Wearing a red cloak, the color of the eyes of the third generation has changed to color, and the golden armor is all over the body. This is the true posture of Kiva - the form of the demon emperor!

  By the way, if Heisei has a ranking of who is the strongest in the basic form of the main knight, then Kiva should be ranked first, because in the true sense, the Demon King Kiva is the basic form of Kiva.

  "Wow! Xiaoyou, I can feel an incredible force pouring out of my body!" Shishi III exclaimed.

  Yu just smiled, shook his right hand slightly, and walked towards Abel.

  "What a handsome change! Is this golden posture telling me that you are the King? You bastard! The only one who can become a King is Abel!!" He rushed towards Yu, and slammed into it with his sturdy body!

  "Don't interpret other people's thoughts without authorization! The mere King, I don't have the slightest interest!" You said coldly, slightly raised his right hand, and directly blocked Abelu who was rushing over!Immediately, he clenched his fist with his left hand and slammed it hard on Abel's abdomen!


  This was just an ordinary punch, but it was powerful enough to kill, causing Abelu to groan in pain, and his body flew out, hitting a wall directly and knocking it down.

  "Cough...cough! As expected of the person who was chosen to become Kiva, I completely underestimated you!" Abelu coughed a few times, stood up against the wall that he had knocked down, and then rushed again. Yuu!

  However, the result was still the same. Even though Abelu increased his strength and speed and rushed to Yuu and threw a few punches, he was easily blocked by Yuu without exception, and when Yu counterattacked, he simply threw a punch. he flies...

  "Damn! Die for me!!"

  Abel fell to the ground and rolled for a few laps, then stood up quickly, and immediately spewed five bullets from his mouth in a row towards Yu!

  Yu didn't resist. After all, he could use his god's body to eat Abel's light bullet without any damage before he transformed. Now he has become the Demon King Kiva. With the Demon King Kiva's defensive power, he is even more unstoppable. , or the need to dodge.

  Bang bang bang bang! ! !

  The moment the light bomb hit Yuu, there was an explosion!Taking advantage of this moment, Aberu rushed to Yu's back at full speed, and at the same time released the power of his whole body and gathered his fists, and then hit Yu's back with all his might!

  "How's it going? I won! Even if you are not afraid of my light bullets, if I strike with all my strength, even that Rook will die!!" In an instant it was gone, and all that remained was endless fear.

  "What did you just do?"

  Yu asked indifferently, he had taken Abelu's full blow, and he was not even knocked back, just like a tumbler standing in place.

  And Yuu's words instantly made Abelu realize how weak he was in front of this man...

  Is what Red Lotus said true?This man really has the power to kill Dark Fang!

  "What are you kidding me! I don't want to believe such a fact!!" Abelu cried out in a broken voice, kicking Yuu weakly, but Yuyou kicked him out at a faster speed. !

  "Although I didn't have any expectations for you, you are... too weak, aren't you?" Yu said with a slight disappointment.

  Although Abel is definitely one of the strongest in Fangire, he is indeed too weak for Biyu, as weak as a Shuka fighter...

Chapter 64 The Man Who Lost Everything

  He couldn't even enjoy the pleasure of fighting, and Yuu didn't want to waste time playing with Abel.


  Touching the 'Demon Emperor Dragon Tatsulot' wristband worn on the left wrist, the electronic sound immediately sounded, and bright red light suddenly appeared on Yuu's feet!

  These rays of light are the energy products of the demonic emperor's power. I saw that the rays of light formed a pair of blood-colored bat wings like scythes on Yu's feet!

  This is exactly the prelude to Demon King Kiva's slay--the prelude to 'Emperor Moon Break'!Next, just kick the enemy with your foot!

  "You... what do you want to do?"

  Abel, who was kicked a few meters away, quickly got up from the ground and adjusted his posture, but when he saw the demon power bursting out of Yu's feet, he felt the fear of death, so he asked in a trembling voice.

  Yuu did not give Abelu an answer, but slowly stepped forward, shortening the distance between him and Abelu, and then accelerated sharply, rushing in front of Abelu in an instant at a speed close to invisible to the naked eye!

  "Stop! I was wrong! I was really wrong!! I won't worry about King's position anymore, please let me go!!"

  At this time, Abelu instinctively asked for mercy in order to survive. This may have been something he could never have imagined an hour ago. He was so high-spirited that 530 would become so humble in order to survive...

  "It's a shame, you can give up your self-esteem in order to survive, useless guy." Seeing Aberu like this, Gulian who was present couldn't help but scolded secretly, and then her beautiful eyes turned to Yuu.

  "Since I know I'm wrong, then I should apologize to you with death." You heard the cold voice, raised her right foot, and Huang Yuepo's blow hit Abelu's chest ruthlessly!The huge destructive force instantly destroyed the cells of Abelu's entire body, so that Abelu couldn't even scream, his body solidified into glass, and then shattered and died!

  Guren frowned slightly, not because of Abel's death, but because of Yuu's decisive killing.

  Even if the enemy begged for mercy, he didn't hesitate even for a second, this man was still so cruel...

  "Miss Honglian, you look at me with such 'fiery' eyes, are you fascinated by me, the enemy who killed my father?" He transformed into a frivolous tone and asked with a smile.

  "Maybe, no matter what it is, you have the charm to fascinate us women." Red Lotus lightly stroked her hair and said with a light smile.

  "Really? If you answer so honestly, even I would be shy." Yu said modestly, walked up to Guren, put away her joking expression, and said to Guren in a low voice, "I want to If you want to take revenge for Anya, I welcome you at any time, but if you really do it, I might take anger at Shenyang."

  "What did you say? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with Shenyang, right?!" Red Lotus bit her teeth, her beautiful eyes glaring at Yu in front of her with anger, and she shouted tenderly.

  In fact, when Yu didn't enter the Fangire clan some time ago, Red Lotus didn't like the Queen of Shenyang very much, because Shenyang's character was too weak.

  But it was such a weak woman who stood up to protect her from the demon king Yuu at that time...

  Since then, Gulian has fallen deeply in love with Shenyang.

  Wait, don't think blindly, this kind of liking is just an ordinary woman's liking for her best friend. Red Lotus' sexual orientation is normal. If Yuu is not her father's enemy, then Yu is definitely her ideal husband. .


  "Hehe, as long as you are just like Shen Yang and be a little bit more obedient, I won't do anything to her." You chuckled, looking at Hong Lian, whose face became aggrieved, she knew that she knew if she messed up. If there would be any consequences, he didn't say anything more and said, "Say hello to Shenyang for me, I should go back too."

  "Humph! How can I say hello to you? Go away! The farther away the better!!"

  This kind of words, Red Lotus did not have the courage to say it face to face, only cursed inwardly.

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