Looking at the women's eyes, Tian Luo could only be soft. Although he was very upset, Tian Luo didn't have the embarrassment to say it. After all, he has already opened the harem, so it is useless to quibble.

  "Hee hee, then get off here, I have already recorded it"

  Looking at Tian Luo's depressed expression, Naomi said with a smile, and then the door opened automatically

  "Well, can we discuss it again?"


  "Ok, I'll be fine, you're ruthless"

  Glancing at the girls depressedly, Tian Luo got out of the car very upset, and before leaving, he picked up the sleeping little bat.

  "Goodbye, husband, remember to be good, or else..."

  Looking at Tian Luo below, several women waved at him

  "Naomi-chan, you can't make a mistake, what if you can't find me?"

  Seeing Xiaolong planning to set off again, Tianluo couldn't help shouting at Naomi in the car

  "Don't worry, you can't go wrong, I'm a professional"

  Said confidently

  As Naomi's voice fell, Xiaolong also started slowly, and then the speed got closer and closer and disappeared in the blink of an eye...

  "Let's go now? Did you make a mistake?"

  Squatting on the ground, Tianluo's face suddenly turned inward, it was so sad.

  "Oh, am I going to resume my life with my left and right hands?"

  Seeing that there was only his own space left, Tianluo had the urge to hit the wall, and suddenly he became a lonely man, and he couldn't mess around. Could it be that he can only solve it by himself for a while?

  "The most unlucky thing is that I am okay. I didn't do anything, and I was kicked out of the car in the end. Who am I to provoke?"

  The little bat suddenly flew to Tianluo's head and complained

  "Go away, I'm down, you still want to be there, stop dreaming"

  A slap slapped the little bat, Tian Luo stood up very upset, and then walked towards the front

  "Hey, where are we going?"

  The little bat flew back again, and there was no estrangement due to Tianluo's violence. There is no way, just get used to it.

  Just as his words fell, a door suddenly appeared in front of Tianluo.

  That's right, it's just a door, as if it was suddenly born from the void, which makes people look very strange.

  "Go in and have a look, I don't know where it is?"

  Shaking his head, Tian Luo directly held the door handle, then the door opened, Tian Luo and the little bat got in

  When Tian Luo and the others came out again, the scene in front of them suddenly changed.

  The originally endless desert disappeared, and what appeared in front of me was a small room, but the room was filled with all kinds of equipment, it seemed that it should be a research room

  "here is?"

  Tian Luo looked at the room curiously. There were soda cans on the table, and there were many large coins next to them.

  Picking up the coin on the table, Tian Luo's eyes suddenly lit up, he thought of what it was, and he believed that there was only one that could have such a thing.

  At this moment, footsteps suddenly came from outside, and the sound was coming towards this room.

  Tian Luo hurriedly stood behind the door.

  The door opened 5.3, and I saw two men in white coats walk in, one was very young, the other was middle-aged, but the strange thing was that the middle-aged man had a strange doll on his shoulders, bald The brain looks weird

  "Dr. Maki, new coins have been sent, are we going to do the next research?"

  Young man looking at middle-aged man and asking

  "Well, let's see"

  The middle-aged man called Dr. Maki nodded.

  Looking at the safe and sound laboratory, Maki took some experimental equipment and went out again

  The door was slowly closed, and Tian Luo's figure was revealed.

  "Dr. Maki? Sure enough, I didn't expect to come here, this is interesting..."

  Tianluo suddenly laughed, his body disappeared again, and then followed the path the two had walked, followed by the little bat...  

Chapter [-] Hongshang Institute of Biology

  In the silent corridor, two people walked slowly forward, and they never imagined that there was another person behind them.

  When they got to the innermost point, the two stopped. There was a bare metal wall in front of them, and there was no way to go.

  Maki searched for a while on the wall, and then a groove suddenly appeared on the wall. Press the groove, and a light curtain suddenly appeared.

  "Fingerprint unlocking, iris detection, DNF verification, identity authentication..."

  The electronic synthesis sound suddenly sounded, and a beam of light shone on Maki's body

  "Fuck, so strict?"

