Meizulu chuckled lightly, and then looked at a figure beside him, it was a strong-looking Greed with a unicorn on his head.

  "Well, I listened to Meizulu, hehehe..."

  Jie Moer listened to the words of 017 and nodded, then rubbed his head stupidly.

  "Che, what's the difference, I can kill him with one punch"

  The most grumpy Uba looked at Yummy with disdain

  "Dung beetle, if you have the ability, say something else"

  At this moment, Yummy, who was surrounded by them, suddenly opened his mouth, and his words were not astonishing. He immediately silenced several people in the field, and then looked at Uba with a strange expression.

  "Hahaha, it's very good, so powerful, and I think the same as me, I am optimistic about you again"

  Tian Luo, who was hiding on the side, suddenly smiled. As expected of his Yummy, this level of hatred is too appetizing for him. It seems that he will have to observe it for a while.

  No matter what Tianluo's mood was, Wuba broke out at this moment. Although he couldn't see his expression, his flashing head showed his inner anger.

  "Bastard, what did you just say?"

  Wuba looked at Yummy through gritted teeth, with a strong intention of doing something if he disagreed.

  "Dung Beetle"

  Still three simple words came out of Yummy's mouth

  "you wanna die……"

  Hearing Yummy's words, a powerful electric current erupted from the top of Uba's head. The electric current rushed towards Yummy at a very fast speed, and the surrounding ground followers shattered.

  Looking at the rushing current, Yummy hurriedly dodged, and jumped directly to a dozen meters away, and the position he was standing before had turned into a small pit

  "Hehe, Wuba, you are still so irritable, after all, they are just mature, can't you be gentle?"

  Meizulu smiled and looked at Uba, then turned to look at Yummy who was hiding away

  "Come, come to my sister, my sister will take good care of you..."

  "Eight Lady"

  Another two words came out of Yummy's mouth, and Meizulu's body froze instantly.

  "What an rude boy, then let my sister teach you a good lesson."

  Meizulu gritted his teeth and said, and then a water column suddenly appeared and rushed towards Yummy

  Seeing this situation, Yummy jumped away again and flew into the air, but at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind him, and then a spark burst from his back, and then fell from the air.

  "Hehe, what if it's special? Yummy is Yummy after all, and you will never be our Greed's opponent..."

  Kazuri withdrew his claws and smiled and looked at Yummy who fell to the ground. It was him who attacked just now.

  "You bastard dare to sneak attack, bastard"

  Yummy stood up angrily, he didn't expect to be hit by a careless stroke.

  Bursts of flames burned from his body, and then directly turned into four large fireballs and flew towards the four of them. The fiery feeling made the air hotter.

  However, he still underestimated a few people. When the fireball approached a few people, it was easily extinguished. The level gap was still too large.

  "Little brother, you should give up your resistance, or you will suffer a lot."

  Meizulu looked at Yummy with a smile

  "Sanba, do you think I'll give in?"

  "Jie Moer, kill him for me"

  Hearing Yummy's words again, Meizulu couldn't laugh anymore, he said to Jie Moer on his body, and his hand slowly raised

  Jie Moer's huge body also came to Yummy, his arm punched Yummy directly into the concrete ground, Mei Zulu's water cannon was ready again, Yummy was a little dangerous this time

  Meizulu's hand was slowly raised, and it was possible to attack in the next second.

  But at this moment, a figure suddenly came out from a distance. His figure rushed towards Mei Zulu at a very fast speed, and the sharp claws in his hand were also facing Mei Zulu's abdomen.


  The body quickly jumped to a short distance, and Mei Zulu looked at this figure in surprise.

  Black armor, a strange belt around the waist, and the three-color pattern engraved on the body, the person who came is Yingsi

  "000? Why are you here?"

  Seeing Yingji's appearance, several people were surprised and said that the appearance of 000 was unexpected, but after thinking about it, they also understood that Yummy from Anku appeared, so it was not surprising that 000 was on the side.

  "Hehe, it's really miserable, I was beaten so badly at the beginning."

  Tianluo also slowly walked out to Yummy's side, with a strange smile on his face.

  "you again?"

  Kajari was taken aback again. He still had a deep impression of Tianluo. This guy was the first to hurt him.

  Ignoring them, Tianluo looked at Yummy on the ground, and three ordinary coins appeared in his hand.

  "Seeing that you're not bad, I'll give you a gift. I hope you won't let me down."

  Tian Luo laughed, and then a fiery red light emerged from his hand, and then the light poured into the three ordinary coins. Within a moment, the original three ordinary coins turned fiery red, and the three ordinary coins turned into fiery red. A flaming bird is engraved in the middle of the coin.

