Nodding his head, Utsu Miyao hurriedly followed.

  After so many things, she also understands some things. There must be something willing to make Gentaro suspect that she is a monster. Of course, she wants to find him out.

  The corner of Tianluo's mouth evoked a smile. Their target was the back of the school, because he had already seen where a few figures appeared, and the war had broken out.  …

Chapter [-] Cancer

  At the moment on the top floor of the school, two figures are standing there watching the battle below, it is Virgo and Libra.

  "Virgo, why are you helping this guy from unknown origin?"

  Libra looked at Pegasus below and said coldly

  Originally, Pegasus was almost wiped out before, but Virgo came out to save him, which made Libra, who hated Pegasus, unacceptable.

  "This is the order of my lord Wang, you have to remember that it is the switch that cultivates the star disciple, not you..."

  Virgo doesn't shy away from Libra's face nodding and saying


  Hearing Virgo's words, Libra was instantly furious, but he couldn't do anything, because Virgo's status in adults' hearts is higher than him

  "Hehe, continue to observe, he has great potential"

  Feeling the unwillingness of Libra, Virgo didn't say anything, his eyes still stayed below


  At the moment, there is a fierce battle below, Gentaro and Pegasus are moving quickly, and their attacks are flying back and forth.

  "Damn, why did you stop me, only 17 is just a teacher..."

  Seeing that he was at a disadvantage, Pegasus roared unwillingly.

  "Ghost Island, you have gone too far this time, I will never let you go"

  Gentaro shouted loudly, this time they were really being played around, if it wasn't for Suita Meteor, they would never have found out that this guy is Pegasus

  And he slandered Utsugi-sensei only because she confiscated his fan

  "Really? Strength, transcendence is what I need, I can't be defeated"

  With a roar, I saw that the energy of Pegasus became stronger

  "Then let's compare"

  Gentaro's power also increased sharply, and the battle on the field was even more intense than before.

  "already hit"

  When Luo and Utsu Miyao came to see this scene that day, Tian Luo laughed

  "This is the power of the switch? It's amazing"

  Looking at the two fighting, Yujin Miyao couldn't help but sighed, it is impossible for ordinary people to train like this in a lifetime. I didn't expect a switch to be so powerful.

  "Great? Like this kind of scum?"

  Tianluo looked at Utsu Miyao with a funny look

  "what happened?"

  Utsu Miyao looked at Tian Luo strangely

  "Whether it's Pegasus or Gentaro, their current level is very weak, and they don't match the powerful at all."

  Tian Luo shook his head

  "No way, are they already so strong?"

  Utsu Muyao looked at the two people flying back and forth in disbelief. At this moment, the ground between the two was as pitted as if it had been pierced by a grenade. In Utsu Muyao's eyes, it was definitely a god-like power.

  "Gentaro won this round, but unfortunately the opponent has the resurrection skill"

  Tian Luo said with a smile


  "Keep watching"

  Tian Luo didn't answer, just pointed to the field


  Yujin Muyao nodded, but the next moment she felt something was wrong, why did she become so obedient?By the way, I used to be a manly woman

  "What a strange feeling"

  Looking at Tianluo, Utsu Miyao was tangled in his heart

  At this moment, the singer Xianwu and the others on the other side also saw Tianluo, but at the moment they didn't have time to talk, they were all staring at the battlefield.

  Time passed slowly. At this moment, Pegasus' physical strength began to decline. On the other hand, Gentaro became more and more brave, and the situation became obvious all of a sudden.

  "Damn, why is this happening, I'm not reconciled, that guy..."

  Pegasus roared, especially when he saw Tian Luo watching, he was even more angry at the moment

  "Ghost Island, you are defeated"

  Using a switch again, Gentaro roared and unleashed his nirvana.

  The powerful energy condensed the surrounding air and slammed it towards Pegasus.


  The explosion sounded, and Pegasus disappeared into the flames.


