This is a monster that can devour people's desire to grow. As the desire for speed is stronger, the more ordinary coins are generated, and the power of Yummy will become stronger and stronger.

  When the coins are stored enough, he will give the coins to his master, and the ant monster under Tianluo's feet is Yummy made by Gerrard

  At this moment, Anku and Yingji both stared blankly at Tian Luo on the monster.

  Their shock was too great. Yingji thought he could transform himself, but unexpectedly another one suddenly appeared.

  As for Anku, he has also been sealed for 800 years, except for 000, he has no understanding of the world at all


  Yingji, who had come to his senses, suddenly shouted excitedly, causing Anku who was beside him to jump.

  "Hey, now is not the time to worship, don't forget your identity"

  Anku yelled at Yingji angrily.

  "It's okay, I won't mind"

  Tian Luo waved his hand generously

  "I mind"

  Anku roared angrily, but was ignored by Tian Luo.

  "Let's deal with you first"

  Tian Luo suddenly jumped off the ant monster, because the ant monster had woken up from the dizziness just now.

  "Want to be together?"

  Yingsi walked to Tianluo and asked excitedly

  "Do you think you can?"

  Tian Luo asked back

  "Uh, you can't"

  Yingji lowered his head weakly, his current strength is simply no match for the ant monster, unless...

  "Just watch from the sidelines, I haven't fought in a long time."

  After moving his body for a while, Tian Luo's eyes turned to the ant monster that had already started rushing towards him.

  "Hey, be careful"

  Yingji is still a little worried, the monster in front of him is really too big, giving people a very strong visual impact


  Tianluo laughed, then rushed up directly, jumped, and put his foot on the head of the ant monster.


  With a muffled sound, the ant monster that was still about to rush up suddenly froze, and then flew backwards as if it had received a strong impact. The huge body drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then fell heavily. on the ground


  Yingsi jumped up excitedly, he didn't expect Tianluo to be so powerful, much stronger than him

  "Hehe, you're not familiar with your power yet, if you unfold it all, it's similar to mine."

  Tian Luo glanced at Ying Si and said lightly.


  Yingsi suddenly became energetic, and then looked at Tian Luo with anticipation.


  Tian Luo calmly nodded.

  "I really want to kill him..."

  Anku gritted his teeth and said, if he has a body at this moment, it must be a black line on his face


  With a loud roar, the ant monster rushed to the ground again and climbed up. It seemed that there was nothing to do except for some coins dropped on the ground.

  "The vitality is very strong, then knock out all your coins."

  Tian Luo glanced at the ant monster, then rushed up again

  A punch hit the belly of the ant monster, a large ball of coins fell from it, and then his body returned to its original shape again, then the back, the thick legs, the tail...

  One punch after another, Tianluo's fist kept hitting the ant monster's body, but after a while, a large amount of coins had fallen on the ground.

  The ant monster roared and attacked Tianluo, but never hit Tianluo. As time went by, the ant monster's attack became slower and weaker.

  "Is it about to die?"

  Looking at the ant monster that had no more attack power, Tian Luo also stopped his movements. At this moment, in his eyes, the ant monster in front of him was doomed.

  A long knife appeared in his hand, Tian Luo stood under the ant monster, the long knife was lifted up, and then he slammed it out.

  "cut in the waist"

  With a low drink, a huge sword light suddenly appeared, and then directly chopped down the body of the ant monster.

  The sword light flashed away, and then Tian Luo slowly walked out from below.


  As Tianluo walked out, the body of the ant monster exploded directly, and then coins kept falling from the sky, which looked extremely spectacular.

  "Hehe, violent coins, there is a sense of sight in online games"

  Looking at the falling coins, Tian Luo grabbed one and said with a smile

  "Mine, mine, all mine..."

  Anku flew around excitedly, and every time he flew, a coin fell into his hand and melted into it.

  After releasing the transformation, Tian Luo looked at this scene with some amusing. He didn't mean to collect these coins. He didn't like them.

  "You are amazing"

  Yingji also lifted the transformation and went to Tianluo to worship and said.

  "Hehe, it's normal..."

  Tian Luo scratched his head a little embarrassedly, to be honest, it's a bit unaccustomed to be looked at by a man like this all the time.

  "Then how did you transform, why didn't you see you using coins?"

  Eiji looked at Tian Luo strangely

  "Who said you have to give coins when you transform?"

  Tian Luo glanced at Yingsi, and then pointed to the little bat who was competing with Anku for coins in the sky

  "Bastard, what are you, return the coins to me..."

  At this moment, Anku in the sky is looking at the little bat that he robbed from 0.1 angrily.

  "Hmph, what are you, you dare to talk like that to the great Lord Kiva, and, these things are all mine..."

  The little bat glanced at Anku with disdain.

  "What do you want these for? You're not Gerrard, you bastard, just let me know"

  Grabbing the coin bitten by the little bat, Anku shouted

  "It's up to you, I like it..."

  "Bastard, let go..."


  "Uh, is this your belt? It's so personal..."

  Eiji looked dumbfounded at the two unknown objects above.


  Tian Luo also nodded speechlessly, saying, the little bat has finally found his opponent.  …

Chapter two hundred and ninety-four something happened to Bina

  "Anku, hurry back to Mr. Interpol, or he will be in danger..."

  It seems that Anku is still fighting for coins, Yingji hurriedly shouted

  Without Anku's possession, the detective's body wouldn't last long.

  "Cut, don't order me..."

  With a hard cut, Anku said he was very upset, but he did not refuse, and flew over the top of the building.

  In less than a moment, Anku came back to the two of them again, and he changed back to that tugged expression, as if the whole world owed him money.

  "Okay, now it's time to say who you are"

  Anku looked at Tian Luo and said seriously

  "Didn't I say so? I'm just a receptionist..."

  "Are you kidding me?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Anku grabbed Tian Luo's collar and shouted.

  "Cough, are you sure you want to do this? You have to think about the consequences."

  Tian Luo patted Anku's hand away and said with a smile

  "It's really sad, but only one arm was resurrected, little turkey, do you believe that I can kill you with one hand?"


  Hearing Tianluo's words, Anku's eyes almost burst into flames.

  "Okay, okay, stop arguing, Mr. Tianluo, who are you, and what is that thing?"

  Yingsi hurried over to smooth things out, but he was also very curious about Tianluo, especially the little bat who could talk.

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