Chapter [-] was born, the sixth greed

  "This is? How is it possible?"

  Looking at the red coin in Tianluo's hand, whether it was Anku or the other Greeds, they all looked shocked, because that was exactly what the core coin looked like.

  "You, how did you do it~?"

  Anku hurriedly ran to Tian Luo, because these coins were very similar to his, with the same attributes, and they were all birds, but these coins were the same kind of bird, - different from theirs

  "Hehe, the biggest difference between Yummy and Greed is that they have core coins. Now I'll give you these three, let me see what you can become..."

  Tian Luo smiled faintly, and threw the three coins in his hand directly to Yummy in bird form.

  The coin flew to Yummy's side and melted directly into his body

  Just for a moment, when the three coins melted into Yummy's body, a strong red flame suddenly erupted from his body, and then the flame burst out like a waterfall toward the surroundings.

  "not good"

  Seeing this situation, several people were startled at the same time, and then all jumped to the distance to avoid the flames, only Tian Luo was still standing there without dodging or evading

  The raging fire filled the dozens of meters wide space. Tianluo and Yummy were both wrapped in it, and the other people couldn't see the situation clearly.

  "Anku, will Tianluo be okay?"

  Yingsi came to Anku as soon as he stood firm. At this moment, he was very anxious. Although this is Tianluo's masterpiece, who would have thought it would be like this?

  "Hmph, good people don't live long and ruin thousands of years. He didn't die so easily."

  Anku snorted, his eyes fixed on the flames

  At this moment, his heart is very shocked. This flame is too strong. It is also a fire attribute, but Anku Qiegen feels suppressed.

  "Bastard, what the hell is that guy, why can he make core coins, and there is a very familiar feeling, like..."

  Anku cursed in his heart. He didn't know Tianluo's identity after having known each other for so long. He only knew that this guy was passing by here, but Tianluo's body gave him a very familiar aura. It wasn't Greed, it was a different feeling. But don't know what


  Just as Ankuth frowned, a roar like a bird's song suddenly came out of the flame, and then he saw the flame burning in the air being pulled back as if being pulled.

  After a while, the surrounding flames disappeared, and the two people inside were also revealed.

  Tian Luo still stood there with a smile on his face, putting his hands in his pockets, similar to what he looked like before, the flames didn't even burn his clothes.

  And beside him, a tall figure stood there, it was the previous Yummy

  But at the moment Yummy is very different from the previous appearance

  A black and red helmet appeared on the original bird-shaped head, with bird feathers hanging down from the back of the helmet, and a pair of red eyes protruding from the gap of the helmet, giving a feeling of being stared at by a hunter.

  Not only the helmet, but also the body, arms, legs, and armor parts of different shapes are condensed in these places.

  Like a shotgun for a cannon, Yummy, who was still a little humble, instantly became taller.

  No, he can no longer be called Yummy at this moment, because he has successfully transformed into Greed in this way, the sixth Greed outside of Anku.

  "Impossible, how could this happen? It's incredible that Greed was born again..."

  Not to mention Anku and Yingji, even Kazeri, who is usually the most scheming, looked at Greed beside Tianluo in disbelief.

  800 years ago, Greed has been five people since they were born, and there has never been more, because there are only a few core coins of them, and there will be no more, so it is impossible for Greed to appear again.

  But what he didn't expect was that that mysterious man, that powerful guy actually created another core coin, and also created another Greed, how could such a thing happen?

  "Nothing is impossible. No matter how rare the core coin is, it is only created by humans. They can create it, so of course I can do it as a god."

  Tian Luo waved his hand indifferently

  "What are you kidding, God? How can there be a God in the world, and if there is, then it will only be us Greed"

  Wuba roared angrily after hearing this, and the double horns above his head erupted again with countless electric currents rushing towards Tianluo

  But this time, nothing happened, because a red figure was blocking Tian Luo's body, and all the currents were blocked by the figure.

  "Hahaha, very good, you are very good"

  Tian Luo laughed and walked out from behind the figure, then shook his head again.

  "You are already Greed, so you must have a name, then, now this god will give you a name, um, it's called... Ergouzi"

  "Bastard, what kind of name are you, are you joking?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Anku in the distance suddenly roared with a black line.

  Not only Anku, but even Kazuri and the others are black lines

  "Well, Tianluo, can you stop messing around when you're so serious?"

  Yingji, who has never asked about world affairs, looked at Tian Luo helplessly.

  "So, let's change it, Da Mao, Er Mao, Hu Zi, Er Dan, Xiao Hei, Xiao Hong, Long Aotian, Avatar..."

  "You give me enough..." x6

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