"I'm holding on to this monster for now! Before I'm completely finished, you must bring Yui Hibuka over to save me! Do you hear me? Hurry up and leave for me!!"

  Ankh pushed OOO away and rushed towards Yummy, the wild dragon.

  But as a result, the wild dragon Yummy grabbed Ankh's neck again, lifted Ankh easily, and then smashed Ankh to the ground!

  "Ugh!!" Ankh was so sore that he felt like he couldn't hold on anymore and was about to pass out, but before he passed out, he used his last strength to shout, "What are you still doing? Hurry up! Stupid Yingji!!"

  Ankh's last words made OOO grit his teeth, resisting his anger towards the wild dragon Yummy and his inability to save Ankh, so he chose to obey Ankh's words and escaped from here.

  His feet turned into those of locusts, and OOO jumped out of [-] meters, away from the wild dragon Yummy at a very fast speed.

  The wild dragon Yummy has no plans to let OOO go. There are three core coins on OOO's drive that it needs to collect for its owner, Kiyoto Sanmu, but Ankh firmly grabs the wild dragon Yummy's feet and prevents him from chasing him.

  "I can't understand, as a Greeed, why do you do this to a human?" Yummy the wild dragon asked indifferently.

  But Ankh had already fainted by this time, but even so, Ankh's grip on the wild dragon Yummy's feet never let go.

  Of course, Ankh can't limit the wild dragon Yummy's movements at all. As long as he wants to, he can kick Ankh who is holding his own feet away with a slight lift of his feet.

  "Forget it, since you asked OOO to find a helper, he will definitely come back to me to save you! It's not too late to grab his core coins." The wild dragon Yummy said to himself, and put the unconscious Ankh He lifted it up, put it on his shoulder, and then walked towards the northwest.  …

  It can feel that this direction also has the breath of core coins!


  The camera went back to the center of the amusement park, and I saw Mezuru here without a little water, and set off a huge wave of floods, submerging the Tyrannosaurus Yummy in the huge waves!

  When the huge wave passed, water spots were left everywhere, and the Tyrannosaurus Yummy was buried under the flood.

  "Mezuru sister!"

  When the battle was over, Ellie ran over from a distance, threw herself into Mezuru's arms, and said with a smile, "You are too powerful! That bad guy is no match for Mezuru-san at all!"

  "Didn't I let you go? Why are you still here?" Mezuru released his transformation, returned to the appearance of a human girl, and asked with a frown.

  "The child Ellie can't worry about you, so we didn't go far, we were hiding there." Binay walked over and pointed to a safer place in the distance.

  "Compared to this, you quickly take this brat away, what's going on!" Mezuru grabbed the back collar of Ellie's clothes, like carrying a kitten, and sent Ellie into Binet's arms.

  "Is there another bad guy coming? Hey, sister Mezuru can take care of it anyway, right?" Ellie raised her small fist and smiled.

  Mezuru smiled lightly, but did not answer Ellie, and looked into the distance, only to see Yummy, the wild dragon carrying Ankh on his shoulders, appearing in Mezuru's line of sight.

  "Is that guy dead? It's really useless!" Yummy, the wild dragon approaching Mezuru at a very fast speed, muttered in his mouth.

  The guy in its mouth is the Tyrannosaurus Yummy.

  Before rushing 0.4 with Ankh on his back, Yummy the Barbarian Dragon could still feel the breath of the Tyrannosaurus Yummy, but now this breath is no longer felt, and it can naturally guess that the Tyrannosaurus Yummy has been killed.

  "Forget it, this Greeed's core coin will be taken by me." The wild dragon Yummy said coldly when he stopped ten meters away from Mezuru.

  At the same time, OOO rushed to Yu's villa, released OOO's transformation in front of the door, knocked on the villa's door hard, and shouted: "Mr.

  The door opened quickly, but it wasn't Yu that opened it, but Wu.

  "Mr. Huo Ye? Are you looking for Yuu?"

  Because I had met Yingji, Wu knew him.

  "I'm in a hurry! Very, very urgent! Is he at home?" Yingsi asked quickly, but Wu shook his head and said regretfully, "You left just now."

Chapter 78 The Arrival of You

  Although the ability to perceive is an active skill, you can only perceive the situation outside when you turn it on, but without turning it on, Yu noticed an unusual aura!

  And this breath is rapidly approaching Ellie's direction...

  "Ai Li may be in danger, I'll go out." Yu put on her clothes and said to Wu on the bed with a solemn expression.

  But Wu looked at Yu with a half-smile, and said, "Is this really the case? Didn't you tell me that no one in this world can hurt Ellie? Because our daughter has the protection talisman you set on her body." After speaking, Wu then said: "The reason you must go is because of that woman called Mezuru, right?"

  "Who knows?" Yu replied with an ambiguous smile, then lowered his head and kissed Wu's forehead, and said, "Wait for me to come back."

  "Well, be careful." Wu nodded, silently watching Yu open a crack and leave from her eyes.

  "Alas." Wu Cai sighed softly until Yu's figure disappeared from his eyes as the crack closed.

  With this sigh, Mai didn't sigh because Yuu was going to find Mezuru.

  Of course, 19 Yuu's real intention was not for Mezuru, Mai knew that.

  The reason why she said that Yu was looking for Mezuru was actually just to make fun of Yu.

  Mai knows that Yuu is just eager to fight against the strong...

  "Yu, sometimes I really want to be as good as you. That way, I can be your opponent, and you won't feel lonely because you don't have an opponent."

  Lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling, Wu said quietly.

  But knowing that this was impossible, Mai sighed again, got up from the bed, and planned to go to the kitchen to prepare lunch, so that when he came back, he could eat the dishes that he carefully prepared for him.

  Bang bang bang bang-! !

  At this time, there was a hurried knock on the door downstairs, and another shout came in: "Mr. Hibuka! Mr. Hibuka! Are you here?!"

  As the daughter of origin, Mai can also use perception ability, so she knows who is knocking on the door.


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