"Hoo~ Thank you Naomi, you're all right..."

  Ye Nai said with some fear

  No one expected such a thing to happen, and it was done by their own people

  "Bastard, that stinky bastard has gone too far"

  Taotaros said angrily.

  This time Rontaros really went too far, not only Naomi was almost in danger, but even the time-space train disappeared.

  "This matter is not so simple, we'd better find the captain"

  Putaros is the coolest, he directly proposes the most correct solution

  "it is good"

  Several people nodded in agreement

  Afterwards, a group of people rushed towards the main control room, where the train conductor went...


  main control room

  "I said, don't look at us like this, it's purely your illusion that we look the same."

  The train conductor said to the puzzled people

  After a few people came in, they saw two identical conductors. Although the clothes were different, they were exactly the same, and even their expressions were surprisingly similar.

  "How could it be an illusion, it's obviously the same"

  Taotaros looked at the two conductors in shock

  "It's really an illusion. I have nothing to do with the captain."

  The stationmaster in white also explained.

  "Twins? Bastards? Or..."

  At this time, Tianluo imagined pictures in his mind. The stationmaster and the captain are brothers, but because the elders love the stationmaster, he transferred the captain to Dean Lena. The captain always wanted to take back the stationmaster. In the end, the two competed in their favorite fried rice competition, and whoever wins can become the webmaster...

  "You give me enough time..." x2

  The captain and the stationmaster both glared at Tianluo at the same time, this guy's imagination is too rich, they really don't matter

  "This is not the time to discuss this, hurry up and stop Dean Rena and Zero Rena..."

  Ye Nai said immediately after seeing the situation.

  "It's okay, look at me"

  The stationmaster regained his composure, then picked up the whistle around his neck and blew it violently

  The terminal station, which had been stationary, shook violently.


  There was a loud noise, and a blue flame spewed from the back of the terminal, and then ran forward at a very fast speed.

  "Terminals are for managing divergence points, of course not just in one place"

  The train conductor explained to several people

  "It was so"

  Several people suddenly realized

  Then they saw Dean Lena's figure suddenly appear on the big screen.


  Ye Nai said in surprise

  The station master's face also smiled, and then the big mouth at the terminal opened sharply, and Dian Lai Na and Zero Lai Na were sucked in like noodles, and there was no movement after that.


  Tian Luo scratched his head, this is too simple


  The stationmaster nodded calmly

  The surroundings became quiet, and after a few seconds, everyone suddenly woke up, and then rushed out of the main control room at the same time, they had more important things to do

  "It's really a group of energetic young people."

  Looking at the few people who left in a hurry, the stationmaster couldn't help but say with a smile

  "Yeah, a bunch of annoying guys"

  The train conductor shook his head helplessly.

  "Young people are like this, we are indeed old"

  The stationmaster smiled and nodded

  "Yeah, but the old man will also have a moment of blood, station master, let's continue to finish the game..."

  The train captain said sharply.

  "Okay, Captain..."

  The stationmaster also became serious

  So, while the commotion outside was in full swing, the two old men inside also fought...


  And the other side of the moment

  Dragon Talos is fighting hard

  He thought it was a trivial matter, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen. He didn't dare to go back to Taotaros, so he came to the abandoned factory.

  But what surprised him was that a man appeared again, and he wanted to kill her. If Yuto hadn't rushed over, he would have been finished.

  The current Rontaros can't transform, his card box was stuffed into the zero-type Lai, and he used Ryotaro's body to fight against the demon god, this is the act of courting death

  "Hahaha, what's wrong? Don't you dare to fight? It's really trash"

  Kai looked at Dragon Talos with a sarcastic expression

  "Obviously he's just a different demon god, but he can't recognize himself, and he actually likes humans..."

  "I, I am the Alien Demon God..."

  Rontaros looked at Kai blankly, he seemed to understand something, what my sister likes is Ryotaro, not him at all, and being good to him is just taking 3.8 him as Ryotaro

  "Hahaha, that's right, you are an alien demon, that woman won't like you, sister, you call her sister, right? It's ridiculous, how can an alien demon have a sister?"

  Kai smiled recklessly, and every word he said made Rontaros tremble.

  Rontaros was a little dazed, he finally understood that he really did something wrong, especially seeing Yuto fighting desperately

  "Waste, you have no use value, you should die..."

  Kai's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he said slowly.

  I saw different demon gods suddenly appear, and then surrounded Long Talos.

  "Oh, so why, you villains are so annoying, you can do things like bullying children, although I do it often..."

  A voice suddenly came from behind Kai, Kai was stunned, and then looked back.

  I saw Tian Luozheng looking at him with a smile on his face. …

Chapter [-] I don't even know his mother

  I saw that Tian Luo was looking at Kai with a smile on his face at this time.

  Behind Tian Luo, the time-space train stopped there quietly, the door opened, and Naomi and the others were looking at it happily.

  "It's you?"

  Kai looked at Tian Luo in surprise, he didn't expect him to appear at this time

  "That's right, it's me, aren't you surprised?"

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  "What are you doing here? Didn't you promise me not to interfere in this matter?"

  Kai looked at Tian Luo with a cold face.

  "Little Tiantian, you must help me get revenge, beat this guy so much that he doesn't even know his mother..."

  Naomi was at the door of the car and shouted to Tian Luo excitedly. He obviously still cares about the previous things. If Tian Luo came, he might have suffered a lot.

  "Uh, okay..."

  Tian Luo waved his hand at Zhi Mei, then looked helplessly at Kai in front of him.

  "You can see it too, she asked me to kill you, so...the agreement is void"


  Kai gritted his teeth and looked at Tian Luo, this guy speaks like a fart, even if he says he goes back, he goes back, what about his dignity as a strong man?asshole……

  "Ara, don't look at me like that. After all, the promise of a woman is obviously more important than a man's agreement. You have to understand..."

  Tian Luo comforted when he saw Kai's appearance.

  "I understand your uncle..."

  Kai obviously couldn't understand Tian Luo's words. At this moment, he was completely angry, and the expression on his face became hideous.

  "Kill him for me"

  I saw him roaring loudly, and the Alien Demon God who had surrounded Longtaros immediately rushed towards Tianluo.

  "Che, why do you keep doing these meaningless things? Just stand and let me kill it..."

  Tian Luo sighed helplessly

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