Hearing Li Xing's words, the three of them laughed even more happily, and then walked towards them.

  "I'll go, this dude's ability to kill is stronger than me."

  Tian Luo immediately shook his head when he saw this scene, and then took a few steps back.

  "Hahaha, it seems that your boyfriend is very afraid, little girl, it's better to leave this kind of person behind, follow us, I promise you..."

  Seeing this scene, the three guys laughed even more happily. At this moment, Tian Luo was the kind of little white face in their hearts.

  But before they finished speaking, Li Xing shot directly, only to see him kick out with a kick, and the person in the front flew out instantly.

  "Asshole, catch it for me"

  The other two were immediately angry when they saw this, and then all rushed towards Li Xing.

  Just when Li Xing wanted to shoot again, a hand suddenly placed on the shoulders of the two of them, and then a figure flashed past, and one of them fell down.

  "Yo, you're good at it"

  Seeing the figure that suddenly appeared, Tian Luo nodded.

  It was a woman, she looked good, and her skills were equally good, but...it seemed a little familiar.

  "Bastard, call me"

  Getting up from the ground, the three of them rushed towards Li Xing and the woman again

  However, the result they expected did not appear. It only took a few seconds for the three of them to fall down again, and then they rolled away in despair.

  The field was quiet, and the people around looked at the two women in surprise, followed by a round of applause

  "Thank you"

  Looking at the woman beside him, Li Xing said with a smile, the sullenness in his heart was also lessened by the activity just now.

  "It's nothing, in fact, you can solve it without me taking action. Also, be more serious about finding a boyfriend in the future."

  The woman shook her head, then looked at Tian Luo disdainfully

  "..." Tian Luo

  I go, be despised?

Chapter [-] Yanbang

  "Come on, this is for you"

  After the incident was settled, Li Xing came to the woman's side with a glass of wine

  "My name is Li Xing, how about you?"

  "I am Yan Bang"

  The woman nodded and took the class wine glass

  "I am Tianluo"

  Tian Luo cheekily posted it

  "I didn't ask you..."

  The two women stared at Tian Luo at the same time, Tian Luo shrank his neck, and then shut up wisely

  "Is this guy really your boyfriend?"

  "of course not"

  Li Xing shook her head firmly

  "I'll just say, why do you have such a bad eye when you look so beautiful?"

  A clear look appeared on Yan Bang's face.

  "I'm going, what did you stinky old woman say, I don't seem to have offended you?"

  Tian Luo finally reacted after hearing this, he looked at Yan Bang with a displeased expression and shouted

  This woman is ridiculed for a while when she meets him, as if she owes him money, at first glance it is the symptom of early menopause

  "What did you call me?"

  Yan Bang's face suddenly darkened.

  "Stinky old woman, look at your appearance, who do you show it to be gloomy?

  Tian Luo snorted disdainfully, then looked at Yan Bang provocatively.

  "You 340..."

  Yan Bang felt a breath in his heart at the moment, and he had to find someone to vent.

  "Okay, okay, you can't be a man, just say a few words to you."

  Seeing the smell of gunpowder between the two, Li Xing hurried out to smooth things out, then glared at Tian Luo and complained

  "Please, she's the one looking for something first. Why are you talking about me? It's inexplicable."

  "Hmph, the man who sees a girl being bullied but backs off is the worst..."

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Yan Bang said with disdain.

  "Hey, I'm making room, if I do, their brains will be on the wall now"

  Tian Luo immediately retorted

  "Obviously I'm afraid, but I'm so unbelievable..."

  "I was serious……"

  Tian Luo and Yan Bang both looked at each other viciously, and then it was you who said something to me, and Li Xing helplessly shook her head, these two guys...

  "Okay, Yan Bang, in fact, Tian Luo is very strong. He was really trying to make room just now. Otherwise, he would be able to take care of those three guys in a few clicks."

  Li Xing couldn't help but said something to Tian Luo

  "Even so he's just as bad"

  Hearing Li Xing's words, Yan Bang said again

  "Okay, you are amazing, good men don't fight with women"

  Tianluo shrugged, he really didn't want to talk to this woman, because the truth doesn't make sense in front of them


  He glared at Tian Luo again, and then drank with Li Xing.

  Unlike dealing with Tian Luo, Yan Bang and Li Xing chatted very openly, and there was laughter from time to time, but when they saw Tian Luo, their faces immediately became serious.

  Sighing again, Tian Luo waited for the two of them, but...


  "I'll go, the two of you are cruel enough to drink for one night. Have you considered my feelings?"

  In the early morning, before the sun rose, Tian Luo supported Li Xing and walked slowly towards the base, complaining unhappily while walking.

  "Okay, okay, it's the last treat, don't be so stingy"

  Li Xing said with a slightly drunken smile.

  "Please, that's not the point, the point is that I sat all night listening to two women bragging"

  Tian Luo is depressed

  "Bah, how do you talk, this is talking about ideals and the future, hurry up, I want to go home"

  Bai Tianluo glanced, Li Xing closed her eyes and shouted

  "What a troublesome woman"

  Tian Luo shook his head, then supported Li Xing and walked slowly away


  in the secret room

  As soon as Tianluo and Lixing came in, they saw the Master Fu Li who was sitting there

  Seeing the two come in, Master Fu Li frowned, and then said slowly

  "You two..."

  "We didn't do anything!!!" x2

  "..." Master Fu Li

  So tacit...

  "Then why did you go, don't talk about drinking all night"

  Staring at the two of them, Master Fu Li asked seriously

  "Uh, it's really been a night of drinking, you don't believe it."

  Tian Luo and Li Xing came to the side of Master Fu Li, and Master Fu Li suddenly felt a smell of alcohol entering his nose

  "Really, are you sure you didn't do anything?"

  Nodding, Master Fu Li asked uncertainly

  "Of course not. If you want to do it, you have to have a chance. You can ask him..."

  Tian Luo gloomily pointed at Li Xing, then found a place to sit down

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Master Fu Li and Li Xing chatted, and finally understood what happened, and then...

  "Damn, what the hell is your gloating eyes, believe it or not, I will do something with your daughter in two days!!!!"

  Tian Luo looked at Mage Fuli in disgust

  "You deserve a beating, don't you?"

  Li Xing glared at Tian Luo fiercely, followed by a burst of chestnuts, but Master Fu Li saw more schadenfreude in his eyes.

  "This guy is absolutely boring"

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