Then, Yu came out and rescued her like a superman.

  Since then, Hina thought Yuu was unexpectedly cool!Every time I go to sleep at night, I think of Yuzu's heroic efforts to save him.

  And Yuu's appearance kept appearing in Hina's mind.Gradually, a woman like Binay who is not a nympho and is not interested in handsome guys finds out that Yuu is really handsome!

  However, Yu already has a dance, and even has a daughter, so Bina naturally wouldn't think about chasing Yu.

  It's impossible for Binay to do something like destroying other people's families.

  But then something happened to her brother, but Yuu helped her solve it.

  From then on, Hina's feelings for Yu became stronger and stronger, and she would say to take Ellie to play, but in fact, she just wanted to repay Yu, by the way... come and see him, even if it's just a glance.

  But when Bina saw Yu and Mai's loving appearance, Bina finally felt a little pain in her chest...

  "Sister Binay, that elder sister smells like a father!"

  While walking with Ellie on the road, Bina was a little lost when she suddenly heard Ellie's words, and she suddenly came back to her senses.

  Seeing Ellie pointing at a woman, Binay hurriedly looked over.

  What Ellie was referring to was a girl in a blue shirt who was standing in front of a ramen restaurant.

  Because she was facing away from them, Hina couldn't see the girl's face, but her intuition told her that she was a beautiful girl.

  Binay just wanted to ask Ellie, 'She smells like a father', what does this mean?

  But before Binet could speak, Ellie walked towards the girl in the blue shirt.

  "Sister, why does your body smell like my father?"

  Ellie tugged at the corner of the girl in the blue shirt and asked in a milky voice.

  The girl in the blue shirt... Mezuru, who was staring at the ramen restaurant in a daze, was tugged at the corner of her shirt by Ellie, and after asking such a question, Mezuru suddenly returned to her senses and looked down at Ellie slightly.

  "She is... that man, the daughter of Yuu Hibuka?" Mezuru looked at Ellie and thought to herself, frowning slightly. She had investigated Yu, and naturally knew that you had a daughter like Ellie.

  "You know my dad, don't you?" Ellie asked again.

  This girl can be regarded as the incarnation of the golden fruit, and she can naturally feel the breath that Yu has injected into Mezuru's body that makes Mezuru have life.

  It was because of this smell that Ellie could smell Yuu from Mezuru.

  "Well, I know." Mezuru nodded, looking around with her beautiful eyes, she found that Yuu was not there.

  In other words... his daughter is single!

  Is this a godsend?If I catch his daughter, won't that hateful man be caught without his hands?

  Mezuru looked at Ellie with some malicious intent, and she was a little excited at the thought of getting revenge on Yu who had bullied her for so long.

  But Ellie suddenly took her hand and said with a smile, "Sister, are you hungry? Let's go, let's eat ramen!"

  Ellie is a foodie. The breakfast Yu made for her didn't feed her enough. She felt that Mezuru smelled of her own father. Seeing Mezuru staring at the ramen restaurant in a daze, the smart Ellie knew that Mezuru wanted to eat ramen. Then let Mezuru treat her to ramen!

  "Uh...wait, wait a minute!" Mezuru was a little stunned, but Ellie had already forcibly pulled her into the noodle shop with a terrible force!

  This is no less than an adult's strength, which shocked Mezuru and couldn't help but sigh that she is indeed Yu's daughter...

  "Sister Binai, come over to eat too, this elder sister treats you!"

  "…All right."

  Seeing that Ellie suddenly wanted something to eat, Bina smiled slightly and walked into the noodle shop.

Chapter 72 I'm Greed, But Not A Weird

  "I want to eat beef ramen! I also want to add an omelette! I also want a Roujiamo!" Ellie pointed to the menu and said to the waiter in one breath.

  After ordering the food she wanted to eat, Ellie turned her face with a smile, looked at Mezuru who was forcibly pulled in by her and sat next to her, and asked with a smile, "Sister, what about you? What do you want to eat?"

  "I..." Mezuru was actually greedy, but subconsciously she still couldn't accept the desire to eat.

  If Ellie hadn't forcibly pulled her in, she would have taken a look outside the door and planned to leave.

  Moreover, there is one more important thing than what to eat now, she has to make a decision!After all, do you want to kidnap Ellie and threaten Yuu?

  Although Mezuru couldn't wait to vent her anger at Yu, she didn't dare to shoot rashly for a while. After all, no one could guarantee that Yu would come the moment she shoots?

  Mezuru knows that Yuu can 'teleport' through a crack, and it seems that he has the ability to sense, even if others are not there, he can know the situation here...

  "Then, sister is like me, eat beef ramen!" Seeing that Mezuru seemed hesitant, Ellie helped her make a decision, and then asked Binay, who was full for breakfast and was not hungry for a while , so nothing points.

  "By the way, big sister, what's your name?" Ellie didn't insist on letting Hina eat, she suddenly looked at Mezuru and asked.

  "Mezuru." It wasn't that he couldn't say his own name. Mezuru didn't hesitate to tell Ellie her name directly.

  "Mezuru? What a strange name..." Arianu nodded, then smiled and asked, "Mezuru sister, why do you smell like your father? Did you have an affair with your father?"

  "..." Hina always felt that Mezuru's name had been heard somewhere, and suddenly Ellie asked Mezuru such a question, and Hina was completely shocked when she heard it.

  Have a leg?Not to mention where Ellie learned the word, Hina looked at Mezuru with interest after clearing up her emotions.

  This question, she also wanted to know, does this woman named Mezuru really have Yuu's taste?Doesn't that mean...

  "I smell like that guy?" Mezuru's face turned dark, and he sniffed his clothes quickly.

  Because of being given life by Yu, although it is only for seven days, Mezuru has the same sense of smell.

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