"Damn, wait for me, I will never let you go, I will torture you severely..."

  When the gentleman left, Jincheng Taoxing was completely unable to control his anger. I saw the tableware on the bar suddenly scattered all over the place, and the steakhouse became a mess.


  "Ah~ the weather is so nice, it's really suitable for going out on a date"

  Tian Luo woke up from the dream and came to the top floor

  At this moment, the sun is hanging high, and the sun is afraid of falling, making people feel very comfortable

  "It's a pity, that guy Li Xing actually went out. It's really tragic."

  Suddenly, Tian Luo's face suddenly became bitter, Li Xing and the others went out very early, to deal with the magic guide Hora, so dating or something can only be a waste.

  "Forget it, I'll go out and see for myself."

  Shaking his head, Tian Luo walked out alone

  At this moment, the street looks very lively with people coming and going. There are many people in the park next to it, and the atmosphere is unusually harmonious.

  "Hi, handsome, can you buy me a cup of coffee?"

  At this moment, a voice suddenly remembered from behind Tian Luo, it was the voice of a woman

  Tian Luo looked back and saw a beautifully dressed woman looking at him with a smile on her face

  "Uh...beautiful, very familiar."

  Tian Luo looked at the woman suspiciously and said

  "I hate it, it's too much for you to forget about people after so long."

  The woman looked unhappy, and then gave Tianluo a blank look.

  "Oh, I remembered, you are the...chicken"

  Tianluo suddenly said with a flash of inspiration.

  "I hate it, you are so rude. People make money by their ability. Don't say it so ugly."

  The woman gave Tianluo a blank look again

  That's right, remember the time when Tian Luo and Li Xing stabbed the mouse's nest. This woman is the one who played with Hora. Tian Luo didn't expect to meet him.

  "Cough, sorry, it was my slip of the tongue, in order to apologize, please allow me to buy you a cup of coffee"

  Tian Luo shook his head apologetically. Indeed, people make money by their ability, so why do they say it so ugly?

  "Hey, I'll forgive you this time."

  The woman smiled, then walked towards the cafe with Tian Luo

  It is still the same house, but the guests at this time are no longer the two people they used to be.

  "My name is Tianluo, what about you?"

  After ordering two cups of coffee and some desserts, Tian Luo smiled and looked at the woman

  "You call me Yunzi, Takeuchi Yunzi"

  The woman nodded

  "Uh...why are you still so familiar?"

  Tian Luo scratched his head again

  "Mr. Tian Luo, are you a local?"

  Seeing Tian Luo shaking his head, Takeuchi Yunzi asked with a smile

  "No, I'm from out of town. I heard that this place is very good, so I plan to come and play for a while."

  Tian Luo shook his head.

  "Really? I really envy you. At first glance, it looks like the eldest young master of a rich family."

  Takeuchi Yunzi shook his head and said.

  "Hehe, what about you, Miss Yunzi?"

  Tian Luo smiled and shook his head and asked

  "I am here to escape"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Takeuchi Yunko's face suddenly darkened.


  "I used to have a very bad life there. My father owed a lot of money for gambling. My mother and him often quarreled and finally divorced. Then my father planned to sell me, and finally I sneaked out."

  "You came here alone?"

  "Yeah, because I heard that happiness can be found here, but unfortunately I didn't find it. I can't know anything, and I have no one to take it in. In the end, it can only be like this, but fortunately, at least I can support myself."

  Takeuchi Yunko shrugged decadently, as if he didn't care about the matter.

  "Hehe, don't talk about this, it's so sad, come, have something to eat, the food here is delicious"

  Feeling that the atmosphere was a little depressed, Tian Luo quickly said with a smile

  "Yeah, it's delicious"

  Returning to his senses, Takeuchi Yunko took a bite of dessert with a happy expression on his face.

  "Dessert is eating something that makes people happy. People have to look forward and don't be defeated by the current situation, because no one knows what kind of turning point will happen in the future."

  "Well, I know, when I have money in the future, I will buy a big house here, and then..."

  "Hahaha, this ideal is not bad, we must continue to work hard, but I always feel that this is a bit awkward..."

  "I also feel that way……"

  This meal was very enjoyable. The two talked for a long time. From the past to the future, they never came to the next life. The two seemed to open the same door.

  Time passed slowly, and an hour passed in the blink of an eye. After paying the money, the two left with a smile.

  "Let's go there, remember meeting you there for the first time"

  Pointing to the basement at that time, Takeuchi Yunko said with a smile


  Tian Luo nodded, and then the two slowly entered

  The basement is not very dark, and there is no unpleasant smell, it seems to be a natural underground place

  "I'm coming, this time my sister decided to be free"

  Holding Tian Luo, Takeuchi Yunzi said charmingly

  "Then I'm really honored."

  Tian Luo also smiled

  The two slowly took off their clothes and hugged each other.

  "Yunzi, what would you like to do in your next life?"

  At this moment, Tian Luo suddenly asked

  "Didn't I say it? I want to be a rich man, the rich, rich kind"

  Takeuchi Yunko said slowly

  "Oh, was it the real you who was talking to me just now?"

  Tian Luo nodded.

  "What do you mean?"

  Yunzi was stunned for a moment

  "I hope it's the real you who was talking to me and not what Hora made up, because I'll be very sad about that"

  Tian Luo said slowly, and then there was a sound of being pierced in the basement

  The two slowly separated, Tian Luo retracted his arm, and then his eyes turned to Takeuchi Yunzi

  "you know"

  Takeuchi Yunzi stared blankly at Tian Luo, ignoring the big hole in his stomach.


  "Then why are you still listening to me?"

  Takeuchi Yunzi looked at Tian Luo suspiciously

  "Because I feel like that's the real you, not Hora"

  Tian Luo shook his head

  "That's it, thank you, I'm so lucky to meet you"

  A smile suddenly appeared on Yunzi Takeuchi's face, the same as the one he saw in the cafe before.

  "This is my honor, you will definitely become rich in your next life"

  Tian Luo nodded.

  Nodding, Takeuchi Yunko's figure slowly turned into a black smoke and slowly disappeared.

  "I hope... there really is a next life, life..."

  Tian Luo sighed

  People are born unequal, like heaven and hell, and those poor people often have obsessions, which makes it easier for Hora to take advantage of the loopholes

  "Damn, when did I become so sentimental, I was almost moved by myself"

  Returning to his senses, Tian Luo shook his head fiercely, then put on his clothes and walked out.

  The basement became quiet again, and no one knew what had just happened here.

Chapter five hundred and fourteenth factory, sneak into

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