"The body defense is very strong, but your attack method is too outdated"

  Looking at the shot put flying towards him again, Tian Luo said speechlessly.

  "haha, really?"

  Tianlong roared, and then punched the ground, only to see the ground split open and follow Tianluo, and countless flames sprayed out from the split ground.  …

Chapter [-]: All-round crushing

  The ground shattered, and countless flames spewed out towards Tianluo, who was immediately submerged by the fire.

  "Haha, idiot, become a roast bird..."

  Seeing this endless fire, Draco roared excitedly

  However, before he was happy for a long time, he felt something was wrong, because the flames seemed to be getting less and less, and there seemed to be a black hole in the center of the flames that swallowed the flames into it.

  "what's the situation?"

  Tianlong stared blankly at this scene

  After a few seconds, the flames thinned out, and then a few people around saw a scene that made their jaw drop. They saw that the flames rushed towards Tianluo's mouth in an orderly manner, and then... …

  "Hiccup~ so full, tastes good, it would be better if you put some salt"

  Tianluo patted his stomach and hiccupped, and then looked at Tianlong with some unfulfilled thoughts.

  "..." Dragon Zodiac

  "..." Gentaro and his group

  Well, seeing Tianluo's appearance, several people have been completely stunned, this is more exciting than watching horror movies 19

  "Although my ability can also absorb flames, if I eat it directly..."

  Gentaro looked at Tian Luo with shame

  "Tough, teacher, I will support you"

  Hearing Gentaro's words, several people nodded at the same time, and then gave Tenra a thumbs up.

  Regardless of the opinions of the people, Tianlong finally recovered from his stupor, and then took two steps back and pointed at Tianluo and yelled.

  "You, you, what kind of monster are you?"

  "Uh... classmate, both are monsters, you don't need to make such a fuss."

  Tian Luo scratched his head and pointed to the Dragon constellation so that he could understand his identity

  "Oh, yeah... Hmph, don't be too complacent, you can't beat me"

  "The change is so fast..."

  "I want you to take care of it, let you see my true power..."

  With a roar, I saw that the whole body of the Dragon constellation suddenly burst out with powerful energy, and then a huge... shot ball suddenly appeared in his hand.

  "Well, it turned out to be a shot put"

  Tianluo shrugged his shoulders speechlessly, this child's imagination is really bad, a good dragon, he only created a nirvana to throw a shot put, although the shot put is a bit big.

  "Give me death..."

  Seeing Tian Luo's contemptuous look, Tian Long was really angry, he used all his strength, and then threw the huge shot at Tian Luo

  Tian Luo shook his head, then snapped his fingers.

  I saw that the shot put that was rushing over suddenly rushed back in the direction it came from. It was so fast, so suddenly, so unexpected. It was unexpected that the Dragon constellation didn't respond and was smashed and flew out.



  Hearing the loud noise, Tian Luo couldn't bear to cover his eyes, but when he saw the exposed gap, he knew that this guy was peeking.

  "Is this the control ability of the constellation Compass? It is really strong, it is simply the nemesis of the Dragon, the only powerful shot put is restrained."

  Singer Xianwu turned on the computer and thought about it

  "That is to say, he has no fighting power other than his strong defense now, right?"

  Gentaro nodded.

  "That's it, Teacher Tianluo is still very powerful. With just one move, Tianlongzuo can't do anything about it."

  Shiroshima Yuki looked at Tian Luo with bright eyes

  "Suddenly this guy is a little pitiful."

  Fengcheng Meiyu sighed


  The rest nodded in agreement

  "..." Dragon Zodiac

  "Damn, what right do you guys who can't even break my defense have to look down on me?"

  With a roar, I saw Tianlong stand up again, a blood-red light radiated from his eyes, and the stars on his body became dazzling.

  "No, this guy is about to evolve"

  Singer Xianwu suddenly exclaimed

  "I am a Dragon, and I am destined to become the existence of the Twelve Apostles. With a body of steel, I will blow you up one by one."

  Tianlong roared and planned to rush towards Tianluo

  But at this moment, a blood-red ray suddenly flashed, and then shot on the side of the Dragon constellation

  The dragon constellation froze immediately. He looked back and saw that where the rays hit, the flowers, plants and trees began to slowly turn into stones.

  A drop of cold sweat flowed from Tianlong's head, and then he stiffly turned his head and looked at Tianluo

  I saw that Tian Luo was raising a finger at the moment, and the ray just now was emitted from the finger.

  "Appeared, Medusa's petrification ability!!!!"

  Seeing this scene, Shiroshima Yuki and the others shouted excitedly in unison

  "Hehe, although your defense is very strong, you shouldn't be able to stop the petrification ability. You think it would be interesting if I made you a sculpture and put it in the flower bed of the school"

  Tian Luo blew his fingers and said with a smile.

  "You're cruel, Teacher Tianluo, a gentleman takes revenge, it's not too late for ten years, we'll see."

  Looking at Tian Luo depressedly, Tian Long 030 left a ruthless remark, and then left here with a direct jump. His movements were not sloppy at all, and he seemed to be a trainer.

  "Ten years? Are you sure I'm still here then?"

  Tian Luo lifted his transformation and scratched his head.

  "Teacher, why did you let him go?"

  Singer Xianwu and a few people ran over and looked at Tian Luo suspiciously

  "Because he's still useful."

  Tian Luo said


  "Everything has two sides, just like soap, it can not only wash hands, but also pick up..."


  "Well, although the analogy is not very good, the truth is the same. The current Gentaro is still too weak and needs an opponent, so he will leave it to you."

  Tian Luo immediately explained when he saw the confused expressions of several people.

  "Oh I got it"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, several people suddenly realized

  "That's it, don't call for help every time you have an accident, and you have to work harder. That guy will be dealt with. As for how to deal with it, it's none of my business."

  Tian Luo shrugged, then walked out of the school

  "Don't worry, teacher, I will definitely solve it."

  Seeing the back of Tian Luo leaving, Gentaro shouted excitedly.

Chapter [-]: The Metropolitan Police Department

  The next day

  When the class bell rings, it means that a new day has begun. However, there are a few uninvited guests in the principal's office at this moment.

  "Principal Hayami, I heard that a monster has appeared in your school recently, I hope you can let us investigate."

  I saw two men in black suits standing in front of Headmaster Hayami, and one of them said

  They are from the Metropolitan Police Department. They came here to investigate the monster rumors.

  "Hehe, the two of you are joking. This school has always been for teaching and educating people. How could monsters appear here? I have contacted the chairman, and he will come and talk to you in detail later."

  Headmaster Shushui coughed dryly and said with a smile.

  "Well, that's fine"

  The two nodded, then stood there waiting patiently

  I didn't make them wait long, and soon I came to the office looking bright

  "Hehe, I already know the reason for the arrival of the two of you, and I will give you an explanation."

  I looked bright and said with a smile

  "Then thank you sir for your cooperation"

  One of them nodded. They knew everything about me, so they didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

  Nodding with satisfaction, I looked at Guangming staring at the two people in front of me, and they couldn't help but stare at him.

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