"No, if we stay, it may affect your sister Mezuru."

  Binay did not agree to Ellie's willful request, and ran to a safe place with her in her arms.

  At this point, Bina had no grudge against Mezuru. After a short time together, Bina found that Mezuru was pretty good, and she shouldn't have regarded her as an alien.

  "Hand over it, your core coins!" Yummy stood up quickly after being kicked to the ground, and said to Mezuru coldly.

  Mezuru frowned secretly, Yummy's actions were all from the master's intention, this Yummy wanted to collect her core coins, which was ordered by the owner of the purple core coins.

  The problem is, Mezuru can't understand what the owner of the purple core wants her core for?Even if you take her core coins, you can't use them, right?After all, forcibly putting it into the body will only usher in the end of self-destruction.

  Unable to figure it out, Mezuru didn't think much about it, and smiled lightly: "If you want, come and get it! The premise is that you can get it."


  Seeing that Mezuru didn't intend to hand over the core coins obediently, Yummy let out a low growl, and stopped talking, intending to take it by force!

  I saw Yummy open that tyrannosaur-like mouth and spew a huge fireball at Mezuru!

  Seeing this, Mezuru immediately raised his hand and released a jet of water, which collided with Yummy's fireball!

  The collision didn't last long before Mezuru's water column extinguished Yummy's fireball and shot straight at it!

  Yummy was stunned for a moment, but did not expect his attack to be easily resolved by the opponent. Seeing the water column coming towards his face, Yummy quickly recovered and flew into the sky to avoid the water column, and then took advantage of air dominance to continue to the ground. Mezuru spews fireballs.

  Yummy bombarded the sky, Mezuru didn't dodge, he created a few water droplets at will, and resisted the latter's fireball.

  Boom boom boom boom! ! !

  The water droplets collided with the fireballs and exploded one after another. Yummy saw that he could not break through Mezuru when he spewed dozens of fireballs one after another, so he had no choice but to land down and fight Mezuru in close combat.

  With fists as hard as steel, and the Tyrannosaurus tail, Yummy punched Mezuru with a punch, and from time to time, turned around and took the Tyrannosaurus tail and threw it towards Mezuru, but these attacks were blocked by Mezuru!And it's easy to do too!

  "Enough? It's my turn, too." Mezuru smiled, grabbed Yummy's tail and threw it to the ground with force, then added a kick, kicking Yummy who fell to the ground, and fell to the ground. Ten meters away, he even rolled a few times on the ground.

  "How... how is that possible? Why are you so strong?" Yummy stood up a little embarrassedly, looked at Mezuru in horror, and asked.

  "Humph! You're just Yummy after all, and I'm Greeed. I don't even understand that. Are you an idiot?" Mezuru folded his arms and snorted coldly.

  The tone is a little proud, after being suppressed by Yu for so long, today Mezuru finally knows that he is not weak!

Chapter 76 Trembling!the strongest yummy

  Greeed is Yummy's higher existence. In theory, Yummy can never be stronger than Greeed. After all, Yummy is equivalent to a newborn child, while Greeed is a parent.

  But there are exceptions to everything. If the host who produces Yummy has strong desire and desire, he can produce Yummy stronger than Greeed!

  The desire and desire of the purple core coin is 'nothing', so Kiyoto Sanaki was able to make Yummy from inorganic matter~!

  But God once said that all things have spirits, and even inorganic objects, which cannot exist in consciousness, may have desires and desires.

  As for the purple core coin, the Yummy created by the things with desire and desire will not be complete. Only the things that are pure and without the slightest desire and desire can give birth to the strongest Yummy!

  Maki didn't know at this time that among the Yummy he made at random, there was a pure Yummy stronger than his master!

  The appearance of this Yummy is simple, with some characteristics of the dragon. From an intuitive point of view, it is difficult to imagine that it will be stronger than the real wood with nine purple core coins, but in fact, the dragon Yummy has found Ankh and Yingji, And grabbed the core coin from the two with overwhelming force!

  This happened ten minutes before Mezuru and Tyrannosaurus Yummy fought. As usual, Ankh asked Yingji to treat him to a popsicle. Although Ankh got his wish, he had life, and he experienced the joy of having five senses, but the popsicle was still his best. like to eat.

  "Ankh, now I will not only pay you for the popsicles, but also pay for the three meals a day! You know what? I'm so poor now that I only have these underwear!" Yingsi took out his colored underwear, Pathetic said to Ankh.

  "Tsk, humans are really troublesome!" Ankh licked the popsicle in his hand, then pointed to a bank in front and said, "There's a lot of money in there, right? Do you want me to go and get some?"

  "Uh... Mr. Ankh, let me ask you weakly, how are you going to take it?"

  "Of course it's by strength!"

  Ankh said, raised his right hand, and this right hand suddenly became Greeed's right hand.

  "Please, don't do this, it will cause trouble for others!" Yingji grabbed Ankh's right hand, dumbfounded.

  Although Yingji is OOO and possesses unimaginable power, he can walk sideways in this world, but using power to seize what he wants is something that Yingji has never even thought about, and is impossible to think about.

  Oh, no, Yingji doesn't really want anything more than collecting colorful panties right now.

  "Hmph, I'm not allowed to rob it. You're out of money now, so what are we going to eat at night? Do you want me to drink the Northwest Wind?" Ankh grabbed Yingsi's collar a little unhappily and shouted.

  Before being given life by Yu, Ankh naturally didn't need to eat, but now it's different from the past, if you don't eat, you will die!

  "So I propose that we can go to work! And maybe we will also include room and board!"

  "work to earn a living?"

  Ankh froze for a moment, frowned suddenly, and swooped into a Greeed stance.

  "An…Ankh? What do you want to do?"

  Seeing Ankh's sudden transformation, Yingji was taken aback, thinking that Ankh was unwilling to go to work and decided to simply go to the bank to rob.

  "Shut up, something is approaching us!" Ankh glared at Yingji and shouted.

  "Something? What?" Yingsi was wondering when Ankh suddenly raised his head, looked at the roof of the building in front of him, and said, "Come on!"

  I saw this four-storey upstairs, a strange person with the outline of a little wild dragon, standing on the edge of the roof, looking down at Ankh and Yingsi.

  "I found it." The wild dragon Yummy spit out three words from his mouth, then jumped down from the upstairs and kicked Ankh and Yingsi downstairs!

  "Dangerous!" Ankh hurriedly hugged Yingji beside him and evacuated back!

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