life for a week, and then begging you to give life like Ankh, then you are too boring! I said, I will not be as obsessed with life as Ankh! "Mezuru said coldly, patted Yuu's hand on his shoulder, turned and left with a cold snort.

  "I'm really looking forward to the day when you will be as obsessed with life as Ankh, Mezuru." Looking at Mezuru's leaving figure, You chuckled.

  He believed that when the week was over, Mezuru would beg for him to be given life.

Chapter 63

  Mezuru underestimated the allure of 'life' to Greeed, so that she passed by a food street not long after she left, smelling the fragrance of various delicacies floating in the air, Mezuru suddenly had the desire to 'eat'.


  Even the stomach made sounds that only humans make when they are hungry...

  "Is this feeling the human desire to eat?" Mezuru muttered to himself. He touched his stomach with his jade hand, and couldn't help but admire the horror of the appetite. No wonder it has the charm to indulge human beings.

  "This beautiful lady, do you want to come into our shop and taste the authentic ramen? It's super delicious! I'm sure you can!"

  At this time, an enthusiastic waitress came to Mezuru and smiled at Mezuru with a gentle smile.

  Mezuru wanted to nod for a moment to try the ramen the waitress said, but her reason would not let her nod.

  "That man must want to see my joke, right? Damn it, I said it! I will never pursue life. If you want me to compromise just because of my appetite, then you are underestimating me too much!" Mezuru secretly 993 Gritting his teeth secretly, he said in his heart.

  Ignoring the enthusiastic waitress, Mezuru left in a muffled voice.


  Located in an abandoned bar in a very remote area, Gameru was sitting on the ground holding his snacks and eating non-stop. When he saw Mezuru coming back, he said with a milky voice and asked with a smile: "Ah! Mezuru, are you back? Are you today? Where did they all go?"

  "Go out for a walk." Mezuru didn't pay attention to Gameru's mood at this time, and replied casually.

  Seeing Gameru eating snacks with his arms in his arms, Mezuru frowned and asked, "What are you eating?"

  "It's a potato chip! Do you want Mezuru to eat it?" Gameru took out a potato chip and handed it to Mezuru.

  "Don't eat it! Bring it to me to eat outside!" Mezuru said angrily. She thought she would not be tempted by anything else if she came back here. After all, the 'life' that Yuu gave her would only last for a week.Then, as long as I come back here for a week, this feeling will naturally disappear, but Mezuru didn't expect that Gameru actually wanted to seduce her, and she suddenly became angry.

  "Oh, okay..." Gameru was a little dejected, and obediently took the snack and went to eat it where Mezuru couldn't see it.

  Seeing Gameru walk away in despair, Mezuru shook his head and decided to calm himself down first, or at least maintain a normal mind.


  However, the stomach growled again.

  The hunger made Mezuru feel a little tired, and the desire to eat became stronger and stronger!

  Because Yuu has given her 'life', her current body is almost no different from that of a human being. Although she is essentially Greeed, if she doesn't eat, she will still have a big problem.

  "Don't want to see me laughing, that hateful man!"

  However, not wanting Yu to see a joke, he forced Mezuru to grit his teeth.

  Then, it went on like this for five days...

  On this day, the sun was shining brightly, and Yu was stretching out on the balcony of his villa when he suddenly saw Gameru appearing downstairs.

  Apparently Gameru was here to find him, and Yuu jumped right off the balcony.

  "Anything? Gameru."

  Seeing Yu suddenly falling from the sky, Gameru was stunned for a moment, then said anxiously: "King, Mezuru...Mezuru suddenly fell down today, I don't know why she suddenly became very weak!" After speaking, Gameru scratched his head in confusion Scratching the back of his head, he added: "I thought it was because Mezuru's ordinary coins were not enough, so I gave her mine, but she showed no signs of getting better."

  "...Take me to see it." Yu frowned, Gameru said that he couldn't tell what was going on with Mezuru?Could it be some kind of bad consequence caused by giving her life suddenly?

  Yuu was also a little confused about this, until he came to the abandoned bar with Gameru and saw Mezuru's condition, and he didn't know the reason.

  Yu couldn't help laughing and crying, Mezuru was actually... starving.

  "King, what happened to Mezuru?"

  Looking at Mezuru, who was sleeping on a bed made of a table with a weak face, Gameru asked Yuu worriedly.

  As a pure Greeed, Gameru naturally didn't know that Mezuru was caused by starvation.

  "It's not a big deal. In short, you help me take care of her first, and I'll go back." After speaking, Yu opened a crack, walked in directly, and returned to his villa in an instant.

  Now that Mezuru is starving, it would be good to give her something to eat.

  I thought that coming to Mezuru was only for her boring self-esteem, and she resisted hunger and didn't want to eat anything.Although she can be praised for her stubbornness and strength, it is a bit irrational to damage her own body because of this.

  "What a worrying guy, but it's surprisingly interesting." Yundan said to himself with a smile, playing with Mezuru was already a kind of fun for him.

  Closer to home, Yu made a curry rice in his kitchen with the only ingredients.

  Although Yu can't taste the taste of human food again because of the golden fruit, but as a first-class cook, Yu's cooking level has never regressed.

  Holding the bowl of curry rice, Yu opened a crack again and returned to the abandoned bar where Mezuru and Gameru were.

  "Wow, Wang, what are you holding? It looks delicious!" Seeing Yu came back with a bowl of curry rice, Gameru suddenly showed a greedy look on his face.

  Yuu ignored Gameru and went straight to Mezuru's side.

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