The boss looked at Tian Luo in surprise and said

  "Hey, it still seems to have an impression"

  Tian Luo stood up with a smile and had a bear hug with the boss

  "Hahaha, I didn't expect to see you now, it's amazing, you haven't changed at all..."

  The boss looked at Tian Luo happily

  There were not many people in that era, and now the only person I can meet very well is Kojima. It is indeed a happy thing to meet Tianluo.

  "Boss, do you really know each other?"

  Megumi Aso, who walked in, looked at the two of them in surprise.

  "Didn't I say it? I'm really your mother's friend..."

  Tian Luo looked at Megumi Aso with a helpless expression. …

Chapter [-] Are you drawing hatred for me?

  "How is that possible? You are so young..."

  Megumi Aso looked at Tian Luo in disbelief. If Tian Luo is really her mother's friend, then he is at least [-] or [-] years old, and his age and appearance don't match at all.

  "Isn't the boss the same, he was like this [-] years ago"

  Tian Luo pointed to the boss and said

  "It's because of my regular exercise, and it's not that I haven't changed at all. After all, no amount of exercise is worth the time."

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, the boss gave a wry smile

  Indeed, even though he exercises every day, there are still wrinkles on his face, he can only say that he is younger than others, and he is completely incomparable to Tianluo.

  "Hehe, don't pay attention to those details, by the way, Mr. Kojima, aren't you two good friends together often?"

  With a wave of his hand, Tian Luo hurriedly changed the subject

  "Kojima, I've been busy lately. You know, as the president of the Supreme Blue Sky Club, there's a lot of work to do."

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, the boss shook his head and said.


  "Just him? I think he has nothing to do except lose weight every day."

  Tian Luo said with some disdain.

  "That's a workout"

  The boss said seriously

  "Well, it's exercise"

  Tianluo glanced at the boss speechlessly, and then looked at Aso Hui.

  "You should know each other. This is Yuri's daughter Xiaohui, and she is also a member of the Supreme Blue Sky Club. Is she very similar to Yuri?"

  Noticing that Tian Luo looked like Megumi Aso, the boss said with a smile

  "Well, it's really similar, very sturdy"

  Tian Luo nodded in agreement.

  "Boss, is he really mom's friend?"

  Aso Hui also looked at the boss and asked, she still has some doubts

  "Yes, this is Tianluo. He and your mother have known each other for a long time and have fought together before."

  The boss nodded at Megumi Aso

  After he said this, Megumi Aso completely believed it. The boss is not a person who likes to joke. This should be true.

  "Boss, give me a cup of mixed coffee. I haven't had one for a long time. I don't know if your craftsmanship has thick legs."

  Sitting in a chair, Tian Luo said to the boss

  "Don't worry, I'm making progress all the time"

  The boss nodded confidently, then ran to the bar to make coffee

  "Want to sit? We can have a good talk"

  Looking at Megumi Aso next to him, Tian Luo smiled faintly

  Seeing Tian Luo like this, Megumi Aso sat down and then stared at Tian Luo.

  "What? Do I have flowers on my face?"

  Tian Luo was not at all embarrassed to be stared at by Aso Hui, he just looked at Aso Hui like that

  "Nothing, just curious"

  Aso Megumi shook his head

  "Curious? Appearance or strength?"

  Tian Luo smiled


  Aso Megumi nodded solemnly

  "Hehe, there are a lot of things in this world that you don't know, as long as you know that I have no ill intentions towards you..."

  Tianluo smiled and shook his head. He didn't plan to tell Aso Hui about himself. After all, knowing more would not benefit him.

  "So, do you know about my mother's past? Is she really similar to me?"

  Megumi Aso nodded and then asked. He was also curious about his mother's past. She has always followed in her mother's footsteps and joined the blue sky to fight the Tooth Vampire. This is her mother's will.

  "It seems that he is really gone. Did he die in battle?"

  Seeing Megumi Aso's expression, Tianluo nodded thoughtfully, but he didn't say anything. After all, as a soldier, you must be prepared to die in battle.

  "He is a very stubborn woman, but she is also very strong. Although she is a woman, she also fights very hard against the Tooth Vampire."

  After thinking for a long time, Tian Luo slowly said


  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Megumi Aso lowered her head, a childhood picture appeared in her mind, the beautiful woman smiled and looked at herself

  "Your father's name is Hongyin, right?"

  Tianluo's voice suddenly came


  Aso Megumi was taken aback by Tianluo's question, and then recovered from his deep thoughts.

  "It seems so, I don't think there is anyone other than him."

  Seeing Aso Hui's gaze, Tian Luo also knew the answer.

  But obviously Megumi Aso wasn't very impressed with Hong Yinya, and he was still having sex with Yuri. Could it be that the guy hung up earlier?

  “Coffee is here, please taste”

  Just when the atmosphere was a little depressed, the boss's voice came over, and there was an extra cup of steaming coffee on the table.

  "Sure enough, the craftsmanship has not regressed"

  Smelling the fragrance, Tian Luo raised his thumb

  "Of course, this is my housekeeping skill."

  The boss said proudly

  Nodding with a smile, Tenra drank the coffee, then looked at Megumi Aso again.

  "Now that your questions are over, it's up to me"


  Aso Megumi was stunned for a moment.

  "573 You Blue Sky Club should know a lot of things, right?"


  Aso Megumi nodded.

  "Is there a big investment company in this place?"

  Tenra looked at Megumi Aso and asked again

  "Investment companies? There are many..."

  Aso Hui shook her head. There are many investment companies in this place, and she didn't know which one Tian Luo was talking about.

  "Well, how should I put it, it's the kind that is very problematic. As long as you go there, you will disappear. There must be a lot of people missing."

  After thinking for a long time, Tian Luo said


  Aso Hui was stunned, she didn't know about this at all, and when she heard Tianluo say this, she realized it was strange

  "Tianluo, why are you asking this?"

  The boss talked to the side

  "My wife is looking for someone, and that person should be there"

  Tian Luo took a sip of coffee and said

  "Your wife? Miss Wakana, Miss Mai, Miss Naomi, or..."

  the boss thought

  However, as he spoke, Aso Hui's eyes suddenly changed.

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