Tooth King, who was hit, flew out violently, and then covered his stomach with a face of pain, and he didn't seem to be feeling very well.

  "What? It doesn't feel good. According to my guess, the pain from this blow should be the same as that of a woman coming to aunt. Although I don't know what it feels like, it's really painful."

  Tian Luo squatted aside and said with a smile


  Tooth King struggled to stand up, the anger in his voice could be felt from far away

  "You die for me..."

  Yawang roared angrily, layers of thunder and lightning condensed on his feet, and then rushed towards Tianluo for life.

  Tian Luo stood up and slowly looked at the approaching Yawang. The energy of his right fist continued to gather, layer by layer, and the terrifying energy continued to emit.

  When Yawang rushed to Tianluo, Tianluo moved and saw his body suddenly disappear, and then appeared in front of Yawang

  "What, what, can, maybe?"

  Kao looked at the arm that had entered his body in surprise.

  His body was directly pierced by Tianluo's fist, and a large hole was directly broken in the middle, but there was not a drop of blood, but layers of sand were left behind.

  "Nothing is impossible, it can only be said that you are too weak"

  Tian Luo retracted his arm and said lightly.

  "Oh, what a monster."

  Yawang released his transformation, and then his body turned into sand and disappeared, but a golden card box was left on the ground with a red card in it.

  "Did you make it?"

  Yudou stared blankly at the situation in front of him. He didn't expect Tianluo to actually win, and it was so easy.

  "It's a really strong mess."

  Putaros said with a sigh


  Taotaros made a disdainful cut, but he also had to sigh, Tian Luo is indeed very powerful.

  The King of Ya disappeared like this. When he disappeared, the time and space returned to its original state, and the original ruins turned back into high-rise buildings.

  "Sure enough, the so-called God's train will destroy time and space is completely nonsense, the most important thing is the person who uses him"

  Tian Luo looked at the restored time and space and said with a smile

  Then he picked up the card box on the ground and walked towards the train

  "Hey, this guy doesn't really want this train, does he?"

  Seeing Tianluo walking towards the train of gods, Taotaros said in surprise

  "Obviously, this guy's ultimate goal should be this"

  Yuto nodded thoughtfully, he finally knew why Tianluo came, and helping them or something was completely smooth, and the ultimate goal was the train in front of him.

  "Then how did he know?"

  Kintaros asked suspiciously

  "The devil knows"

  Several people said weakly, Tianluo is very mysterious in their hearts

  "Hey, do you want to go?"

  Tian Luo, who came to the door of the train of gods, suddenly turned his head to look at a few people and asked, since the matter is settled, he will of course go back

  "Wait a minute, I still have things to do"

  Ryotaro, who had changed back, looked at Tenra and said

  "That's it, then I'll go first, I finally got it, I'm going out for a walk"

  Tian Luo nodded, then jumped directly into the cab

  A loud dragon roar came, and the train of God rushed out on a track burning with flames, and then disappeared in front of several people...

Chapter [-] How much is it, I bought it

  "Husband, husband, give me the key quickly"

  In Tian Luo's house, Wu said to Tian Luo with a smile on his face, and the key in his mouth was the card box of the God Train.

  This is the second day after returning. After Tianluo drove the train of gods back, Wu and the others were entangled. However, it was a little late yesterday, and Tianluo didn't hand it over to them.

  Although they didn't give it to them, the two women were not idle either. They were busy naming the train. After all, the train of God was too dirty. So, after thinking about it for a long time, the two women started a day for the train of God and felt even more earthy. The name "Little Dragon"

  As soon as they got up the next day, they started arguing with Tian Luo for the keys.


  There was a slight roar, and I saw a thirty-centimeter-long train flying around Wu's body. Miniature rails continued to appear around, and the burning pillars of fire looked very beautiful. It's the train of the gods... Xiaolong

  After coming back, Tian Luo began to place this big guy. After all, he is really too big.

  After thinking for a while, Tianluo suddenly remembered Qingren's Jialou sauce, the magic of shrinking?He seems to use it too

  As a result, the original [-]-meter-long train of gods has become like a toy now.

  "Hey, can you do it, don't make any trouble then"

  Tian Luo took out the key and looked at Wu suspiciously. If this little girl destroys the time and space in a flash, then she will be playing a big game.

  "Hmph, don't underestimate us, Sister Wakana and I are very good"

  Seeing Tian Luo's suspicious eyes, Wu suddenly said unhappily.

  "No, I'm just underestimating you"

  Tian Luo glanced at Wu Wu, and then Tian Luo directly called Nana out.

  "Nana, follow them and save me trouble"

  "It's you who can cause the most trouble."

  Nana looked at Tian Luo speechlessly, this guy has no self-awareness at all.

  "You're getting less and less cute"

  Tian Luo sighed helplessly

  "Haha, let's go first, Nana, let's go out to play together..."

  Yuha laughed, then took Nana's hand and ran out, Xiaolong followed and flew out, and Tianluo himself was left in the room in the blink of an eye.

  "Ah~ so boring..."

  Tian Luo lay there bored and complained.

  Now that Wu and the others have gone out, Tianluo feels that they should go home and have a look. That is to say, it will take at least a few days for them to come back. What are they doing now?

  "I don't know what Ryotaro and the others are doing? Let's go find them."

  Thinking of this, Tian Luo got up and walked towards the door...


  Inside the space train

  "Here, Yenai's Marshmallow"

  Naomi handed the freshly made marshmallow to Yenai beside her.

  At this time, the inside of the carriage was very lively. Although it was still these few people, it was full of various items and decorations, and everyone's table was full of delicious food.

  And Taotaros and the others are playing around, these guys are too boring in the car, they can only play some very childish games to pass the time

  "So that's the way it is, no wonder Yuto took you away, it turned out to be against the King of Ya"

  Ye Na suddenly realized after hearing Ryotaro's explanation.

  "Yeah, but I can't remember it a bit. Thankfully, Tianluo is here, otherwise it will be troublesome..."

  Ryotaro nodded and said

  "Cut, that guy is just a nosy, without him, I'll still beat that tooth king"

  Momotaros was obviously very upset when he heard Ryotaro's words. This time he didn't help at all, and he was beaten badly. Now he is still very upset.

  "Tao Taros don't say that, Tian Luo is also kind."

  Ryotaro heard Momotaros' complaint and persuaded him.

  "That's right, Xiao Tiantian helped you."

  Naomi also said

  "Cut, that guy has a purpose, he went for the train, it's just a coincidence"

  Taotaros went on to say

  "It turns out that the time-space train was driven away by that guy..."

  The conductor sitting next to him suddenly said

  "Captain, will something happen?"

  Ye Nai said with some worry, what he is most afraid of is the chaos of the sky, and then the time and space will...

  "It's okay, he won't mess around, and even if he messes up, we can't stop him."

  The train conductor shook his head and said

  "Hey, old man, what do you mean? Is that guy really that strong?"

  Taotaros said incredulously, the train conductor would not say such things casually, because his backstage is very hard, even if the guy from King Ya came, the conductor did not show any expression, let alone this kind of thing. Depressed

  "Of course it is very strong, at least it hits you like a big mouse"

  A voice suddenly came from behind Taotaros


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