"How is that possible, don't worry, I'll see you later"

  Tian Luo shook his head

  After waiting for another five minutes, the girl finally left. Seeing this, Tian Luo and Li Xing hurriedly followed.


  night comes quietly

  In a group of residential buildings, the family is eating quietly, and then chatting happily, which seems to be very happy and beautiful

  But at this moment, the door suddenly opened, and a figure walked over slowly.

  "Teacher? Why are you here?"

  The family was obviously stunned, and the girl opened her mouth in surprise.

  "Hehe, of course, I came to see my lovely students, and by the way, taste the delicious food I cultivated by myself."

  The woman licked her mouth, then looked at several people with a smile on her face

  Suddenly, her mouth suddenly split open, and her entire face turned into a big mouth, looking extremely terrifying.


  Seeing the woman's appearance, the girl and his family suddenly screamed, and then all fainted


  The woman was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect that they would be so easily stunned.

  "Of course not because of you, don't think too much"

  At this moment, a lazy voice suddenly came from outside the door, and then two figures appeared in front of her

  "Is it you?"

  The woman was obviously stunned. She didn't expect the two students she saw today to appear here.

  "Are you surprised? Are you surprised? You're too late. We've been stuck for a long time."

  Tian Luo looked at the woman with a smile

  "Damn, you know me, who are you?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, the woman roared fiercely, with a vigilant look in her eyes.

  "Hehe, since you asked the question sincerely, then we will tell you mercifully, in order to prevent the destruction of the World Cup, in order to... oh, Li Xing, why are you hitting me?"

  "What's the matter, kill her quickly"

  Li Xing glanced fiercely at Tian Luo, who was still long-winded.

  "Okay, anyway, you're done for today, just kill yourself."

  Nodding, Tian Luo and Li Xing rushed up at the same time.

Chapter [-] Bastard, you wait for me


  In the residential building, a scream crossed the night sky, but no one seemed to hear it.

  "Ok, finally done"

  Putting away the gun, Li Xing looked around with satisfaction

  "Their memories have been erased, you can leave~"

  Tian Luo also nodded.

  "Tianluo, you said that there is still Hora in that school?"

  Li Xing looked at Tian Luo suspiciously

  "The devil knows, you can't check them one by one."

  Tian Luo shook his head

  Then the two walked out one after the other

  Ten minutes after the two left, the girl's family also slowly woke up, but they were very confused and seemed to have forgotten something, and then they continued to eat...


  "Come back, how's it going?"

  As soon as he entered the room, Master Fu Li looked at Tian Luo and asked

  "Needless to say? A piece of cake"

  Tian Luo said easily

  "That's fine"

  Master Fu Li nodded

  At this moment, a spark suddenly flashed in his hand, followed by a sigh.

  "What are you doing?"

  Tianluo looked at Master Fuli suspiciously

  "This is a magic tool used to track the magic guide Hora, but unfortunately it has not been successful, and I am short of money for the most important thing."

  Master Fu Li frowned.


  Li Xing couldn't help but ask

  "Magic Hora's corpse, with this, you can accurately track Magic Hora"

  Master Fu Li nodded and said


  Hearing this, Li Xing's brows were also wrinkled. The magician Hora was haunted. It was already luck to meet one, let alone a corpse.

  "It's actually very simple, as long as you find it."

  Tian Luo said very easily

  "Bah, it's easy to say, if you have the ability to catch one."

  Li Xing rolled her eyes at Tian Luo

  "It's really not that easy to get hungry, they hide too deep"

  Master Fu Li also nodded.

  "It's very simple to say that the magician Hora is the controller of this city, and they must appear in a very important channel, such as the president of Jincheng Real Estate and the president of immigration that I met before, thinking that someone often disappears, easy to find"

  Tian Luo said lazily

  "what do you mean?"

  Master Fu Li looked at Tian Luo seriously

  "Education, medical care, transportation, or..."

  Having said that, Tian Luo looked aside.

  At this moment, a light screen suddenly appeared there, and a beautiful woman appeared inside.

  "The hurried day has passed again. Today is very safe and no incidents happened. I hope everyone..."


  Li Xing's eyes suddenly opened wide, she seemed to understand something

  "What happened to Ribera?"

  Master Fu Li looked at Li Xing suspiciously

  "Do you understand now?"

  Tian Luo looked at Li Xing and asked


  Li Xing nodded fiercely

  As the only person whose memory was not erased by Tian Luo, Li Xing knew very well what happened before.

  Kazama was originally going to reveal what happened to Hora, but the next moment Ribera reported that Liuya had become a murderer, and Kazama died. Someone must have done something, and the most likely one was the woman in front of him.

  Li Xing suddenly felt a magical force rushing towards her forehead, and her whole body was bathed in holy light. All the problems she had not figured out before were solved immediately, her mind became more flexible, her waist was not sore, and her legs were not sore. , it's like being beaten with blood

  "Hey, what are you talking about?"

  Master Fu Li looked at the two of them speechlessly, and understood why he felt his mind was even more confused.

  "It's hard for me to explain to you with your IQ, in short, this old lady is the magician Hora, believe it or not"

  Tian Luo pointed to Ribera on the screen and nodded.

  "Hey, I'm grumpy, boy, don't you need a beating?"

  As a person who relies on his head to eat, the most annoying thing about Master Fu Li is that others question his IQ. Tian Luo is not just questioning, it is already an insult, so...

  "I'm going, old boy, you actually attacked, you can stop it for me, if it weren't for Li Xing..."

  "You have the ability to move me to try..."

  Master Fu Li looked at Tian Luo fiercely, but did not stop his movements.

  One after another magic bullets shot out of his hands, and Tian Luo could only dodge helplessly.

  "..." Li Xing

  Li Xing looked at the two jumping up and down speechlessly, how old are they, they are still like children

  "Forget it, I don't care about you, I'll go back to the house first."

  Shaking her head, Li Xing ignored the two and walked into the room.

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