"You should already know the mastermind this time, have you considered how to deal with it?"

  Tianluo to the singer Xianwu Road

  "Well, both Miyu and Hayabusa have graduated, so now Yuki will take the place of Fengcheng Miyu for the time being. As for the big character Hayabusa... let Jk take the place."

  Singer Kengo nodded, then looked at Shiroshima Yuki and jk



  Both of them screamed, but Yuki Shiroshima was excited, while Jk was in pain

  "Xianwu, can you change someone? I felt like I was going to die after using it once yesterday."

  jk said with a pale face

  "This can't be done, Meteor and I are both engaged in research, Gentaro and Tomoko can't drive mechas, and now only you can"

  Singer Xiango said with certainty

  "But I really want to make soy sauce..."

  "Go thick, the position of making soy sauce is mine"

  Tian Luo said rudely.

  "..." jk

  Well, looking at the situation on the field, jk completely accepted his fate, and he suddenly felt that his life was suffering.

  "By the way, Uban Ritsuko-san made it difficult for her to find a dance partner at the party because of yesterday's incident. As the Kamen Rider club who loves her classmates, do you need to help?"

  Tian Luo seemed to have thought of something and suddenly said

  "That's fine, but how can I help?"

  Gentaro nodded, then said suspiciously.

  "Stupid, of course find one for her"

  Yuki Shiroshima nodded.

  "Who are you looking for?"

  "It's definitely not possible to find someone else, only us here..."

  Tomoko nodded, then looked at the boys in the room

  "I'm going to debug the switch to plan for tonight's fight..."

  Singer Xiango said simply


  "No, jk has to fight, so I can't go"

  Seeing what jk wanted to say, Shiroshima Yuki interrupted him directly

  "..." jk

  "I am the main force, certainly not"

  Gentaro shook his head, he still has to fight today

  "You let me go, be careful Wakana-sensei and the others will catch your pigtails in the future"

  Tian Luo also shook his head

  Well, this is a good reason, a few people simply removed Tian Luo


  Sutian Meteor saw that the eyes of the people around him noticed him, and he felt cold all over, and then a bad premonition came.

  "Just you" x6

  "..." Sutian Meteor

  I'll go, who did I provoke?So angry.

Chapter four hundred and sixty eight night battle

  night comes quietly

  This evening is a very important day for senior high school students, because from today their high school career is over, and the next step is to welcome the life of college

  The party was very lively, and the room was peaceful. The students were excited and a little sad. With the sound of music, they began to dance

  Different from the scene inside, the outside is quiet and dignified.

  The group of Kamen Riders stood there quietly, waiting for today's challenge

  "Suddenly my heart is beating so fast..."

  Shiroshima Yuki couldn't help covering the position of her heart

  "Yeah, I feel so nervous"

  Jk also said excitedly, but looking at his expression, he was scared

  "Cut, what's so nervous, it's not that you haven't fought before"

  Tian Luo glanced at jk disdainfully, this guy has to practice hard, or let him run a dozen laps alone in the next class

  "Yes, I have encountered quite a few enemies, how can this stumped me?"

  Gentaro smiled indifferently, and then he turned cold, looked back at Tianluo, and then...


  With his scream, the other people were also startled, and then quickly ran to the side

  "Hey, hey, it's over..."

  Tian Luo looked at a few people helplessly, didn't they just appear suddenly?is it necessary

  "Just kidding, it's the middle of the night now, teacher, you will scare people to death like this"

  This time, it was jk who covered his heart, and he almost scared him to death just now.

  "By the way, Teacher Tianluo, didn't you say you won't be here today?"

  At this time, Gentaro was relieved, and then looked at Tian Luo suspiciously.

  "I always felt that it would be a pity to miss it, so I couldn't help but come"

  Tian Luo shrugged

  "Teacher, your willpower is very weak"

  Singer Xianwu couldn't help saying

  "It's up to you, by the way, that guy hasn't come yet?"

  Tian Luo looked at the dimly lit playground and asked

  "Not yet, hope she won't come"

  jk prayer

  "It seems that God doesn't help you, she is here"

  Looking at Jk's appearance, Tian Luo couldn't help laughing, because he suddenly saw a figure slowly approaching here

  "Tokuda Yayoi, president of the news agency, why are you ruining this party?"

  Seeing the person coming, singer Xianwu asked in a deep voice that this girl was the one who met the girl with glasses yesterday.

  "Why? I can't let them graduate because I love it here, I want them and I to be here forever"

  Tokuda Yayoi looked at the room of the graduation party and said coldly

  "Uh... I give full marks to this reason"

  Tian Luo's face became extremely exciting after hearing this. This is really weird. He actually wanted to stay in the school.

  I remember when they graduated, the students were so excited that they didn’t sleep all night, and then the next day they tore all the books to shreds and threw them downstairs. That scene...

  "No matter what, today will never let you succeed"

  Gentaro didn't care so much, he took out his belt and said

  "Since you stop me, it's my fault"

  Seeing Gentaro's actions, Tokuda Yayoi also took out the switch. At this time, the switch has completed its first evolution.

  Press the switch, the body fell to the ground, and beside it was a monster with long hair

  "The rear hair seat? There really is such a strange constellation..."

  Tian Luo couldn't help but sighed with emotion.

  "Now is not the time to feel emotional, teacher, come and help quickly."

  Gentaro on the side couldn't help shouting, he is being besieged at the moment, in addition to the rear seat, there are three altar seats, lizard seats, and dragon seats.

  "What's the situation? It can still be copied"

  Tian Luo looked at this scene strangely. He didn't expect these guys who were defeated again to appear again.

  "Hey, you have no chance"

  At this moment, a figure flashed by suddenly and quickly, and I saw that Cancer appeared behind Gentaro at some point, and then slashed towards Gentaro's back fiercely.


  With a muffled sound, Gentaro was directly shot and flew out, and didn't stop until more than ten meters away.


  Seeing this week, Shiroshima Yuki and the others exclaimed, it was so sudden, they didn't even respond.

  "It hurts... Damn, you guy actually attacked..."

  Gentaro struggled to stand up. At this moment, he felt that his bones were about to fall apart.

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