  Seeing this scene, Shiroshima Yuki and the others all shouted excitedly. After so long, it was finally over.

  The atmosphere in the field was harmonious, and everyone's heavy hearts were finally relieved.

  "Tianluo teacher, what's wrong with you?"

  Utsu Miyao, who originally wanted and wanted to cheer, saw Tianluo's appearance and asked strangely, because Tianluo's eyes were still fixed on the pile of flames remaining in the explosion.


  Tian Luo suddenly said

  As soon as the words fell, I saw a muffled sound, and everyone couldn't help but look up.

  I saw that the original flame suddenly surged violently, and a figure slowly condensed out of the flame.

  "how is this possible?"

  The singer Xianwu watched this scene in shock. They knew what it was, and reached the final limit to enter the ranks of the Twelve Apostles.

  "Oh, it's finally here"

  At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the field, it was Virgo, and he was also holding a young man in his hand, that was the body of Pegasus.

  Throwing it away, the body directly merged with Pegasus, and then the ground began to vibrate continuously, and Pegasus in the flames roared.

  In the shocked eyes of everyone, the outer skin of Pegasus slowly fell off, and a tall figure emerged from the inside.

  The figure gradually emerged, Xingchen was dissatisfied with the whole body, and he looked ugly. The most obvious thing was the claws on his left hand, which were exactly the same as the crab claws.

  "Welcome to another new member... Cancer"

  Virgo smiled, and then a cloud of black light immediately wrapped the two of them and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

  The scene was suddenly quiet and terrifying, everyone, look at me, I look at you, you don't know what to say

  Different from the shock of others, Sutian Meteor obviously seemed to explode in his heart at the moment, not because of Cancer, but because of Tianluo

  I remember that a few days ago, Tian Luo asked them to cheer up, because Cancer among the Twelve Apostles was about to awaken. At first, he was a little puzzled, but when he saw this scene, he was completely stunned.

  He knows that no one can accurately predict who will evolve into the Twelve Apostles, let alone which constellation will evolve into, even the person who has researched the switch is impossible

  But Tianluo actually knew, and seemed to be very clear, what is this?Predict future?

  Thinking of this, his eyes couldn't help but look at Tian Luo

  Feeling Sutian Meteor's gaze, Tian Luo suddenly laughed, the two rows of big white teeth in his mouth shone with white light in the sun, as if he was talking again

  "Stupid, stunned, brother is so hanging..."

Chapter [-] Red Crab

  Time flies, a week has passed in the blink of an eye

  After a few days of filtering, everyone recovered from the shock of Cancer. After all, this was the first time they saw the evolutionary apostle.

  The birth of Cancer means that the enemies of the Kamen Rider Division are getting stronger and stronger, and their crisis has become greater, but no one feels afraid, because they also have some companions

  Gentaro, Tenra, and the mysterious Meteor, the strength of the Kamen Rider Division should not be underestimated. Although they don't know who the Meteor is, they can feel that they are helping them. The current situation is no longer the case. Just started to compare

  "Haha, no matter what, I'll leave it to Sengentaro and the others. I've been so busy these two days."

  Tian Luo walked in from outside the campus, then smiled and looked at the girls around him

  Due to the relatively leisurely nature, he was assigned a very difficult task these two days.

  Tomorrow is the graduation day of the third year of senior high school. Tiangao will hold a graduation party. This can be said to be a very memorable event, and Tianluo is the main person in charge of this party.

  "Huh? That is?"

  Tian Luo suddenly looked up and saw two figures on the roof of the teaching building standing there looking at him, one of them was Principal Hayami, and the other was a boy in school uniform with a folding fan in his hand.

  "What is this? Observe the enemy? Will they join forces to block me on the road?"

  There was a smile on Tian Luo's face, then he waved his hand towards the top, and then walked into the teaching building


  roof of teaching building

  "See? This guy is really sharp."

  Onishima was surprised by the disappearing figure of Tenra and sighed.

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