Tian Luo felt the eyes of the snake jumping raptor and said suspiciously.

  "No... nothing?"

  The Snake Raptor came back to his senses, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and he seemed to want to laugh but held back.

  "Strange, Li Xing is also..."

  Looking at Snake Raptor, and then at Li Xing, Tian Luo shook his head, and then looked at Ribera upstairs again.

  "..." Snake Raptor

  "..." Li Xing

  "Bastard, you are enough, we have a mission, you only know how to watch beautiful women?"

  Li Xing finally couldn't help it, stepped forward and grabbed Tian Luo's ear and said viciously

  "Hey, it hurts, don't make trouble, I'm on a mission too"

  Tian Luo struggled with some pain.

  "Your task is to stare at that woman?"

  Li Xing stared at Tian Luo fiercely

  "Of course not, look at the big fat man over there, and the guy who kills Matt, the guy who is the same as the monkey, they are all Hora"

  When Li Xing got angry, Tian Luo hurriedly said to him


  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Li Xing and Snake Raptor looked at the direction Tian Luo pointed at the same time, and they saw a few very strange guys.

  "How did you do it?"

  Li Xing looked at Tian Luo strangely


  Tian Luo looked at her with a smile

  "Cut, forget it"

  Li Xing gave Tian Luo a disdainful look, and then she started to stare at those guys

  At this moment, the music sounded, accompanied by a whim of singing.

  The crowd below boiled, and Hora, who was mixed in it, was also boiling. They twisted wildly, and their eyes became crazy.

  "Ok, let's start clearing"

  Tian Luo moved his body a bit, and then walked directly towards a Hora. The others also walked up, only Liu Ya stared blankly at the stage.

  The music is still going on, but it's already a mess below. The Horas have moved out at the moment, and the people around are constantly being attacked, but because it's too noisy, not many people notice it.


  At this moment, a loud bang came from the stage, and the loud bang stopped abruptly.

  "Well, that's the best way to fix things"

  Seeing Hora, who had returned to normal in his hand, Tian Luo threw it out and looked at the stage, as did the people around him.

  I saw Liu Fang standing above it at this time, and then sang

  "It sings well"

  Hearing Liu Ya's voice, Li Xing's face showed surprise, and there were other people who were also surprised. Although they didn't know Liu Ya, as long as they were handsome and sang well, who would care?

  "I can't sing well yet"

  Tian Luo couldn't help but said sourly.

  "Don't make trouble, be serious"

  Li Xing rolled his eyes at him

  Tian Luo was speechless for a while, when did he get serious?

  "You guys play, I'll go out and see"

  After Tian Luo finished speaking, he planned to leave.

  "Where are you going?"

  Li Xing immediately grabbed him, with a question in her eyes

  "..." Tian Luo

  I'll go, there's something wrong with this girl?

  Tian Luo looked at Li Xing strangely

  "Girl, you don't really like me, do you?"


  "Okay, looks like I'm thinking too much"

  Tian Luo sighed and walked out

  "This idiot"

  Staring at Tian Luo fiercely, Li Xing turned her head in annoyance.

  "Li Xing, I also feel that something is wrong with you, like a lioness who protects food."

  Snake Raptor came over and said with a smile

  "Go away, when did you gossip like that?"

  Li Xing rolled her eyes at Snake Raptor

  "This is not gossip, tell me, did something happen yesterday, like..."


  A big bag rose from the head of the snake and the raptor, and then he simply shut up


  the other side

  Ribera leaves the scene and intends to return to TV

  With today's trouble, the concert must have been messed up, and she didn't need to come here, and the purpose of her coming this time was not just that.

  Walking to the front of her car, at this moment, Ribera's brows suddenly wrinkled, because she saw a young man in her car

  "who are you?"

  Looking at the young man, a cold light appeared in Ribera's eyes

  "Oh? I'm looking at the young man named Shin, but your mental power has always been locked on me. Don't you think it's strange to ask you now?"

  Tian Luo smiled and looked at Ribera

  From the very beginning, Tianluo felt a spiritual force and kept looking at himself, the little girl in front of him, that's why he kept watching her

  "Hehe, you are really not easy."

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, a smile suddenly appeared on Ribera's face.

  "It seems that the idiot Jincheng Taoxing told you, then, dear big star, what are you going to do?"

  Tian Luo smiled and nodded


  At this moment, the glass of the car window suddenly shattered, and a short knife slashed towards Tian Luoza.

  But when the short knife plunged into Tian Luo's brain, Tian Luo disappeared.

  "Women are indeed more poisonous than men, and if they disagree, they want my life."

  Tian Luo's voice suddenly sounded from behind Ribera

  Ribera suddenly became energetic, then jumped forward quickly, and then turned around

  "no one?"

  "No, because I'm still behind you."

  Tian Luo's voice sounded again, this time still behind Ribera


  Cursing secretly, the short knife in Ribera's hand spun and stabbed directly behind him.


  With a crisp sound, Ribera only felt that her short knife hit the steel, her arms were a little numb, and when she turned her head, she saw Tian Luo's two fingers were gently holding the short knife.

  "Sure enough, stronger than the honorable man"

  Stepping back again, Rebecca said in shock.

  Ever since she learned that Jincheng Taoxing had been robbed of the vaccine, Ribera has been wanting to deal with Tianluo, but the gentleman warned her not to mess around, because the opponent is too strong

  Ribera's self-esteem is very strong. Although he is a woman, he has done a lot of things that men can't do, so she did not follow the words of the gentleman.

  This time, one is to observe the shin, and the other is Tianluo.

  At this moment, she finally felt the power of Tianluo, pressing down on her heart like a mountain. It was really terrifying.

  "What? Are you afraid?"

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  "How is it possible, don't be too happy too early"

  With a roar, cracks began to appear on Rebecca's body, and her beautiful face instantly turned ugly.

  "Pink Skull, I understand this sentence, but compared to you, I... prefer skeletons"

  Shaking his head, Tian Luo looked at Ribera so quietly

  "Give me death..."

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