The beautiful boss exclaimed, then looked at Bi Nai with a smile on his face, obviously very satisfied with the girl in front of him

  "Thank you"

  Hearing the boss's words, Binay nodded embarrassedly.

  "It turns out that there is such a thing as inborn divine power, and she is still a woman."

  Tianluo looked at Bi Nai and thought to himself, although he knew that the girl in front of him was very strong, but seeing it with his own eyes started to surprise him.

  The girl in front of me is an ordinary person. She has no mutation and is not an alien. I really don’t know why.

  "Who is this……"

  Binay also noticed Tian Luo, then looked at the boss suspiciously

  "Ah, this is Tianluo, we just met, a very good young man"

  The boss opened his mouth to help Tianluo introduce, and then couldn't help but praised that she had a really good impression of Tianluo.

  "Hello, Miss Binet"

  Tian Luo smiled and nodded at Binai


  Bina also smiled kindly.

  "Tianluo, you have nowhere to go now, do you?"

  At this moment, the boss suddenly looked at Tian Luo and asked


  Tian Luo nodded, he really hasn't found a place to live yet.

  "Otherwise, why don't you just come to the 073 store to help? Together with Binay, we can eat and live, and make some money."

  The boss looked at Tian Luo with bright eyes and said

  "Uh, help here?"

  Tian Luo was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the boss to say that. It seems, it seems... very good.

  "Yes, you meet the standards of our shop very well, do you want to do it?"

  "Do it, of course do it, how can you not do such a fun thing"

  Tian Luo immediately agreed with a slap on the table.

  He didn't have anything to do in the first place. He just happened to be able to pass the time here, and it seemed that Yingsi would also come by then, which saved a lot of trouble.

  "Okay, let's change this clothes first, so that it meets the standards of our restaurant..."

  The boss smiled and nodded

  After the decision was made, Tianluo and Binai were immediately urged to change their clothes

  After a while, when the two walked out, their appearances had completely changed.

  Tian Luo is dressed in the service of European nobles, with a golden wig on his head, a knight's sword in his hand, and the momentum on his body suddenly makes people shine.

  Bi Nai is wearing a princess dress, and wearing a gold lace dress on his body, he has a ladylike feeling.

  "Yes, it really suits you."

  The boss looked at the two people in front of him with joy. He was really satisfied now. He didn't expect to accept two such suitable people in one day.

  "I feel a little awkward, can you take off the wig?"

  Tian Luo touched the wig on his head and said helplessly.

  "No, it won't feel that way."

  The boss refused without hesitation

  "All right"

  With a helpless sigh, Tian Luo could only continue to play his knight.

  Binay didn't say anything, he was still able to accept this outfit, and the most important thing was that he finally found a job

  It didn't take long for customers to arrive one after another, and the originally quiet store suddenly became lively.

  The boss starts cooking in the kitchen, while Tenra and Hina begin their roles as receptionists

  Although doing this kind of thing is a bit of a loss of identity, Tian Luo feels very interesting and fresh.

  Guests came one after another, and then left one after another. The time seemed to change very quickly during the busyness, and it didn’t take long for the afternoon to arrive.

  "Wow~ it's done at noon"

  Taking off his clothes, Tian Luo felt a deep laziness

  "Hehe, how are you two feeling? Are you still used to it?"

  The boss came over and asked with a smile

  "It's okay, not too tired"

  Bina nodded with a smile

  "I'm fine, I feel pretty good"

  Tian Luo nodded.

  "That's good, come on later"

  The boss looked at the two and smiled and encouraged.

  "Tianluo, do you have anything to bring? I'll help you clean up the room."

  The boss looked at Tian Luo and asked

  "No, just go and see the room."

  Tian Luo shook his head

  After talking with Binay for a few more words, Tian Luo and the boss walked to the back room, where there was a separate room.

  It was not difficult to clean up the room, it was finished in a while, and the boss returned to his own room

  "Well, I finally have a place to live"

  Looking at the room, Tian Luo nodded in satisfaction

  "Please, I really don't know what you think about doing this kind of work..."

  The little bat flew down from the top of Tian Luo's head, and his tone was a little depressing. He felt that Tian Luo's brain was caught in the door, and he even came out to work with such a powerful force.

  "Che, how do you understand, this is experiencing life, do you understand?"

  Tian Luo glanced at the little bat with disdain.

  "Fart, it's just a pain in the ass"

  The little bat also looked at Tian Luo with disdain.

  "Really, there are no powerful people here at all, they are all ordinary people, it's boring..."

  The little bat lay lazily on the side, and he felt a little bored without an opponent. After all, he was born to fight, and there seems to be no race like the Tooth Vampire in this place, which means that there is no fight.

  "Hey, don't underestimate this place, there are still powerful guys"

  Tian Luo smiled and shook his head, disdain for the little bat's ignorance

  "What? There are other races here too?"

  The little bat suddenly became interested

  "Let's go, I'll take you to see it, I already feel it, and there is an acquaintance's breath..."

  Standing up, Tian Luo smiled and waved at the little bat, then walked out directly

  "Hey, there's another fight"

  Hehe laughed, and the little bat chased after him...


  A terrible thing is happening on a street not far from the multi-cuisine restaurant

  I saw an ant monster like a hill climbing a building, all the glass stones of the building were destroyed, and the people inside started to flee in a panic.

  It was just a while, that building was destroyed and fell directly on the other building, and the huge monster climbed to the other building again along the way.

  And just downstairs, a young man with long hair and short sleeves was looking anxiously at the situation inside.

  "Anku, hurry up and give me coins"

  The man yelled anxiously at the other man beside him

  It was a young man with yellow hair and an expression that was very twitchy.

  But the strange thing is that one of the man's arms turned out to be blood-red claws, which suddenly looked like a toy

  "No, he hasn't fully grown yet, he can't do it until he collects some more coins"

  The man called Anku said with a displeased expression.

  "What about the people in there?"

  "Yingji, remember, your main task is to collect coins, you don't need to worry about other things"

  Anku looked at Yingji seriously

  "How can this be possible? Is it so desperate?"

  Yingji looked at Anku angrily.

  "Since you don't give it to me, then I'll go by myself"

  Glancing fiercely at Anku, Yingsi rushed towards the building.

  "This bastard"

  Looking at Yingji's back, a spark appeared in Anku's eyes.

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