"..." You mouth twitched slightly, where is this?How could there be no true night in his eyes?Whether in his eyes or in his heart, he pretended to be deeply in love with Ma Ye, but this intention was a little deformed, not a son's pure love for his mother.

  "Before that, Mom, tell me about you first, lest I say it and you go back on it."

  "...Xiaoyou, you have really grown up, and you can even bargain with your mother!"

  "Yeah, so like I was often spanked by you when I was a child, I can now spank you in reverse."


  Hearing Yu's words, Maya rolled her eyes, but when she thought about how embarrassing she would be if she was spanked by her son!

  Ma Ye thought about the picture a little, and her pretty face was suddenly flushed with shame. If it wasn't for the fact that it was late at night and the forest was pitch-dark, Yuu would have been able to see how beautiful her mother was at the moment.

  At this time, Ma Ye didn't know that she would be spanked by Yu on the bed one day...


  On the way back to Torii-zaka, Maya couldn't beat Yuu, so she could only tell Yuu about herself in advance.

  Like the blood-tooth ghosts, he was the former Queen of the blood-tooth ghosts, and the reason why he was hunted by the blood-tooth ghosts, all these things were said, except for the content that Yu deliberately avoided asking, you should know Yes, Yu knows everything now.

  "Mom, you kept these things from me for so long? I'm a little unhappy now." Yu said to Maya, pretending to be sad.

  Zhen Yebai glanced at you, and said angrily: "To each other, don't you have a lot of things to hide from me? No matter how I say it, it's your mother, you didn't mention a word to me, I'm still worried. You will be dragged in, so I specially let you go to Torii Zaka, I knew you would have stayed to protect me!"

  "It's not too late, you stay by my side, I can protect you." You smiled, took Maya's hand, and said.

  "No, I have to save Kivat.Bat.II." Maya shook her head slightly, knowing that Kivat.Bat.II was imprisoned in the blood-tooth ghost family, and Maya couldn't ignore it.

  After all, if Kivat.Bat.II didn't show up in time to save her, she should be the one who was imprisoned in the blood-toothed ghost family at the moment.

  "I'll accompany you." You said, knowing this, he naturally couldn't let Ma Ye go to the Tooth Vampire clan alone.Moreover, he also wanted to know whether this half-blooded race even existed, such a powerful tooth blood ghost like himself.


  517 To Yu's surprise, Maya refused him without even thinking about it.

  Ma Ye's beautiful eyes were uneasy, looked at You, and said: "To be honest, Xiao You, I don't want to involve you now, just like Bishop said just now, depending on you alone... Even if you have a dark Kiva Power, it is difficult to successfully save the Second World from the blood-tooth ghost clan that gathered hundreds of thousands..."

  "Maye is right, although I also really want you to help me save my father, but if possible, you'd better not interfere in this matter! As the only strongest demon surviving in this era, Tooth Blood The ghost family is far from being as simple as you think."

  Kivat.Bat.III, who had been silent on Yuu's shoulders, suddenly spoke up in agreement with Maiya.

  It and Maya have already made up their minds, they're dead minds!But Yu obviously didn't, and it seemed that Yu didn't even know how powerful the blood-tooth clan was.In this case, neither Kivat.Bat.III nor Maya, who loves Yu very much, do not want Yu to come in at risk.


  Being underestimated, and still her own mother, Yu felt a little unhappy.

  Although he didn't know how strong the blood-toothed ghosts were, Yuu didn't think that there really was an individual or group in this world that could knock him down.

  "Okay, Mom, and you little guy." You glanced at Ma Ye and Ⅲ, and said solemnly: "Go to a place with me, I will let you understand, my true power!"

  After the words fell, Yu raised his hand and swiped in the void in front of him, and the space suddenly cracked a crack leading to Heim's underworld!

Chapter 23 The Forest of Heim Underworld

  "How is this possible? The space is... actually torn apart?!"

  Seeing Yu casually opening a crack in the air, Kivat.Bat.III suddenly cried out in shock, her eyes, which were already big enough, opened wider now.

  "...This is the ability to control space!" Maya took a breath and said, a fair and slender jade hand slowly covered her seductive red lips, her plump breasts undulating slightly, and her beautiful eyes were very surprised. Looking at his son, he didn't expect Xiaoyou to even learn the ability to manipulate space...

  But thinking about it carefully, Maya felt that this was also a matter of course, after all, at that time, Yuu was able to manipulate the space at will.

  Although Maya had always hoped that Yuu could stay away from disputes and live as carefree as an ordinary person, Yuu is a 'God' after all!It was the man who made Maya understand what it means to be strong and made her fall in love with her [-] years ago!

  "Mom, and the little guy, if you are already surprised now, then what I am going to show next may completely refresh your cognition."

  "Xiaoyou, it seems that you really hid a lot of things from your mother!" Surprised but surprised, but now, Ma Ye was struggling with this, Mei Mu looked at her son with some resentment.

  "Uh... No, I'm going to tell Mom everything, everything I have." You Qing smiled, not giving Maya a chance to teach herself, and hurriedly held her fair jade hand, and said, "Let's go, go inside, I'll take you to see the scenery of another world."

  The so-called other world naturally refers to the Forest of the Underworld of Heim!

  As an 'invader' in the world of Kaiwu, the plants in the underworld of Heim are absolutely terrifying existences!Because they have the ability to reproduce indefinitely, even if only a little grows on the earth, it only takes a few decades to grow to the extent that it covers the entire earth!Then, the civilization of the earth will be destroyed, and even in this environment, most of the life on the earth will have no possibility of survival!

  But it is such a terrible plant, and its appearance is still good as a flower and grass.

  And the forest of Heim Underworld, which is spread all over these plants, seems to be a paradise, and the scenery is very good.

  "Xiaoyou, this... what exactly is this place?"

  Let's not talk about the scenery of Heim Underworld Forest for a while, the first reaction of Ma Ye and the little guy when they saw this forest was shock!Because when I came in, it was still night outside, but this forest...it was day!

  "'Heim Underworld', this is the name of this world, and it is also my back garden." You Dan smiled, the word 'back garden' is very appropriate, because Yu who got the golden fruit was already the master here. !

  "Heim Underworld..." Maya recited these four words silently in her heart. This was an existence she had never heard of before...

  "Wow! It's really night! Xiaoyou! Help!!"

  Suddenly, the screams of the third generation came over...

  I saw this little guy was bound by a vine and fell to the ground struggling desperately, shouting for help.

  Because this little guy was curious about the plants in Heim's Underworld Forest, he flapped a pair of small wings and flew to the side of the plant while Ma Ye was talking to Yu. A shameful bundle play.

  "Xiaoyou, do the plants here still move?"

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