Tian Luo squatted in the corner and said with a full face

  "Okay, okay, don't play tricks, lunch is ready, I'm waiting for you to come back."

  Seeing Tianluo like this, Wakana walked up to Tianluo in a funny way and said


  Tian Luo raised his head suspiciously.

  "Of course"

  Wakana kissed Tianluo's face and said with a smile

  "I'll just say, my wife won't be so bad."

  Tian Luo was suddenly full of energy and ran towards the kitchen.

  At the dinner table, Tian Luo devoured the food in front of him, while the two women sat beside him and watched him quietly.

  "I'm very much like you said, I was majestic at the time, and I could handle that big monster several hundred meters with one punch, and that..."

  Tian Luo also talked about the previous things while eating, but slightly modified it. He said that the fight that had no suspense was a hard fight. Go up without hesitation. After a life-and-death struggle, justice finally defeated evil.

  "Well, I reluctantly believe you in hard work, but when justice defeats evil, I will..."

  Wu looked at Tian Luo suspiciously

  "Hey, Xiao Wu, am I not justice? What kind of eyes are you looking at?"

  Tianluo became angry when he saw Wu's unbelieving eyes. He was actually suspected, and he was still his wife. Isn't he not just enough?Helping a stray woman, helping an old grandma to cross the road... He didn't even spit on the ground, isn't that not fair?

  "Not to mention the first two, it's not right for you to spit on other people's faces."

  Nana suddenly got out of Tian Luo's body, and then looked at Tian Luo with disdain.

  "Hey, don't come out and be scary, and don't dismantle me."

  Tian Luo shouted at Nana, saying that this girl is getting more and more ignorant

  "Okay, you are the most righteous, let's eat quickly"

  Wakana looked at the noisy family with a smile, and then pushed all the dishes on the table in front of Tianluo

  "Hey, it's still baby Wakana, wait until I finish eating and see how I clean up the two of you."

  Tian Luo smiled and looked at Ruona, then waited for Wu and Nana with a vicious expression, but what greeted them was the disdainful eyes of the two.

  Xiaobiesheng's newly married, although it's only a week, although it's not very harmonious, although they are noisy, but each other can feel a warmth, home, that's it, of course, if there are a few more, it should be more lively

  Tian Luo thought so


  In a week, a lot of things happened in the outside world, especially Ryotaro and the others.

  Tian Luo was sure that some interesting things happened during this period, so after playing with Wu and the others for a while, they came to the crack of time.

  After Luo entered the space-time train that day, I felt that the atmosphere was a little wrong, and it seemed to be crowded inside.

  "Wow, Xiaotian, you're here. I haven't seen you for a long time, and I thought you didn't want anyone else."

  Seeing Tian Luo come in, Naomi rushed over first.

  "Haha, I went to do a little thing recently, Naomi-chan, you are still so pretty."

  Tian Luo was taken aback by Naomi's enthusiasm, he said with a haha, and then asked softly.

  "What's wrong? It feels weird."

  That's right, the atmosphere in the carriage was very strange at this time. The lively atmosphere became a bit depressing. Everyone's eyes were turned to a table, where there was a purple demon god who was enjoying coffee.

  "I don't know very well, it seems that Ryotaro was raped again."

  Naomi also said in a low voice

  "Naomi-chan, you are getting worse and worse"

  Tian Luo sneered when he heard Naomi's words, saying that Naomi became more and more dirty, but I like it, hehehe...

  "I hate it, I didn't learn it from you"

  Straight whitening Tian Luo's eyes

  The two were whispering, but some people couldn't stand it anymore

  "I said enough of you, now it's serious, get this guy away quickly"

  Taotaros roared in annoyance

  "Well, anyway, I haven't been here for a week. Don't you miss me?"

  Tian Luo looked at the group of people in front of him and said

  "I thought you were dead, how could I miss you?"

  peach taros road

  "me too"

  Putaros Road

  "who are you?"

  quintaros road

  "You... well, what about Ryotaro and Yenai?"

  Tian Luo directly ignored the three Alien Demon Gods and turned to look at Ryotaro and Ye Nai

  "In no mood"

  Ye Nai said without hesitation

  "Ah? Tian Luo, when did you come?"

  Ryotaro turned his head suspiciously

  "Asshole, do I have such a low sense of existence? I'm the protagonist, is it only Naomi-chan who remembers me?"

  Tian Luo was hit suddenly, hugged Naomi with a sad face, and then turned on the salty pig hand mode to seek comfort

  "You give me enough time"

  With a bang, Tian Luo's head was severely hit and collapsed, while Ye Nai kept punching, and the carriage became quiet again.

  "Let's talk about this guy first, when did you get attached to Ryotaro?"

  After finishing speaking, everyone's eyes moved to the Purple Demon God again.

Chapter [-] Dragon Talos

  "That's when a tortoise is possessed"

  The purple demon god thought for a while and said

  "Nani? You actually used me as a cover?"

  Putaros jumped up when he heard this. He thought he was very smart, but he was put together by the guy in front of him. This is unbelievable.

  "Yeah, then you won't notice it."

  The purple demon god nodded happily, then stood up and lay in front of Ryotaro

  "Then I'll be called Longtaros from now on, okay?"

  "Okay, uncle, stinky brat, get out of here quickly"

  When he heard Longtaros's words, Taotaroston roared, and now he was very angry. He was originally the only one, and now there are more Putaros and Kintaros, and he was in a bad mood. Who knows that there will be another one, how can this be played?

  "Don't be noisy"

  Ye Nai pushed Taotaros away and walked to Longtaros.

  "what is your purpose?"


  Rontaros was stunned for a moment, then thought about it. After a while, he raised his head and pointed at Ryotaro.

  "By the way, my purpose is to kill Ryotaro"


  There was an uproar in the carriage, and they were all stunned by Longtaros' words.

  "Yes, someone said in my mind 697, as long as I kill Ryotaro, I can be the captain of the space train, it seems very interesting"

  Long Talos jumped up happily while talking.


  Everyone looked at Rontaros with a strange look, and then turned to Ryotaro.

  "This guy is dangerous"

  Putaros looked at Rontaros thoughtfully

  "I'm going to be a train conductor? Why didn't I think of that?"

  Tian Luo suddenly exclaimed.

  "Uh, what's wrong?"

  Everyone looked at Tian Luo strangely, and Longtaros also cast an inquiring look

  Tian Luo walked to Longtaros with a smile on his face, and then whispered.

  "Brother, let's have a discussion, or let's work together to kill the train conductor, how about I'll be the real one and you'll be the deputy?"

  "go to hell……"

  Everyone was roared by Tian Luo's words.

  "Sure enough, the most dangerous thing is this guy"

  Putaros whispered softly.

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