The Snake Raptor couldn't help but said

  "No need, wait and see"

  Master Fu Li shook his head

  Several people watched the battle situation, but compared to just now, the situation became very bad. I don't know why, every time Liu Fang attacked the opponent, he would be knocked away by golden light, and then screamed in pain.

  "It's a bit of a hassle"

  Tian Luo shook his head, then looked at Li Xing next to him

  "Okay, let's take a shot at this time."

  "Believe it or not, I'll beat you to death!!"

  Li Xing glared at Tian Luo fiercely, and then took out the magic gun.

  Fill bullets, aim, input mana, fire

  Boom! ! ! ! !

  With a loud noise, I saw a fire dragon suddenly rushed out from the muzzle, and then rushed towards the head of the eagle fiercely.


  Feeling the power, Jitou was shocked, and then his body quickly dodged away.

  Without the target to attack, the fire dragon rushed past, and everything it passed turned into a pile of coke, and the house was directly blasted out of a wide and high hole

  "..." Daowai blew his teeth

  "..." Master Fu Li

  "..." Snake Raptor


  The four of them stared blankly at this scene, then turned to look at Li Xing

  However, at this moment, Li Xing also disappeared in place, his figure appeared ten meters away, and his face was covered in mud.

  "Cough, bastard, what's going on! Why is the recoil so strong?"

  Li Xing looked at Tian Luo with an embarrassed look on her face, and there were bursts of small flames in her eyes.

  "Please, I told you all about it, it's a shot, do you think I'm talking nonsense?"

  Tianluo 2.1 shrugged helplessly, it's really not his fault

  "But this recoil..."

  Just halfway through, her eyes turned to the front. Looking at the destroyed scene in front of her, Li Xing was stunned. It was like being swept by a pulse cannon.

  "I did this?"

  She stared blankly at Tian Luo

  "Well, it seems that the power is a bit strong. I'll change it back for you later."

  Tian Luo nodded, and then said thoughtfully.

  "No, no, I want this, don't change it..."

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Li Xing hurriedly shouted, what a joke, she won't cry to death if she returns it

  At this moment, a special emotion emerged from her heart.

  She, Li Xing, the sorcerer of the Lord of the Rings who has been underestimated by others, will rise today! ! ! ! . …

Chapter [-]: The Magician Hora

  "Very good, very powerful. If it weren't for the shield technique, we would really be wanted this time. Jincheng real estate was attacked by terrorists. The enemy had a lot of hot weapons, and the entire Jincheng real estate was destroyed and burned..."

  In the secret room, Tian Luo looked helplessly at the contents of his phone.

  "This... I didn't mean to"

  Li Xing, who was sitting on the side, suddenly showed an embarrassed look. Needless to say, Tian Luo was referring to her.

  "I really didn't expect that you were so crazy when you were shooting. I was shocked. It seems that the pressure was very high before."

  Tian Luo looked at Li Xing playfully

  This girl has completely played since she knew the power of the magic gun. She shot like a madman. The enemy missed a shot, and the surrounding houses were all destroyed. Even she herself was not feeling well, and her arm was a little dislocated.

  "Go away, I'm just a little excited. Also, can this recoil be solved, I can't control it at all"

  Li Xing rolled her eyes at Tian Luo, and then said again

  "This is very simple, just add an anti-shock"

  Tian Luo nodded.

  At this moment, when the two were chatting, the eyes of others were also watching them. Master Fu Li's face was a little tangled, as if he had something to say.

  "Looking at you for a long time, it's like holding back urine, just say something."

  Tian Luo glanced at him, and then said unceremoniously.

  "Cough, that, can you..."

  Master Fu Li coughed awkwardly, then wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it.

  "You want to know the principle of the elemental magic circle?"

  Tian Luo looked at him playfully


  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Master Fu Li nodded quickly

  After living for decades, Master Fu Li has put all his experience in magic and making magic tools. Li Xing and the others are all made by him.

  But after looking at the things in his hand, and then looking at the magic gun in Li Xing's hand, Master Fu Li suddenly felt ashamed.

  "I advise you to stop thinking about it. In addition to having enough magic power to make this kind of magic circle, you also need special gem blessings. You can't do it at all."

  Tian Luo shook his head directly

  What a joke, I really think everyone can do this kind of thing, if you want to have enough magic power, you must kill the phantom in the body, there must be no talisman, and there are magic gems, which can be obtained from the gem beast. Appeared, where can I find the gem beast here?

  "Is that so..."

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Master Fu Li nodded regretfully.

  He also knows that it is impossible to have the magic power of Tian Luo at his own level.

  Last time, Tianluo could generate a super-strong flame with a wave of his hand, but they could only rely on the magic tool to do it, and it was not a dimensional one at all.

  "By the way, what about that fellow Liuya?"

  Tian Luo suddenly looked around suspiciously, there was no one but the five of them

  "Just gone, he still has a lot of opinions on me"

  Master Fu Li sighed

  "Looks like there's an affair between you"

  Tian Luo looked at him teasingly, then by the window next to him, you could see the outline of the city from here, it was really beautiful

  "Although the guy has been resolved, the matter is not over yet, Master Fu Li, how did that kind of Hora come about?"

  After playing enough, Li Xing's face became serious, and her eyes turned to the Fuli Mage beside her.

  "I checked the information of the president. He is a very good person. It is hard to imagine that a person with a firm mind will be possessed by Hora, and the magic fire can't detect it."

  "That's not ordinary Hora, it's Magic Hora"

  After pondering for a while, Master Fu Li said lightly.

  "Magic Hora?"

  "That's right, unlike the yin me Hora, this type of Hora is more powerful and more mysterious. That's why I let Liu Ya come here."

  Nodding, Master Fu Li's eyes showed a solemn look

  "Then how did they come about?"

  The snake jumping raptor on the side couldn't help but asked

  "I don't know, so I have to investigate, this city is very strange..."

  Master Fu Li shook his head

  "It's nothing else. What I care about the most is that light, don't you think it's strange? It seems to only have an effect on the convection of the teeth."

  Tian Luo suddenly laughed, then looked at a few people

  "Yeah, that's weird"

  Hearing this, Li Xing nodded, only Master Fu Li seemed to be thinking about something

  "Anyway, it will be clear at the end, or don't think about it so much, Li Xing, do you want to go out for a drink?"

  Tian Luo stretched, then looked at Li Xing and asked

  "What do you want to do? There won't be any intentions, will you?"

  Li Xing looked at Tian Luo vigilantly

  "Please, am I that bad in your eyes?"

  Tian Luo looked at her helplessly, saying that this girl seems to have prejudice against him, no, she must be corrected, this kind of thinking is wrong

  "Hmph, I'll promise you this time for your help."

  Bai Tianluo glanced, Li Xing said arrogantly

  "Hehe, let's go then. As for you guys, hurry up and sleep."

  Nodding, Tian Luo waved at the three Master Fu Li, and then walked out with Li Xing.

  "This guy……"

  Master Fu Li shook his head, he found that since Tian Luo and Liu Ya came, he has not been very worried

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