Jiro sat on the side with a smile on his face

  "Che, I really don't want to see you if I can"

  Hongyin also glanced at Jiro and said unhappily.

  "The smell of gunpowder is so strong, will they fight?"

  Luomen looked at the two and said to Ali who was beside him

  "do not know……"

  Still the slow voice, Ali looked at the two suspiciously

  "Hehe, this is an old rival"

  Tian Luo smiled indifferently, his eyes full of meaning that watching a good show is not too big of a deal

  "It's okay for that guy to come, why did the two of them also open? It doesn't seem to be of any use, right?"

  Away from Jiro's eyes, Hongyin also looked at Luomen and Ali suspiciously. He felt that these two were useless.

  But the next second he sprayed it directly, only to see Luomen and Ali returning to their original bodies at the same time, and then back to humanoid form

  "Cough, so it's you..."

  After coughing hard twice, Hongyin finally knew who these two guys were.

  He was beaten up before, and the two guys in front of him were the culprits. No wonder, no wonder he was with Jiro. It turned out that they were all fucking monsters.

  "I suddenly felt that I came to the wrong place, Tian Luo, why don't we go back?"

  Hong Yin also looked at Tian Luo with a sad face

  "Aren't you afraid?"

  Looking at Hong Yinya, Tian Luo sneered.

  "Afraid? How is it possible, I'm a genius"

  Being provoked by Tian Luo like this, the genius Hongyin was also furious.

  "I just don't think it's rational to cooperate with monsters, let's do it ourselves"

  But then he softened, there was no way, after all, she was just a human, and she was a little hairy in the pile of monsters

  "Haha, it's funny, obviously I've been with the most terrifying monster, but I don't know..."

  Jiro looked at Hong Yinya with contempt, and then turned to Tian Luo


  Hongyin was stunned for a while after hearing it, and then looked at Tianluo, he seemed to understand something

  "Really, I wanted to have a domineering appearance, but you said it casually."

  Tian Luo looked at the two with a bit of depression

  Then a golden phoenix phantom appeared behind Tian Luo

  In an instant, a devastating force enveloped every space here, and several people had a feeling of suffocation

  In just an instant, the phantom of the phoenix disappeared again, the surrounding pressure also disappeared, and the space returned to calm again.

  However, a few people couldn't calm down. The pressure just now made them feel that they couldn't resist it, and there was a cold sweat behind their backs.

  "This this……"

  Hong Yin also looked at Tian Luo in shock.

  At this moment, his clothes were soaking wet, and he was speechless in shock. He didn't expect Tian Luo to be a monster.

  In his perception, Tian Luo is a person who is easy to get along with. He is never angry and has a cheerful personality. He looks like ordinary people. More importantly, the two are still good friends.

  "Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

  Tian Luo smiled and looked at Hong Yinye

  "I just feel horrified"

  Hongyin also looked at Tianluo weakly. At this moment, he felt very sad. Most of the people he knew were monsters. What is this?

  "Hey, don't be discouraged, I'm different from them, at least I'm not interested in humans"

  Tianluo came over and sat next to Hongyin. His tone was still the same, which made Hongyin a little relieved.

  "I really didn't expect that it was you who hid the most..."

  Hong Yin also lay on the ground and looked at Tian Luo strangely

  "Hey, it's just so-so. In fact, it's not all hidden. I'm different from them. I'm not interested in attacking humans, and I don't need to eat any souls."

  Tian Luo hey hey smile

  "Besides, I just had fun when I went to the cafe, so you don't have to worry about anything at all. Not only don't you have to worry, but brother can cover you. Anyone who bullies you will call me, and you don't even know the fuck..."

  Tian Luo patted Hong Yinye on the shoulder with great loyalty

  "Okay, I accept my fate, let's discuss dealing with Luke first."

  Looking at Tian Luo like this, the voice can only accept fate, there is no way, he still has to ask others

  "It's five people now, if we work together, we might be able to win."

  Jiro also walked over and said

  "Well, let's discuss tactics first."

  Hongyin also nodded, and then several people discussed

  Tian Luo was lying there bored, he had absolutely no interest in tactics or anything.

  "Forget it, wait until they are beaten down, brother, and then come forward, otherwise it will be boring. Saying that guy has already escaped from me twice, wouldn't it be shameful to let him escape again?"

  Looking at the sky bored, Tian Luo quietly listened to the tactics of several people, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


  "Sunglasses, found"

  Under a bridge, Luke looked in surprise at the man with sunglasses in front of him

  "who are you?"

  "Give me death"

  Luke looked at the man in front of him with a wicked smile. Then two teeth flew past, and the man's body gradually became transparent.

  At this moment, the sound of footsteps suddenly came from a distance, followed by a whimper.

  "I said that you are also true, the tactics you agreed, you came here in such a hurry."

  "There's no way to do this either. Whoever sees this guy suddenly, let's just fight in a group."

  Another voice, a red voice

  The voice gradually got closer, and the figures of the five people appeared in front of Luke

  "Huh? Is it you?"

  Luke looked at the five people surrounding him

  "Luke, this time I want to avenge our entire clan"

  Looking at Luke in front of him, Jiro's eyes were about to burst into flames, and his body directly changed back to a werewolf form, followed by Ali and Luomen.

  "If you kill you, you will be at home in peace."

  Hongyin also smiled, then took out lxa and transformed

  "Oh, it's shameless to gang fights or something, but...I like it"

  Tian Luo smiled, a belt appeared around his waist

  The purple ring was slowly placed on the waist, the magic circle appeared, and the magician appeared.

Chapter two hundred and fifty eight marionettes

  "Huh? What are you?"

  Seeing Tianluo's appearance, Hongyin was also surprised. This was the first time they saw Tianluo transform.

  "The product decades later, isn't it very handsome?"

  Tian Luosao put on a look that I am very handsome

  "What a joke, the ghosts believe you"

  Several people looked at Tian Luo with disdain. They felt that Tian Luo's words were completely nonsense. Could someone still travel through time and space?

  "Cut, a bunch of bumpkins"

  Tian Luo is too lazy to explain anything, they won't believe anything anyway.

  "Hehe, you wore sun eyes just now, so let's stay."

  Ignoring the bickering people, Luke rushed directly towards Jiro

  Jiro was the only one wearing sunglasses, so he was lucky to be targeted


  Jiro roared, and then rushed forward without fear of death. The fists of the two collided, but it was only for a moment that Jiro flew out. The gap between the two was too big.

  "And us"

  Seeing that Jiro was knocked out, Hongyin and Ali rushed up, and the scene suddenly turned into a three-on-one situation.

  "Haha, come on"

  Luke roared, grabbed Ali who was rushing over, and threw his arm violently, and Ali's huge body was thrown out.

  "Bastard, this guy is too strong"

  Hongyin also scolded secretly, and then punched Luke, but this kind of power was not painful to Luke, and Hongyin also flew out with a casual wave.

  bang bang

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