Massive energy gathers under Evolto's feet, and a dark air current surrounds them!This is the airflow formed by compressing the black hole, and the destructive power is enough to shatter the leather (fog) armor of most knights in the final form!

  If this blow was on Bernardo, the result would be self-evident!

  However, before Evolto kicked this blow, the surrounding space suddenly lost its gravity, and even Evolto floated up, frozen in mid-air!

  This is due to Bernardo's ability. Bernardo seized this opportunity and gathered the energy of his entire body in his hand to form a ten-meter-long light spear, which he slashed towards Evolto in the form of slashing!

  Because the surrounding gravity was deprived, Evolto could not physically evade Bernardo's attack, and could only pull out a short sword that was equipped with him to block!

  In fact, Evolto could have used the black hole to instantly leave the space deprived of gravity by Bernardo, but he didn't do it because he didn't think it was necessary.

  And precisely because of this careless thought, he was caught in the gap by Bernard, opened his dagger, and pierced the light spear through his abdomen in one fell swoop, together with the drive...

  "This... how is this possible?!"

  "Once we humans feel that the victory is in our hands, we will inevitably become underestimated! It seems that you have similarities with us humans in this matter!" Bernard said sarcastically, with a hint of weakness in his voice. And the light spear in her hand completely turned into light and disappeared because the energy was exhausted.

  In contrast, Bernardo's body slowly began to vanish as it consumed energy beyond its limits...

  But she succeeded in taking down Evolto, the huge black hole that swallowed Mars and the 'Tower of Destruction' completely disappeared, this is the proof!So she laughed softly, although the price was her own life.

  "Human? Hehe... This is really an interesting creature! In the future, I must study the existence of human beings!" Evolto smiled bitterly, looking down at the completely scrapped Evolto drive. He really didn't expect that he would There was a rollover day.

  "You have no future, as I said, you will be buried here with me!" Looking at Evolto, who was about to explode, Bernardo smiled.

  "Is that really the case? I'm sorry to tell you, I won't die so easily!" Evolto said, not showing fear at all because of death, but his voice was unusually calm.

  Evolto is not a cat and has no nine lives. Although he does want GG, as he said, he will not die so easily!

  I saw that he threw away the box used to start the 'Tower of Destruction', and exiled the source of his life - the 'genetic factor' from the body, and lodged it on the box.

  next moment!

  boom--! !

  Evolto's entire body turned into a violent explosion and disappeared in front of Bernardo!

  Seeing Evolto's body shattering with the explosion, Bernardo was a little relieved, but Evolto's last words had to let her care, plus the box that Evolto deliberately threw open before he died...


  When Bernardo looked at the box that fell on the ground, she clearly saw that a lump of red liquid got into the box!

  Is it some kind of ability of Evolto?Could it be... he can be resurrected in the future?

  "Damn it! I will never let you succeed!!" Thinking of this possibility, Bernardo couldn't allow it.

  Evolto, who killed her people, was not punished by true death, how could she be willing?

  Bernardo wanted to destroy the box directly, but his body had completely turned into light, and it became impossible to even touch the box.

  However, Bernardo is not completely helpless. Although she really has no way to destroy the box at this time, the golden bracelet she wears on her right hand can save her soul!

  As long as someone picks up this bracelet in the future, she will be able to wake up by attaching to that person!

  Although the human beings on Mars have been wiped out by Evolto, but... Mars is not without alien life visits, just like the big brother fifteen years ago...

  I remember he said that he came from the blue star called Earth, and it doesn't seem to be too far away from Mars...

  I really hope to see you again... Big brother.

Chapter 2 Are you an angel? !

  It has been ten years since the 'Sky Wall Massacre' caused by the discovery of Pandora's Box on Mars!In the past ten years, Japan has been divided into three major regions, the Eastern Capital, the Western Capital, and the Northern Capital because of the 'wall of the sky', and the world has been plunged into chaos!


  At this time, it was [-]:[-] noon, and in an uninhabited corner of the Eastern Capital, a silver light curtain connecting this world and that world suddenly appeared here!

  at the same time--


  Two figures came out of the light curtain, and they were the mother and son of Yuu and Maya.

  Oh, and Kivat.Bat.II and III, these two little bats.

  "Xiaoyou, is this another world? Why doesn't it look different from our world?"

  The person who spoke was III, perhaps because it was not the same as what he imagined before he came, so he stood on Yu's left shoulder and asked a little depressed.

  "Idiot! How could it not be different? Look up and see what that is?! God, how could there be such a thing in our world!!"

  The one who answered III was II who was standing on Yuu's right shoulder.

  Hearing Shishi II's shocked voice, everyone looked up in the direction it said.

  Even Yu was slightly shocked when he saw the high wall - the 'wall of the sky', not only because the wall was absurdly high, but also because through the detection of divine power, he found that the material constituting the wall was actually not of earth...

  From outside the earth?

  Yuu pondered for a while, that's all he thought.

  "Xiaoyou, is that a wall? Why is there such a high wall surrounding the city?"

  World III flapped a pair of small wings and flew into the air. Seeing that the wall actually covered the entire city, it asked in surprise.

  "Who knows? Although I brought you to this world, it's my first time here, just like you." You shrugged slightly, after all, he's not omnipotent, and he couldn't possibly know where he came for the first time. What the hell is this 'wall of the sky'?

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