"Uh, okay, at least you can't buy it now."

  Tian Luo replied casually, then lowered his head to eat again.

  limited edition?

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, the two women's eyes became brighter, and they were secretly ruthless and must take Tian Luo down.

  "Cough, um, I'll go to the bathroom..."

  Tianluo felt uncomfortable when he noticed the gazes of the two women. This kind of look at the prey was too obvious.

  Standing up from his seat, Tian Luo hurriedly left

  "Sorry, I'll go to the bathroom too..."

  Watching Tian Luo leave, one of the women also stood up and followed him out.

  "Hehe, Tian Luo's peach blossom luck is pretty good..."

  While fighting with Jiro, Hongyin also took the time to say


  Yuri snorted coldly, he hates that woman


  "Madan, I'm just here to make soy sauce, okay?"

  Tian Luo finally breathed a sigh of relief when he came out. He really couldn't stand the eyes of the two women.

  Originally, he planned to watch the fun, but he didn't expect to be targeted. If he knew earlier, he would not be so showy.

  But before he could take his breath away, a sound of footsteps came towards this side. Tianluo looked back and saw one of the women walking over there before. She seemed to be called Kumi.

  "Mr. Tianluo, it's really nice to see you today..."

  Jiumi came to Tianluo and said with a smile, her eyes flashed from time to time, and her body slowly approached Tianluo.

  "Come on, are you still here?"

  Tian Luo secretly cursed, then took a step back without a trace.

  "Well, Miss Kumi, I'm glad to meet you too..."

  Although a little uncomfortable, Tian Luo still said with a smile.

  "Mr. Tianluo, do you know that from the first time I saw you, I realized that you were who I thought you were, I..."

  Kumi said affectionately, and then took a step closer to Tianluo.

  Ma Dan, I didn't even know I was so handsome, who are you fooling me?

  Tian Luo cursed secretly, then took a step back calmly.

  "Ahem, that, Miss Kumi, I actually have a family, I'm a serious person"

  Tian Luo coughed and said

  "I know, in fact, I am also a serious person..."

  While talking, Kumi approached Tianluo, she didn't believe it, with her beauty and her initiative, how could any man be able to hold it back?

  However, it is clear that Tian Luo is not an ordinary man.

  Raise your hand, wave your hand, take your hand

  With three simple actions, Kumi immediately fainted.

  "It's really speechless, I almost got raped"

  Tian Luo looked at Kumi on the ground speechlessly. This woman actually seduced him and wanted to force him. He is really a serious person. Of course, if you are at the level of Yuri, you should think about it carefully. It's nothing to sacrifice a little bit.

  Throwing Kumi aside, Tian Luo walked back to the restaurant

  When Luo came in that day, he found that the two were still fighting. They seemed to be very energetic. As soon as Tian Luo came in, the eyes of several people came

  "Hey, why did you come back so soon, did anything happen to you?"

  Hongyin also stopped and looked at Tianluo suspiciously.

  Tian Luo rolled his eyes at him, then sighed helplessly.

  "Hey, as a man with three wives, no, and a back-up man, do you think I'm in the mood to mess around outside?"

  Quiet, the room suddenly became quiet

  Kaneya and Jiro looked at each other

  "Hey, is this guy showing off?"

  "It should be, I really want to beat him up."


  Except for the stunned strange woman, the three of Youri glared at Tian Luo fiercely

  "So, you single dogs can't understand me..."

  Ignoring the gazes of several people, Tian Luo began to eat the food in front of him again.

Chapter [-] Red Moon

  The dinner was over in a strange atmosphere, and life returned to normal, and several people were busy with their own affairs.

  Of course, for Kaneya and Jiro, their main purpose is to pursue Yuri

  Tian Luo has been relatively quiet these days, and he doesn't know what he is busy with. Even Wakana and the others don't know very well, but there are often strange lights flashing in his bedroom, and then there is the sound of sawing wood.

  It wasn't until two days later that Tian Luo came out of the house, and there was something more in his hand.

  It is a violin, the blue body is engraved with the picture of the phoenix, and the body fits together perfectly, like a delicate handicraft, with little gems inlaid in it, it looks very luxurious

  "Husband, this is..."

  Ruocai looked at Tian Luo suspiciously. Could it be that he has been fiddling with this in the house these days?Shouldn't it be?

  "Hey, enjoy my performance next time"

  Tian Luo smiled, then put the violin on his shoulder in front of today, and slowly pulled his arm

  Sweet and light, the sound of the violin slowly came out under the pull of Tian Luo

  At the moment of pulling, Tianluo's aura also radiated. Because of the influence of the momentum, the minds of the girls quickly immersed in it and couldn't help but go crazy.

  "This, how is this possible..."

  Wu looked at Tian Luo incredulously, she could hardly imagine that this was actually performed by Tian Luo

  They know better than anyone who Tian Luo is. It can be said that none of Tian Luo's body cells are artistic, let alone play the violin.

  As soon as the song was finished, Tian Luo put down the violin and looked at the girls proudly.

  "How is it? Do you think your husband is handsome today?"

  "It's incredible, how did you do it, husband?"

  Wakana looked at Tian Luo suspiciously

  "Does it need to be said, as long as you work hard, anything can be done..."

  Tian Luo nodded seriously and said

  If they didn't know who Tian Luo was, Wakana and the others would have believed it.

  "Come on, there must be some secret..."

  Wakana and several women gathered around and questioned

  "Really, can't you cooperate a little bit?"

  Tian Luo looked at the girls helplessly

  "Boss, I can't help you. They all know your nature..."

  At this moment, the violin in Tian Luo's hand suddenly spoke, and a mouth appeared in the middle of the violin body.

  Quiet, the room suddenly became quiet, and the girls looked at the violin with strange expressions.

  "Hey, as soon as you speak, I'll be exposed faster..."

  Tian Luo reluctantly tapped on the violin, and there was a scream from above, as if a child had been beaten


  The girls turned their heads and looked at Tian Luo again.

  "Uh, this, how can I say this, this violin was given life to me"

  Tian Luo scratched his head and was a little embarrassed, thinking about how to explain, and finally he could only say

  "We know, and then what?"

  The girls nodded

  "I sent it a little more sheet music"

  "And then what?"

  "And then I can play by myself, and the boss just pretends to be on the side..."

  The violin suddenly said

  "..." Tian Luo

  "..." Several women

  The girls were speechless when they heard it, and then looked at Tian Luo with contempt.

  "Tian Tian, ​​as long as you work hard, you will succeed? So you are bragging..."

  Naomi looked playfully and said

  "Cough, I can't say that. I am a man with thousands of skills. I'll leave it to ordinary people to work hard. I'll just hang up with peace of mind..."

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