Kamen Rider: Heisei Knights

Chapter 747: Grease Gaiden: Nebula Gas Evolution

Without any obstacles, Gaia immediately killed Lu Muyun, and Woz simply jumped back and left the scene.

Lu Muyun squeezed her fingers and rushed forward. The brown energy wrapped around her hand hit Gaia's stomach with a punch, and the burst of energy instantly knocked him out.

Gaia, who flew upside down into the air, immediately stabilized his figure, and immediately stopped using his flying ability, drawing circles with his hands, and condensing a group of red energy bombs in front of him.

The fiery energy bomb pierced the sky, like a meteor hitting Lu Muyun, however, she just lifted her hand slightly to annihilate the flame bomb in the air.

"I have your power now, do you have the power to defeat yourself?" Lu Muyun smiled disdainfully.


the other side……

Yuan Hai grabbed the handle of the driver and turned it three times: "[Blue! Yellow! Red! Readygo!]"

The muzzle on his shoulders opened quickly, and two light cannons with thick wrists were fired at Kuraba.

Kuerba didn't dodge, so he rushed forward with the ray and punched Yuan Hai in the stomach.

Yuan Hai was smashed into the chest, and his whole body flew backwards, hitting the ground fiercely.

"Humans are such weak creatures!" Kuerba sneered, grabbing the handle of the driver and turning it gently.

"[Readygo! MechanicalFinish! Ciao!]"

His whole body immediately opened countless muzzles, and countless missiles dragged long thick smoke and shot towards Yuan Hai from all directions.

Yuan Hai was shocked when he saw this and immediately opened his shoulders to form a shield to resist, but he couldn't resist it at all and was directly submerged by fierce artillery fire.

The smoke slowly dissipated, and Yuan Hai, who was relieved of his transformation, fell to the ground without force.

Kuerba walked up to Yuan Hai unhurriedly, squatted down slowly, and said faintly: "Did you see it? This is the defect of the organic life form!"

When he said that, he stood up and kicked Yuan Hai fiercely: "Because of this, I have transformed myself and my home planet. Do you see it now? I have surpassed the limit of organic life forms. !"

At the moment his voice fell, the ground beneath Yuan Hai collapsed, and Yuan Hai's body also fell into the underground instrument filled with yellow liquid along the collapsed ground.

"Since you are stubbornly resisting, then become my nourishment for my path to God!" Kuerba laughed loudly.


the other side……

The battle between Lu Muyun and Gaia began to enter a state of anxiety. Lu Muyun quickly backed up a few steps, opened the slot, removed the dial, and quickly turned the interface to the red katakana "Apollo", and then gently pressed the button. .


She quickly buckled the dial back to the drive, dodges Gaia's fireball, and closed the slot.

"[Action! Projection! FinalyTime! Fiery awakening sun god! Universe! Bright! Fiery! GaeaApollo! Apollo!]"

The red katakana compound eyes "Apollo" flew from a distance to replace the original compound eyes, and the globe-shaped device on both shoulders became a red sun.

Lu Muyun took out the Xingyun knife and violently pulled it out. The blade shining with the cold light was immediately entangled by the gathered solar flame. The energy-absorbing blade was like a living thing, but it slowly stretched out and became a long one. Knife.

She knocked Gaia back with a single blow, and quickly opened the drive slot, and then quickly closed: "[Finaly! BeyondTheTime! BurningApolloExplosion!]"

The fiery flame instantly wrapped the blade, and Lu Muyun waved forward forcefully, and the flame blade tens of meters long swept towards Gaia.

Gaia quickly opened the force field to resist, the flame blade hit it and immediately turned into dots of flame particles, and then dispersed with the wind.

When Gaia was shaken by the violent vibration, Lu Muyun immediately let go of her ability to see Gaia's heart.

However, all she saw was a black hole, and the monster in front of her had no heart at all.

"Sure enough, you and those robots are the same!" Lu Muyun made up his mind, pulled the drive slot, and took the dial off, "It's time to send you back to nature!"

She gently turned the gear to the side where the blue katakana "Poseidon" was printed, and then gently pressed the button.


Lu Muyun quickly inserted the dial into the slot, and then quickly closed: "[Action! Projection! FinalyTime! The sea **** of blue waves! Blue! Turbulent! The sea is wide! GaeaPoseidon! Poseidon!]"

The compound eyes of the blue katakana "Poseidon" fiercely bounced Gaia away, and then replaced the original compound eyes, and the instruments on the shoulders became two blue water balls.

"As long as you are on the earth, you cannot defeat the Kamen Rider Gaea whose power source is the will of the earth!"

Thinking about Tong Sheng's words, Lu Muyun already had an answer in her heart.

Lu Muyun gently opened the drive slot, and then quickly closed: "[Finaly! BeyondTheTime! OceanPoseidonExplosion!]"

She took a deep breath, and lightly drew a circle in front of her with blue light particles in her hands, and the ground under Gaia's feet immediately rumbling.

"Boom!" The ground suddenly cracked, and a column of water rose into the sky. Gaia, who could not dodge, was instantly rushed into the sky and disappeared from the field of vision.

Lu Muyun also jumped up very simply, and flew upwards with Gaia.

On this day, the coastal people saw that many eddies appeared in the ocean.


the other side……

The untransformed Kuerba manipulated his mechanical arm to slowly put dozens of kidnapped superpowers into the liquid-filled pool.

Countless light particles began to be stripped from the bodies of those superpowers, everyone was crying in pain, and those light particles slowly poured into the black device in Kuerba's hand.

The expression of Ku Erba who was still grinning suddenly changed, he actually saw that Yuan Hai, who was supposed to have been killed, crawled out from the other side of the pond.

"Md, if it weren't for Lao Tzu to practice occlusion qigong in order to avoid being fat and smelly from the farm, I would be afraid to meet the three guys..." Yuan Hai, who was lying on the ground and gasping for breath, did not forget to complain.

"Impossible, just a mere human, how could it be possible?!" Kuerba was stunned, and the half-human, half-mechanical face was full of shock.

Yuan Hai snorted and slowly got up from the ground and said, "If I'm not mistaken, the liquid inside is the energy liquid that flew out of the space-time crack that was torn apart by Pandora's Box six years ago, right?"

Yuan Hai slowly picked up the driver on the ground and put it on his waist. He smiled at Kuerba and said: "We have a genius scientist who just resolved it not long ago. These liquids can promote the evolution of nebula gas, making it impossible for me to surpass. The human limit can reach the effect of danger level 8.0!"

As he said, he picked up the Grease and the bottle that fell on the ground in Kuraba's surprised eyes.

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