These meats don't look like pork and beef. They look very strange. There seems to be a trace of energy in them. Master Fu Li has never seen them before.

  "Dinosaur Meat"

  Tian Luo spit out three words


  A sip of water was sprayed directly from Li Xing's mouth, and then she coughed violently, and it took a long time for her to recover.

  "Asshole, stop joking"

  After recovering from her strength, Li Xing gave Tian Luo a vicious look.

  "I'm not kidding, look at that one is a herbivorous dinosaur, its meat is very delicious and doesn't stick teeth, and that one is a small carnivorous dinosaur, very chewy, it was caught when I went to the Jurassic When you arrive, just take it out and relieve your cravings…”

  Tian Luo pointed to the barbecue on the table and explained to the crowd.


  Hearing Tian Luo's words, everyone didn't know what to say. The amount of information seemed to be a bit large, and even the atmosphere just now was lost.

  "is this real?"

  Flowing teeth is still a little uncertain and asked

  "Of course, I originally wanted to get a Tyrannosaurus Rex, but that guy's meat was too unpalatable, so I didn't get it."

  Tian Luo nodded.

  "By the way, because the air was good at that time, this kind of meat had great benefits for the human body. The nutrition and taste were good, and eating it was good for the body."

  "Really? Dinosaur meat, it's the first time I've seen it, I'd like to have some more wine..."

  Hearing this, Li Xing said excitedly, and several other people also changed into this expression.

  After a while, the mood of several people has completely improved.

  "Thank you for taking care of them"

  Seeing a few people smiling, Master Fu Li came to Tian Luo with relief. He knew more than Li Xing and the others, so he naturally knew Tian Luo's intentions.

  "It's nothing, I just think they are cute, hehe, I feel old before I know it."

  Answering a sentence, Tian Luo suddenly froze for a moment, and then smiled helplessly.

  Perhaps after experiencing more and seeing more than Li Xing and the others, Tian Luo feels like an elder at the moment.

  "When I first saw you, I thought you were just a rich man, but you surprised me more and more, Tian Luo, are you really a god?"

  Master Fu Li looked at Tian Luo and asked suddenly

  "Why do you say this all of a sudden?"

  Tianluo wondered

  "Because apart from God, I really can't think of anyone who has this ability, remember you said it once."

  Master Fu Li shook his head and said

  "Well, let's just say it, are you a little disappointed? According to what you think, God should be dressed in a white robe and a kind old grandfather"

  Tian Luo also smiled and shook his head

  "No, it doesn't matter what, I just want to know, why God makes people suffer, why so many people are ruined"957

  Master Fu Li suddenly stared at Tian Luo with a very complicated emotion in his eyes.

  Tian Luo looked at him, and neither of them spoke. After a long time, Tian Luo finally shrugged helplessly.

  "Don't be stupid, I'm not your god, and this is the fault of human beings, it has nothing to do with gods, and wrong things always have to be borne by someone."

  "Yes... so"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Master Fu Li finally sighed, and then he fell silent.

  "Tianluo, Master Fu Li, come over to eat quickly, this is delicious..."

  At this moment, Li Xing, who was on the side, suddenly shouted at Tian Luo and Master Fu Li.

  "Oh, here we come"

  Tian Luo smiled and walked up

  Master Fu Li also followed after seeing this.

  "By the way, Tianluo, what is this? It tastes really good"

  Li Xing pointed to one of the plates of unknown meat and said to Tian Luo.

  "Oh, that's the dragon whip, it's very good"

  Tian Luo said lightly


  Hearing Tian Luo's words, the meat that Li Xing had just eaten spurted out, and then his eyes turned to Tian Luo, and the flames were burning in his eyes.

  "Uh, I think I'd better avoid it."

  A drop of cold sweat appeared on Tian Luo's forehead

  "Bastard, come back to me, I'm going to kill you..."

  ps: The first chapter is a bit sloppy today, let’s rest my brain first, sorry, and does anyone know where Li Xing’s necklace is sold? There is a young lady in the base who wants to buy it, and you will get paid if you know it.

Chapter [-]: Eliminating Harm for the People

  At noon the next day, Master Fu Li called everyone in front of him again, including Tian Luo

  "I think everyone has understood something now, this city is not simple, even... the one who controls the city is Hora"

  Master Fu Li looked at everyone seriously

  Hearing Master Fu Li's words, Li Xing nodded and Tian Luo sat there lazily.

  "So you must be careful next, our actions may have been discovered, I'm afraid they will target you"

  Looking at everyone's appearance, Master Fu Li said solemnly again

  "Got it, we'll be careful"

  Several people also nodded seriously. They also knew that the next time would be more difficult, but they were never afraid.

  "Very well, Tian Luo, do you have anything to say?"

  Nodding, Master Fu Li looked at Tian Luo, and now he seems to regard Tian Luo as a peer

  "Huh? Me?"

  Tian Luo was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head.

  "Why should you listen to him?"

  The snake jumping raptor said very unconvinced

  "Because I'm better than you"

  Tian Luo glared at Snake Raptor, then looked at the crowd

  "Well, since this is the case, let me say a few words, if this city is dominated by Hora, then the people in the city are like sheep in captivity, including us, so... be ready to break through the sheepfold ?"

  After speaking, a smile appeared on the corner of Tian Luo's mouth.

  "Hey, that's what I meant"

  Dao Wai Fang also smiled

  "me too"

  Li Xing's eyes also firmed

  "Our training is not in vain"

  Sora squeezed the bow in his hand


  "Okay, let's go, what should I do..."

  Without waiting for the snake jumping dragon to speak, Tian Luo waved his hand directly.

  "Hey, why don't you let me talk!!!"

  The Snake Raptor looked at Tian Luo with a black line on his face

  "You've said enough, don't look for opportunities to add your own lines"

  Tian Luo rolled his eyes at him.


  Watching a few people leave, Tian Luo nodded. At this time, only Tian Luo and Master Fu Li were left in the room.

  "Hey, old man, I feel like something is wrong with you recently."

  Tianluo smiled, and then looked at Master Fuli with a strange look.

  "What's wrong, and, anyway, I'm also an elder, don't call the old man old man"

  Master Fu Li shook his head and looked at Tian Luo helplessly

  "Okay, father-in-law"

  "This doesn't work either!!!"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Master Fu Li jumped up, what a joke, this guy really wants to kidnap his daughter, how could he allow him after raising him for so many years?

  "Cut, see how excited you are"

  Tian Luo glanced at Master Fu Li with contempt, and then his eyes looked out the window

  "Tianluo, do you think we can succeed?"

  Looking at Tian Luo, Master Fu Li suddenly said

  "What? Not confident in yourself?"

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