  Tian Luo looked at this scene in surprise. He didn't expect this to happen again. It seems that the coins inside are very important to them.

  After a minute...

  A door suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, and then the two walked in.

  Seeing this, Tian Luo followed closely, his body became nothing, and the light beams outside had no effect on him.

  The moment Luo entered that day, the door slowly closed, and at this moment, the place has changed into its original appearance, and there is no abnormality here at all.

  Inside the door at the moment

  This is a completely enclosed space, not very wide, but it is filled with shimmering coins, roughly 15 at least tens of thousands, giving people a strong visual impact

  "Okay, a lot, so many coins, at least we can study it for a while..."

  The young man looked at the coins piled up in a little excitement, but Maki didn't change his expression. He didn't care about these things very much. As long as he was there, Hongshang would send coins continuously. He was not surprised. weird

  "It won't take long before I can complete my ideal..."

  Looking at the coin in front of him, Maki muttered to himself, and then his eyes turned to the doll on his shoulders, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes, but he regained his calm in just a moment, and even the young man beside him didn't notice it.

  "Doctor, how many will you take away this time?"

  The young man turned to look at Maki and asked

  "Let's get [-] coins first, the workload has been a little heavy recently, these should be enough."

  Maki nodded and replied

  "Well, I think, you should not take any of them, just leave them all to me."

  Tian Luo's voice suddenly came from behind the two of them.


  The sudden voice startled the two of them, and then they turned to look at Tian Luo vigilantly.

  "Who are you? How did you get in?"

  The young man looked at Tian Luo in surprise. This place has gone through a very strict detection system. Without the arrangement of Dr. Maki, it is impossible for anyone to come in. Where did the guy in front of him come from?

  "Of course I walked in, thank you for leading the way."

  Tian Luo looked at the two in front of him with a smile on his face.

  "Impossible, there is energy sensing outside the door, how can you come in?"

  It was still the question of the man in front of him. At this moment, his face was full of disbelief, and he couldn't agree with Tian Luo's words at all.

  "Hehe, you don't need to know about this, you just need to know that now this place is occupied by me, everything here is mine..."

  Tian Luo still had a smile on his face, then walked forward and picked up a coin

  "It's really amazing. It's just a small coin, but there is an extremely pure power hidden in it. Is this the desire of human beings?"

  "It seems that you know a lot, can you tell me your identity?"

  Maki regained her composure, stared at Tian Luo and said

  Although there is nothing special about Tianluo, Zhenmu feels that Tianluo is very dangerous. It is the kind of feeling that makes people feel cold. The man in front of him is definitely not simple, and he seems to know these coins very well. who

  "I'm Tianluo, a traveler. I didn't expect to surprise me when I first came here. Thank you so much..."

  Tian Luo looked at the two of them gratefully, but no matter how they looked at it, it was all sarcasm.

  "Hey, don't be too arrogant, this is the Hongshang Institute of Biology, not a place where you can go wild"

  Looking at Tian Luo's appearance, the young man yelled angrily, this is the first time he has encountered this kind of thing after working here for so long, it's really crazy

  "Hongshang Institute of Biology? So what?"

  Tian Luo laughed and snapped his fingers lightly, and then saw the young man roll over with his eyes rolled over.

  "what have you done?"

  Zhenmu was taken aback, he didn't expect Tianluo to do it directly, and the method was so strange

  "Nothing, just fainted"

  Tianluo waved his hand in comfort, but Maki's heart was still tense, and he slowly put his hand into his pocket

  "Hey, are you sure you want to do this?"

  Tian Luo suddenly said something, Maki's body froze, and the hand that was going to press the alarm stopped.

  "That's good, you are a smart person, you shouldn't do stupid things for these things, right?"

  Tian Luo smiled and nodded, then walked to Maki's side, his fingers flicked slightly, and the doll on Maki's shoulder fell directly to the ground

  "Ah~ no, no..."

  Maki suddenly screamed and saw that his face suddenly turned pale, his body fell down involuntarily, his whole body trembled as if uncontrollably, grabbing the doll on the ground, like a goat epilepsy.

  "Hey, is this guy sick?"

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