Seeing Rinko agree, the man smiled, put away the gun, and then took Rinko to a sparsely populated path.

  Several other men walked behind, and they were careful not to put their guns away in order to prevent Rinko from escaping.

  Rinko didn't care about this, and followed the group all the way to an abandoned warehouse.

  Here, there are nearly thirty people gathered, and each one looks like those villains!Seeing Rinko being brought in, these villains all showed smiles looking at the lamb.

  "Is that her? That section leader of the Metropolitan Police Department's Search Section [-], who recently made a name for herself here in Toriizaka?"

  "Well, it's her! It is said that in the past year, this woman has arrested many criminals like us after she became the head of the section, and was called a hero by the local citizens!"

  "Hero? Is it this woman?"

  "Don't underestimate her just because she's a woman! There has never been a shortage of women who are stronger than men in history! And I heard... this woman is a 'magician' who can use strange powers!"

  "Hehe, stop joking, how can there be such a surreal thing as a 'magician' in the world? Let me tell you, even those so-called 'weird people', I don't really believe that they really exist!"

  "Hey, don't you think it's boring to talk about this kind of thing? Isn't the point why Boss insists on seeing her? Look, this woman is very good-looking! Sure enough, Boss wants... hehe..."

  "You are very lewd, little brother."

  In the abandoned warehouse, several men gathered to drink, looked at Rinko who was brought in, and talked eloquently.

  In addition to them, other people in the abandoned warehouse are also talking about Rinko, and what doesn't care about the discussion is Rinko's influence in Toriizaka as the section leader of the search section.

  Of course, there are also some lecherous people who talk about vulgar language. There is no need to elaborate on this. Let’s get down to business. The boss of this group of outlaws, Mr. Anglo, stood in front of Rinko.

  "First time meeting, Section Chief, I think it's not necessary for us to introduce each other, right? You must have fully understood my information before coming to the long game, so I'll go straight to the topic, I'll let you They brought you here specially to discuss cooperation with you, do you understand what I mean?" Mr. Anglo said with a smile, as the leader of a criminal gang, he is well aware of the benefits of cooperation between officials and bandits!

  "The little girl is not talented, so she doesn't understand Mr. Anglo's meaning very well." Rinko shook her head slightly, and said with some regret.

  "Really? Then I'll just say it directly?"

  "No, I'm not interested in hearing you go on..." Rinko smiled and took out a gun from her clothes!Quickly loaded, and pointed the muzzle at Mr. Anglo, he said solemnly: "Anglo, a first-class national criminal! I want to arrest you!!"

  Following Rinko's actions, everyone in the field drew their guns and pointed at Rinko.

  "Don't move! Otherwise, I don't mind letting your boss's heads bloom!" Rinko said coldly. Now she is not the new policewoman who met Yu for the first time, but has grown enough to be a heroic policeman on her own!


  Strange things happened, and in this situation, everyone in the field, including Anglo, who was pointed at the gun, laughed.

  "What are you laughing at?" Rinko's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and she looked at Anglo with cold eyes, feeling that things were not simple.

  "I laugh at you being stupid!" Anglo shouted, taking a sudden step forward!

  With his move, Rinko subconsciously pulled the trigger and fired a shot!

  boom--! !


  The bullet hit Anglo's chest, but it was the sound of the bullet hitting the iron plate!

  Is he wearing a body armor?

  This idea instantly appeared in Rinko's mind, Rinko quickly stepped back, but Anglo who stepped forward had already raised his right foot and kicked Rinko fiercely!

  Rinko hurriedly crossed, trying to block Anglo's kick, but the block was blocked, but Rinko was kicked away and hit the cargo box behind!

  "Little ones! Catch this woman! She has a very important use value for us!!" Anglo said loudly.

  Hearing Boss's words, more than thirty people in the field rushed to Rinko!In an instant, Rinko was surrounded!

  "5.7 was careless, I didn't expect that Anglo was actually wearing a body armor... I knew that he was really shot in the head!" Rinko said helplessly, and Mei Mu immediately looked at the thirty-odd people.

  If it were an ordinary woman, faced with this situation, she might have been frightened and fooled, right?But there was no trace of fear at all from Rinko's beautiful face!

  After all, of course, Rinko has no need to be afraid at all.

  I saw that Rinko took out a blue magic ring, put it on the middle finger of the left hand, and put it on the lower abdomen!


  The radio is on!At the same time, a driver suddenly appeared on Rinko's waist!


  Rinko's left hand wearing the ring touched the sensor device of the drive, and a blue magic circle suddenly appeared and passed through in front of Rinko!

  The moment the magic circle passed through, Rinko had transformed into a water magician, Mage!

Chapter 42 You... Are You Really Yu's Mother?

  Without exception, these outlaws all opened their eyes wide!I can't believe it, Rinko actually... transformed? !

  "The rumors are true! This woman is... 'Magician'!!"

  The extremely shocked voice echoed throughout the abandoned warehouse, and the eyes of this group of outlaws looking at Rinko were full of surprise!

  Under their astonished eyes, Rinko, who became Mage, took out a magic ring, put it on the index finger of her right hand, and touched the sensor device of the driver on her waist to use magic!


  The radio is on!A drowsy magic burst out from Rinko's right hand wearing the ring, causing the group of outlaws who surrounded her to fall into a deep sleep!

  "What? You... what's wrong with you?!"

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