To win Airi's heart, how can you let the other party get it? Miura and Ozaki looked at each other, and sparks collided in understanding.

  "Well, that's right, I'll go out first, you must behave well."

  Tian Luo nodded in relief, and then said to the two of them.


  The two shouted at the same time

  So, in the eyes of the two of them, Tianluo walked out struttingly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

  "Miura, why do I feel cheated?"

  Looking at Tian Luo's back, Ozaki suddenly said

  "I have that too"

  Miura nodded.


  "Hey, these two idiots"

  Tianluo walks down the street with a smile

  He won't be bored to watch the store there, but very interesting things will happen here, how can he not participate?

  When he arrived at Ryotaro not long ago, no, it should be said that it was the possessed Dragon Talos

  There is still a person standing beside him, Yuto

  "What's the matter? Why don't you go to Miss Airi?"

  Tian Luo walked over and asked

  "My sister will leave it to this guy, I'll deal with that thing"

  Longtaros pointed to Yudou, then looked at the roof not far away, and saw that the green demon god was looking at them provocatively.

  "Then I'll go save Airi first."

  Yuto nodded to Tianluo, then planned to leave

  "Someone is going to kill you, you better be careful"

  Tian Luo suddenly said

  "What do you mean?"

  Yuto looked at Tian Luo suspiciously

  "Anyway, your appearance is a stumbling block for some people. Of course, now I am the same..."

  Tian Luo waved his hand and said.

Chapter [-] The Fly Swatter

  in an empty tram stop

  "I can solve it myself, why are you still here?"

  Longtaros looked at Tian Luo unwillingly behind him. He originally planned to come by himself, but he didn't expect Tian Luo to follow him.

  "Actually, I just wanted to come and see, and take the bodies of you and Ryotaro away by the way..."

  Tian Luo said casually

  "Hey, Tianluo, don't scare me, okay~, is it that serious?"

  Ryotaro's voice suddenly came from the armor. He was really frightened. Tian Luo's words showed that the enemy this time did not seem to be - simple.

  "Hmph, so what if he's powerful? I still shot him down..."

  Long Talos also said unhappily.

  "Okay, I'll watch it later"

  Tian Luo waved his hand and said

  Just when the two walked to a carriage, two figures suddenly came out, and then attacked them directly.

  "Damn it, I just said I won't do it, so come here to get a shot, right..."

  Tian Luo scolded secretly, then dodged and added a kick, and the shadow flew out directly.

  As for Longtaros, he was hit, but he reacted quickly, and then fired a few shots at the shadow.

  The sound of gunshots came, the shadow was dodging at a very fast speed, and soon pulled away from the two of them, and the shadow who was kicked by Tianluo also ran over.

  When the two sides stopped their hands, they saw each other clearly. These two were insect-shaped demon gods.

  "A locust?"

  Tian Luo looked at the two of them curiously, and I have to say, these two Alien Demon Gods are really ugly, especially one of them is green on one side and black on the other, which is similar to w

  "Bastard, there are actually two"

  Longtaros looked at the two alien gods vigilantly. He didn't expect the alien gods to have this plan. It seems that they deliberately lured them into the bait before.

  "Tianluo, leave these two guys to me, you don't have to interfere"

  Longtaros looked at Tian Luo with a firm face.

  "Well, as long as they don't shoot me"

  Tian Luo said helplessly

  "kill him"

  As if he understood what Tian Luo meant, the two demon gods rushed towards Longtaros together, while Tian Luo was left to the side.

  Perhaps it was due to their talent. The legs of the two alien gods were very powerful and their speed was astonishing. The two kept running fast beside Longtaros, attacking along the way. The seamless response of Longtaros could not keep up with the two.

  Under the constant attack of the two, Longtaros gradually fell behind, and the situation became urgent.

  "Longtaros, let's change Taotaros and the others"

  Seeing that he was about to lose the battle, Ryotaro shouted anxiously.

  "Need not"

  Longtaros shook his head firmly, and then the gun in his hand shot at the two again.

  "There's something wrong with this guy"

  Tian Luo looked at Long Talos curiously and said

  "Maybe it's because of my sister."

  Ryotaro said helplessly.

  Rontaros can be said to be the alien demon god that gives Ryotaro the most headache. This guy loves nonsense too much, and he doesn't listen to persuasion at all.

  With the passage of time, the volume of Rontaros gradually became exhausted, and finally fell down after being attacked again.

  "Hey, idiot"

  One of the demon gods grinned at the fallen Dragon Talos

  "Longtaros, let's forget it"

  Ryotaro continued to persuade Rontaros

  "No, no, I, I can..."

  Long Talos still didn't listen, struggling to stand up from the ground

  But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw a foot kicked away violently at him.


  A groan came, and Longtaros fell to the ground.

  "What an idiot, since you are courting death, then I will fulfill you..."

  Another demon god walked to Longtaros' side, raised the machete in his hand, and then slashed towards Longtaros' neck.


  A crisp crashing sound came

  I saw that Tianluo had come to Longtaros, and at this time he was holding a long sword to block the attack of the alien demon.

  "I said, you are enough, I didn't say I really let you kill him"

  Bounced off the different demon god's scimitar, Tian Luo said lightly

  "Hehe, it was your biggest mistake that you didn't take action just now. Now we are just two of us."

  One of the demon gods smiled and looked at Tian Luo, with a confident look in his tone.

  "Now it is your turn"

  Another demon god stared at Tian Luo closely, and then the two slowly approached

  "I'm very confident, very good, I hope to keep it up"

  Tian Luo looked at the two of them with great interest, and then there was a constant "click" in his hand.

  I saw one after another thunder and lightning emerged from Tian Luo's hand, and finally weaved together. In the blink of an eye, a beat composed of thunder and lightning appeared in Tian Luo's hand.

  "this is?"

  The two alien demons looked at Tian Luo strangely

  "Full-effect multi-function automatic super fly swatter, composed of super-strong current, strong and dense internal power grid, swatting flies one by one..."

  Tian Luo explained patiently.


  Hearing Tian Luo say this, the two Alien Demon Gods became anxious and frustrated, and then rushed towards Tian Luo at the same time. Their speed was very fast, and they came to Tian Luo in the blink of an eye.But Tianluo is faster

  When they came to Tianluo, what attracted their attention was a beat that was getting bigger and bigger, and then there was a magnetic pull, and the two different demon gods flew out at the same time.

  "Sure enough, it's more convenient to use this to deal with you bugs."

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