Yudao didn't feel tired, although the most tired of men and women love this kind of thing should be him as the main output, but since getting the golden fruit, his already strong body has become even more powerful!

  Today's Yu, even if she doesn't sleep for seven days and seven nights, doesn't feel a little tired.

  Looking at the sleeping Medusa, You smiled, lowered her head slightly, kissed her on the forehead lightly, then pulled the quilt over her and left her room.

  Coincidentally, as soon as Yuu came out of Medusa's room, she saw Ma Ye coming out of another room...

  Thinking of what Medusa said last night, Yu felt a little embarrassed when she saw Ma Ye at the moment.

  What strong X?Is this your favorite mom?Although...even though I didn't think about it before...

  "Xiaoyou, good morning." Ma Ye had already packed up her emotions, and now seeing that You was coming out of Medusa's room, she just smiled and said good morning.

  "Morning." Seeing that Ma Ye's mood seemed to be getting better, Yu quickly adjusted her mood and stopped thinking about those dirty things, followed by saying Zao, and then asked, "Mom, did you sleep well last night?"

  "Well, it's okay." Zhenye nodded and smiled: "Xiaoyou, last night I dreamed about your naughty look when you were a child, which made me wake up laughing."

  "Uh...Mom, I shouldn't be naughty when I was young, right?"

  "What's not naughty? You were naughty at that time!"


  "Of course it's true, does mom still lie to you?"

  "Okay, just treat it as true." Yu Wei shook his head with a wry smile, then put on a serious face and changed the subject: "Mom, after breakfast, let's go."

  "...Do you have to go?" At this time, Maya was still a little worried, because she really valued Yuu too much. Even though Yuu had already proved her strength to her, she would go to the Blood Demons to save Kivat.Bat.Ⅱ World, this is a very dangerous thing anyway, and no one can guarantee [-]% success.

  If it fails, Ma Ye will be fine, and the big deal will die, but if something happens to You, Ma Ye may go crazy...

  "Mom, why are you asking this now?" You smiled and said to Zhenye with a serious face: "As I said, I will protect you! Even if it is Longtan Tiger Cave, I will definitely accompany you to go there. ."

  "...Little You." Ma Ye's heart was moved when she heard Yu's words, Mei Mu looked at her son tightly, and her eyes were full of gratitude.

  "Okay, let's go to breakfast, I think you are also very worried about that Kivat.Bat.II? After eating, we will go to rescue it." Yu said, pulling Ma Ye's soft jade hand to the restaurant.

  Wu got up early in the morning, as if to show her good performance in front of her future mother-in-law, Wu, the daughter-in-law, prepared a delicious breakfast for Mayo.

  Seeing that Yura brought Maye over, Wu hurriedly greeted Maye, and then specially served Maye to take a seat. During this period, she glared at Yuu with anger in her eyes without a trace.

  Yu was helpless about this, and knew why Wu was staring at herself.

  There is no reason for it, Yuu had sex with Mezuru, Medusa, and dance last night, and she could feel it naturally in her own room.

  Because of the golden fruit, as long as Yuu has sex with a woman, even if it's not her, Mai can feel the same way...

  By the way, Ellie was born under the 'spiritual relationship' like Yuuwa Mai.


  After breakfast, Yu told Yu Wu about going to the Tooth Vampire clan before going out with Maya.

  Wu wasn't worried, and she didn't know what the blood-toothed ghost clan was. Yin You didn't elaborate. Anyway, she believed that You could come back safely, so that's no problem.

  "By the way, Mom, where in Japan are the Tooth Blood Ghosts?"

  After leaving the door, Yu asked.

  Yuu still doesn't know, where in Japan is the headquarters of the Tooth Vampire clan located?

  "It's in Tokyo! It's a very secret place in Tokyo that most people can't get in."

  Just as Maya was about to answer, a small bat flew onto Yuu's shoulder and said in front of Maya.

  "In Tokyo? Isn't that very close to our house?" Yu was slightly surprised. After all, he and Maya's home was in Tokyo. If the blood-toothed ghost family was his mother's enemy, then his mother should take him away from Tokyo, Wouldn't it be safer to live abroad?

  "Xiaoyou, actually... Before the previous king died, the blood-toothed ghost family wouldn't embarrass us, so we were safe in Tokyo..." As if he knew what Yu was thinking at the moment, Maya explained.

  "Ex-King?" Hearing these words, Yuu felt a little uncomfortable.

  Subconsciously, he felt that his mother had some emotional disputes with this ex-King.

  After all, Yuu knew that Ma Ye was the former Queen of the Tooth Vampire clan...

  Well, Yu is jealous, but the object of his jealousy is obviously wrong. If he really wants to say, Yu should eat his own jealousy.

  There was nothing to say all the way, Yu was eating sullenly alone, while Maya was thinking about the countermeasures against the blood-toothed ghost family.

  Maybe, there will be a fierce battle soon, and Maya has to be careful.

  Oh, because he was going back to Tokyo by train, Kivat.Bat.III, who talked a lot, could only act as a 'toy' in Yu's arms in a crowded train. He could neither speak nor move. It's quite uncomfortable, but it's not that I can't stand it. It's just that the child sitting next to you seems to be looking at it with malicious eyes, like a bear child seeing a playful toy...

  As for why take the train?In Maye's words, taking the train back can avoid the eyeliner of the Tooth Blood Demons.

  Although, Yuno took Maya directly back to Tokyo through the 'crack', but since Maya wants to take the train, let's take the train.

  At the same time, in a certain video studio in East 1.3 Beijing, a beautiful model who is currently in the red is taking a photo.

  "Yes, it feels good, just smile a little more!"

  "That's it, Xiaohui is amazing! Your smile is so beautiful!"

  The cameraman's words of praise kept pouring into the ears of Megumi, Megumi Aso, but now Megumi just wanted to quickly end the shooting so that she could do her real work.

  model?This is just a superficial identity, in fact, Megumi Aso is a blood-toothed ghost hunter!

  From the organization, the Supreme Blue Sky Club, Hui has already learned the location of a blood-tooth ghost, and plans to deal with the blood-tooth ghost after the photo shoot.

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