"Finally successful, Yingji, hurry up and transform..."

  The corner of Anku's mouth twitched slightly when he saw it, and he called out Yingji, and three coins of different colors were thrown directly at Yingji who just stood up.


  Taking the coin, Yingji transformed directly, the red, yellow and green armor appeared on Yingji again, and then rushed towards Yummy

  "Hey, aren't you going?"

  The little bat flew to Tian Luo's shoulder and said suspiciously.

  "Come on, it's just not time yet"

  Tian Luo said with a smile


  Looking at Tian Luo strangely, the little bat's eyes turned to the battlefield ahead

  At this moment, Yingji and Yummy have been fighting together, but it is not so fierce, but very strange

  I saw Yingji punched Yummy, but instead of causing no damage, he was thrown away.

  The fat on Yummy's body is like a super protective shield, no matter how Eiji attacks it, it won't help

  "Ah~ what's going on with this body?"

  Yingji looked at Yummy with a headache, and turned the claws on his arms to attack Yummy again, but...

  "Well, I admit, fat people also have advantages..."

  Looking at Yingsi, who was scratching his head and scratching his cheeks, but still couldn't do anything, even Tian Luo couldn't stand it.

  However, just when Tianluo was about to make a move, Zhijian Yingji's leg flashed a green light, and he kicked Yummy again.


  A crisp voice sounded from Yummy, and then a few coins fell from him.

  "It worked"

  Yingji shouted excitedly, his pace quickened again, coins fell from Yummy's body, and the last kick directly kicked Yummy out.

  "Fix you completely"

  Picking up an unknown object from his waist, Yingji's hand crossed in front of him

  A powerful energy began to condense on his legs, he jumped, three circular energy circles formed in the sky, just aimed at Yummy below.

  With a loud shout, Yingji's body rushed down the aperture. If Yummy was hit, it was absolutely impossible for him to survive.

  But at this moment, a strange thing happened, stone pillars suddenly floated below, and their direction was the middle of Yingji and Yummy.

  "not good"

  Anku scolded secretly, he already understood what happened

  "Hehe, finally waiting for you..."

  Tian Luo's expression was the exact opposite of Anku's, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  With a wave of his hand, the stone pillars in the sky flew into the distance as if being pushed away.

  At this moment, Yingji just rushed down and kicked Yummy directly with a violent kick.

Two hundred and ninetieth eight chapters Kazari

  The explosion resounded throughout the space, countless coins fell from the sky, and Yummy died completely

  "Hehe, this is the perfect ending, I hate those accidents the most."

  Looking at the coins flying all over the sky, a smile appeared on Tian Luo's face.

  "Really? But I don't feel perfect. I'm in a bad mood right now..."

  A voice suddenly came from behind several people, and I saw a monster with a dark body like a leopard walking out slowly.

  "Kachari, it's really you..."

  Looking at the monster coming out, Anku said seriously

  "Hehe, Anku, it's really pitiful, only one arm is awakened..."

  The monster known as Kachari looked at Anku and said with a hint of contempt in his tone.


  Hearing this, Anku was instantly angry.

  "Hehe, you did it just now, you dare to hinder me, what are you?"

  Ignoring Anku, Kajari looked at Tianluo

  "Ah~, did you finally come out after hiding for so long? I thought you would hide forever."

  Tian Luo stretched his waist and said to Hache.

  Tian Luo has found this guy for a long time since he came here, but this guy has been hiding in the distance, Tian Luo just stood there waiting for him to make a move

  Sure enough, when Yingji released the final blow, this guy finally couldn't help but take action, but would he still make this guy succeed?Oh, naive, so naive

  "You guy..."

  Kajari stared at Tian Luo, he is a very cautious person, he will not rashly take action if he doesn't know the details of Tian Luo

  "Kachari, I advise you to give up, you are not his opponent"

  Anku on the side suddenly said, but what surprised Tianluo and Yingsi was that this guy was praising Tianluo. What's the situation?But after thinking about it, Tian Luojiu realized that this guy was making hatred for him.

  "Hehe, Anku, do you think this kind of aggressive method will work for me?"

  Kajari looked at Anku with a smile. As the most calculating person in Gerrard, he could see Anku's method at a glance.

  "Really? Then what are you going to do here? Are you full enough to last?"

  Anku also had a smile on his face, but just after he finished speaking, three golden whirlwinds suddenly flew out of Kazuri's hands, and their target was the Tianluo trio.

  "not good……"

  Anku scolded secretly, he didn't expect Kajari to do it directly, watching the whirlwind coming, he hurriedly jumped to the roof next to him

  Tian Luo smiled when he saw this kind of thing, and jumped to the side.

  The only person present who did not react was Yingji. At first he was surprised by the actions of the two, but when the whirlwind came in front of him, he became sad.

  The whirlwind containing terrifying energy directly hit Yingsi, and then sparks flew everywhere, and Yingsi's body flew out.

  "Hoo~ so scary, I almost got hit..."

  Tian Luo was standing on the roof looking frightened, his hands patted his little heart, Anku looked at Kazuri with a serious face

  "Huh? You escaped? You really can't underestimate you"

  Kajari looked at Tianluo and Anku in surprise. He didn't expect the sudden blow to miss them.

  "Cough, so strong, is this the power of Gerrard?"

  Unlike Tianluo and the others, Yingsi was directly hit by Kazari, and his body was severely injured. At this moment, he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

  "Hey, Yingji, are you alright?"

  Looking at Yingji, Anku shouted worriedly. Yingji was his main candidate for collecting coins. If he died, everything he did before would be in vain.

  "No, it's fine, just a little dizzy..."

  Yingji lay on the ground weakly and said

  "Oh, it's really sad"

  Tianluo jumped down from the roof and came to Yingsi's side. A golden power entered Yingsi's body. With the input of energy, Yingsi's spirit gradually improved and he struggled to stand up.

  "this is?"

  Yingsi looked at Tianluo suspiciously. He didn't expect Tianluo to have this kind of power. It was amazing.

  "Hey, just a little trick..."

  Looking at the recovered Yingsi, Tianluo waved his hand and then looked at Kazuri.

  "Gerrard? It's really a magical creature. I'm very interested in you now. Transform..."

  "Really? I'm also very interested in you, the unknown power..."

  Kajari also looked at Tian Luo

  The two confronted each other. At this moment, Yingsi and Anku stepped aside. Only Tianluo and Kajari were left on the field.

  "Anku, why don't we help?"

  Yingsi looked annoyed at Anku who was holding him, if it weren't for him, Yingsi would have gone with Tianluo long ago.

  "Do you think your past is useful?"

  Anku glanced at Yingji with some disdain.


  "Okay, this is not something you can intervene at all. It's fine. It's better to lose both. Then the core coins of Kazuri will be ours..."

  Looking at the opposing two, Anku showed a treacherous look

  At this moment, the two people in the field suddenly moved.

  The two figures disappeared in an instant, and the two of them were completely lost in the field.

  "how come?"

  Eiji looked at the empty venue in surprise.

  "Hehe, now you know, your strength is far from theirs, unless..."

  Anku laughed, but he didn't say the last words.

  "Unless what?"

  Yingji asked expectantly, he really wants to become stronger now, so he can help Tianluo

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