
  "Wait, I know you want to thank me, but you don't have to say it!"

  Rento Gongsuke interrupted Dalang, and the corners of Dalang's mouth twitched slightly.

  However, with one more person to protect him, he can also have more peace of mind.

  Only today, he doesn't want to be ruined by others.


  The crowd followed Da Lang to the mall, only to see Da Lang bought a bunch of gifts with the wages he earned, and asked the four to escort him to the orphanage.

  "It's Christmas, go to the orphanage? Does he want to be Santa Claus and deliver gifts to children?"

  You Gang thought so, only to hear Da Lang say to himself: "You must be very strange, why am I trying so hard to make money to buy these things."

  "I am an orphan who grew up in an orphanage, and Christmas gifts are a gift of hope for us orphans." Da Lang's face was both bitter and full of happiness, and he continued: "When I grow up, I want to make myself also I brought hope to the children of the orphanage, but it backfired. I brought a lot of trouble to the dean and the orphanage, and I became someone who couldn't fight with hope. But today, only on Christmas Day, I can become someone's hope!"

  After listening to Dalang, the four of them and even Yuu were moved.

  Unexpectedly, he was desperately trying to make money for the sake of his children...

  "I see, this is Gate's hope?"

  Suddenly, everyone walked to a deserted street, and a cold voice came from above.

  Everyone looked up and saw a bird-shaped monster with a big sword and a red body standing on the edge of the upstairs.


  "Oh, it's the Phantom! My food! I finally got you!"

  Nito Gongsuke grinned and used the ring on his right hand to materialize the driver: "Driver · On! (Driver · On)"

  "Transform... into!"

  The golden magic circle swept over the body of Ninto Gongsuke, and at the same time that the magic circle passed through, Ninto Gongsuke's appearance has transformed into a magician with golden armor - Beast (beast)!

  The Phoenix is ​​a strong enemy, and Rinto Gongsuke alone may not be able to handle it. Yuu did not neglect, and with a 'transformation', he inserted the drawn card into the card slot of the drive, and instantly turned into a Decade!

  "Li, Rinko, take care of Mr. Dalang." Decade turned around and said to the two girls, then took out the sword and spear and switched it to spear mode.

  Lift it up, and without aiming, pull the trigger on the phoenix standing upstairs.


  The bullet burst out of the gun chamber and hit the phoenix's heart accurately.

  However, for the phoenix that was reborn from the ashes, this attack...


  The Phoenix smiled, jumped down from the upstairs, suddenly accelerated, passed in front of Beast and Decade, and came to the two women and Da Lang.

  So fast!

  Li and Rinko are women after all, and Dalang is just an ordinary person, facing the phoenix at close range, he was stunned for a while.


  The phoenix snorted coldly, suddenly raised its right foot, and kicked Dalang's abdomen!

  A strong kick is terrifying for humans.

  Da Lang flew out of ten meters, fell on the ground fiercely, and screamed in pain in his abdomen: "Ah !!!"

  If it weren't for the phoenix controlling the strength, Dalang, an ordinary human, would definitely not be able to withstand the phoenix's kick.

  After all, it is the Gate, so the Phoenix naturally cannot kill him directly.

  However, Li and Rinko are different.

  "You two, it's an eyesore!" The Phoenix raised the big sword in his hand, and was about to slash it down with a single strike, destroying the flowers.

  The two women were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and their eyes were tightly closed.


  Fortunately, Decade came over in time, and when the phoenix was about to swing his sword, he used the sure-kill 'dimensional knight kick', passed through several cards, kicked the phoenix hard, and kicked the phoenix out.

  "Falco (Eagle)! GO! Falco!"

  I saw Beast put on Falco's orange cape on his right shoulder, and immediately activated the dice function of Dice.Saber (dice saber)!

  Good luck shaking a max 6!

  The phoenix that was kicked away by Decade's 'dimensional knight' just stood up, and Beast's must kill is here!

  The six eagles embodied by magic power all bombarded the phoenix.

  After each eagle hits the phoenix, it explodes like a bomb!


  "What? Is it only to this extent? I can't even feel the slightest pain!"

  It ate the phoenix that the two of them would kill, but only suffered a minor injury.

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