"Is it just reluctance? Disappointed... No, now is not the time to say this, Yuu, you... you bastard! I almost got hit just now, are you trying to kill me?"

  Rinko landed and saw that the power of the pillar of fire was so terrifying that it not only burned down a 897-meter-long road, but almost burned down the mountain?While Rinko was sweating for herself, she did not forget to complain to Yu, but her heart was full of doubts, how could the flame in Wizard's 'Flame[-].Dragon' form have such high power?

  "Did I say so? I didn't intend to show mercy." You said solemnly, took out a card from the card box, quickly inserted it into the drive, and summoned the Wizard's weapon - the magic gun and sword in his hand!

  In gun mode, Yuu fired five shots at Rinko in a row, firing five silver bullets in a row!

  Seeing this, Rinko also took out the magic spear and sword, quickly switched to sword mode, and blocked all the oncoming bullets!

  But after the bullet was blocked, Yuu's figure disappeared from sight!

  "Huh? What about people?"

  "Behind you!"

  Yuu's voice suddenly came from behind, Rinko was stunned for a moment, and before she had time to turn around, she only felt that her back had been slashed by a sword!


  In other words, the day after tomorrow is actually Yu's birthday, and Ma Ye went out on purpose today, and didn't tell Yu where she was going, just to prepare a surprise birthday present for Yu.

  The year before, Ma Ye did not celebrate the birthday of his beloved son because he avoided the pursuit of the Fangire family. This year, Ma Ye intends to compensate Yuu well.

  However, when Ma Ye came to the mall, she was worried, because of the dazzling variety of products, she was confused about what to buy as a gift to Yu?

  Although Ma Ye as a mother knew very well what Yuu liked, Yuu actually had all the things Yuu liked that you could buy in the market.

  Therefore, Mayo is now so entangled as it is now, I don't know what to give...


  After thinking about it for a while, Maya suddenly recalled the scene of her first meeting with Yu twenty years ago, her eyes fixed on a musical instrument store.

  To be precise, it was fixed on a violin that the musical instrument store used as a signboard.

  "Speaking of which, Xiaoyou hasn't played the violin at home for a long time. Presumably the tone has not been maintained for such a long time, and it is no longer good. You should buy a new one for Xiaoyou."

  Thinking in her heart, Ma Ye decided to buy a new violin, so she walked into the musical instrument store with a smile, carefully selected it, and bought a violin with a sound that was very suitable for Yuyu to play.

  On the way home, Maya stroked the violin case in her hand and smiled contentedly, knowing that Yuu would definitely like it.

  But suddenly...

  "Don't come here! Help... help!!"

  A panicked cry for help came.

  Maya was stunned for a moment, turned to look at the source of the sound, and saw a girl about fifteen, sixteen or seven years old sitting on the ground in horror, her legs were shaking constantly, her face was full of fear, just because in front of her, a thought was standing there. The freaks who are going to eat her!

  The strange person who appeared in this city was naturally Fangire. Seeing that Fangire had summoned two fangs and was about to absorb the girl's life, a bat the size of a slap suddenly flew out and slammed into the ground with its petite body. On Fangire, the huge Fangire was knocked back a few steps!

  "Stop it, if you don't want to die." The violin-playing Maya stood in front of the girl, her beautiful eyes coldly looking at Fangire, who was knocked back a few steps by the bat-Kivat.Bat.III, and lightly opened her red lips. .

  "Have you heard what Maya said? If you don't want to die, just stop and get out of here!" Shishi III flew to the piano case that Maya was carrying, and said very arrogantly.

  "Woman, how dare you? Do you know who I am..." Before he could finish speaking, Fangire showed a surprised expression, looked at Ma Ye carefully, and then smiled: "Are you the former Queeen? Hahahaha! The new King is dark. Lord Ya once said that as long as whoever arrests you, he will be rewarded handsomely! I didn’t expect you to be met by me, it really takes no effort!!”

  "...What are you talking about? Dark Fang is already dead." Hearing Fangire's words, the third generation suddenly showed a speechless expression.

  Although this little guy is a bat, his facial expressions are very rich, and his speechless expressions are well done.

  "What are you kidding? Lord Dark Fang is the strongest King in history, how could he have died?" Fangire didn't know what happened to their clan yesterday, he had been away from the clan for a few months, so naturally he wouldn't believe III In the world, especially since he has seen the powerful strength of the dark teeth!

  Ma Ye probably guessed that this Fangire was not in the clan yesterday, so I ignored him for now, helped the girl up, and said softly to her: "It's all right, run away."

  "But... what about you, sister?"

  It seems to be a good-hearted girl, she didn't think about running away just because she was rescued.

  "Big sister is fine, big sister is not afraid of this weird person." Maya chuckled lightly, patted the girl's head, and then emphasized it again, telling her to run away.

  The girl knew that staying by herself would only cause trouble to Maya, so she nodded, obediently fled to a safe place.

  Fangire is not chasing, his current target is Ma Ye!

  Ma Ye knew this very well. Since Fangire didn't cherish her life and stepped back obediently, she had no choice but to knock him down!

  "Life III." Mayo put down the violin and stretched out Bai Nen's right hand.

  "Come on, I'll bite!" III World flew over quickly, bit Ma Ye's hand lightly, and injected the power of the Demon King!

  I saw the lines of Fangire's transformation appear on Ma Ye's beautiful face, and the chains gathered in front of the waist turned into a kiva belt.

  Put the little bat in the belt and hang it upside down, and in the sound of sound waves, Ma Ye turned into a kiva!


  The girl's name is Nomura Shizuka. She is Tou's childhood sweetheart on TV, but due to Yuu in the past, the world of kiva has undergone tremendous changes. First of all, Tou is an impossible character, and Shizuka is naturally just an ordinary girl who does not know Tou.

  Closer to home, after listening to Ma Ye's words, Shizuka fled to a safe place, but she was very worried about Ma Ye who stayed there, so she hurriedly took out her mobile phone and prepared to call the police.

  But at this moment, a man appeared in front of her.

  "What's wrong? Why do you look anxious? Need help?"

  The man asked, but realized that a stranger suddenly came to a girl and asked such a thing would look suspicious, so he added by the way: "I'm not a suspicious person, my name is Go Keisuke."

Chapter 45 Kamen Rider ixa

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