brush brush

  The knife light shines with silver light in the night, dancing like an elves.

  "It's much stronger than before, it's a bit interesting"

  Tian Luo smiled and nodded, but his body kept dodging the slashing blade.

  Time passed slowly, Snake Raptor was still firing his sword quickly, while Tian Luo was still evading. As time passed again, Snake Raptor's debut speed became slower and slower, but Tian Luo was still unhurried. Dodging back and forth, looks unusually relaxed

  "The Raptors are going to lose"

  The Fuli Mage who was watching the battle suddenly said

  "Indeed, his physical strength is already insufficient, and that guy..."

  Four eyes pushed the glasses, his eyes looked at Tian Luo, with a trace of solemnity in his eyes

  "This really strong"

  Li Xing looked at Tian Luo in a daze. In his impression, Tian Luo should be the kind of eldest young master who only speaks and knows nothing. He didn't expect it to be as strong as he said.

  "No, the Raptors haven't summoned the armor yet, this guy is just physically strong..."

  Shaking her head, Li Xing said seriously

  "If you need to transform to deal with ordinary people, then this knight is too incompetent."

  Master Fu Li shook his head


  Just as the three of them were talking, there was a muffled sound in the field, and the three of them looked at the sound, only to see that the Raptors had fallen to the ground at this moment.

  In just a split second, Tian Luo finally made his move, his fist pressed hard against the belly of the Raptor, and the battle was drawing to a close.


  The three of them stared blankly at this scene for a long time and did not recover. The legendary knight of the Lord of the Rings was defeated.

  "Who the hell is this guy?"

  They all looked at Tian Luo with some vigilance

  "Not yet, I think you won't be convinced if you beat you like this, and they don't necessarily agree to let me join, so..."

  Tian Luo looked at the three of them, then looked at the snake jumping raptor on the ground

  "Put on your armor and fight with me, so that I can prove that I am really strong"


  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Snake Raptor was stunned for a moment, then stared at Tian Luo.

  "Idiot, it doesn't matter if you win, why do you do this?"

  Li Xing on the side shouted at Tian Luo

  "Of course I want to join you..."

  "What's so good about joining us, so dangerous, and..."

  Li Xing looked at Tian Luo angrily.

  "Of course it's for you, the so-called building near the water... Oh, I'm going, why did you suddenly shoot..."

  Tian Luo originally wanted to make an affectionate confession, but unfortunately Li Xing's magic cannon completely dispelled his thoughts, and finally he could only helplessly shrug his shoulders and look at Master Fu Li.

  "are you serious?"

  Master Fu Li looked at Tian Luo seriously

  In fact, he also wants the Raptors to try it out, so that he can see how strong Tian Luo is.

  "Of course, otherwise why would I spend so much money?"

  Tian Luo rolled his eyes at him

  "Okay, Raptor, use the armor."

  Nodding, Master Fu Li looked at the Raptor who just stood up


  Hearing Master Fu Li's words, Snake Raptor hesitated. Although he hates Tian Luo, it is not allowed by his dignity to use armor on an ordinary person. Even if he wins, he will not be happy.

  "It's okay, you can be merciful"

  Master Fu Li waved his hand

  "All right"

  Seeing that Master Fu Li and Tian Luo agreed, Snake Raptor nodded sullenly, this is definitely a shame

  Holding the knife in his hand, the snake jumping dragon gave a low drink, and then his body turned violently

  With the rotation, the place where the blade passed suddenly turned into an aperture, and bursts of fiery red light emanated from the circle.

  "The power of space again?"

  Tian Luo looked at this scene curiously, saying that it was a transformation, but it was better to call it a summoning.


  With a light sound, pieces of armor flew out of the circle and mounted on the 2.4 body of the Snake Raptor, and a fiery red wolf-shaped armor was completely integrated.

  "I am a knight of the flame blade, boy, I will really show mercy this time."

  Standing up again, Snake Raptor pointed at Tian Luo while waving a long knife exuding flames.

  "Actually, I wanted to hit you with my bare hands, but that would be a bit appalling, so I definitely transformed."

  Tian Luo suddenly said when he looked at the snake and the raptor.


  Hearing this, the snake jumping dragon was stunned for a moment, and the three people next to him were also stunned, transformed, could it be...

  "Little Bat"

  Laughing, Tian Luo suddenly shouted

  "Come on, I'm so excited, so excited, I can finally play again"

  A voice with joy rang out

  Under the gazes of the four, a group of black-looking things flew towards this side quickly, like... a bat...  

Chapter [-]: Demon King Kiva

  "Boss, who are you going to beat this time?"

  The little bat roared excitedly as soon as it flew over. It seemed that it was a bit suffocated after not coming out for a while.

  "Hey, that's the guy"

  Tian Luo pointed to the snake jumping raptor on the opposite side

  "Huh? You look so weak, boss, your style has become so low."

  The little bat glanced at the transformed snake and raptor, and then sighed

  "..." Snake Raptor

  "Tian Luo, this... is this a magic tool?"

  Seeing the little bat, Li Xing and the others asked in surprise

  They have seen a lot of talking magic tools, so little bats are nothing. What surprised them the most is why Tianluo has magic tools. This is usually only available to the Lord of the Rings and the Knights of the Ring. ...

  "Don't think too much, I'm not a knight of the ring, this little thing was created by a powerful race, but it's following me now"

  Tian Luo dispelled the doubts of several people, and then the little bat flew into his hands automatically.

  "I bite"


  With a low voice from Tianluo, a burst of golden light suddenly emerged from his body, and then slowly wrapped Tianluo, the golden light dissipated, and a knight in golden armor appeared in front of everyone

  "This...Golden Knight"

  Seeing Tianluo's appearance, several people were speechless, their shock at the moment could no longer be described in words.

  "Boss, what are you doing? Why are you changing my look?"

  The little bat himself was a little stunned. I don't know why Tianluo made him like this.

  "Idiot, this world is different. Color can determine your camp. A black one will definitely be regarded as a villain. Gold is the most compelling existence."

  Tian Luo said in a low voice

  "Oh, but I'm not used to this..."

  The little bat nodded, and then said in a low voice

  "Isn't it just a change of clothes, what's a good habit?"

  Tian Luo glanced at it in the armor

  At this moment, his shape is imitating the form of the kiva demon emperor. Compared with the dark kiva, the demon emperor kiva is more domineering and noble, giving people a strong oppression

  There is only one knight in this world that is golden, and that is the legendary tooth wolf.

  That's why Tian Luo thought of using this method to prove his strength, although he is indeed strong

  "Okay, little white hair, do you think it's fair now?"

  Tian Luo stretched his waist, and then looked at the snake and raptor on the opposite side.

  "It's really surprising that you can actually use golden armor, but...why is it a bat?"

  The Snake Raptor nodded, and then became a little puzzled.

  "Fuck, what's wrong with the bat, you big Eba wolf looks down on the bat!!!!"

  When I heard the words of the snake and the raptor, the little bat quit in an instant, that is, why can't it be a bat

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