The five hundred and eighteenth chapter really only has c

  In the afternoon, Tian Luo returned to his residence lazily.

  At this moment, Li Xing and her party have returned. When they saw Tian Luo, everyone's eyes turned to him.

  "Uh...don't be like this, even if I were seen like this, I would be shy..."

  "Cut" x4

  . The four of them gave Tianluo a blank look, and then withdrew their gazes.

  "Should you solve it on your side?"

  Master Fu Li looked at Tian Luo and asked

  "Just some little thieves"

  Tian Luo shrugged indifferently, then sat next to Li Xing, then looked at her thoughtfully

  "You, what are you doing?"

  Li Xing was instantly horrified, this guy was suddenly weird

  After a pause for more than ten seconds, Tian Luo finally sighed and shook his head uncontrollably.

  "Sure enough, it's only c..."


  "Bastard, what's wrong with C, you look down on C, don't you!!!"

  Li Xing was the first to come back to her senses, and then she gave Tianluo a sudden shock.

  At this moment, Li Xing felt like she was going to explode with anger. How could this hateful bastard despise her?

  "Cough cough, sure enough, this is the real Li Xing"

  Rubbing his head, Tian Luo sighed and said

  "Okay, don't make trouble, let's talk about what to do next."

  Master Fu Li interrupted the two, and then stared at the map on the wall with a serious face

  I saw that there were five or six flame signs on it, and those were the hiding places of the wizard Hora.

  "After a few days of hard work, the magician Hora was finally controlled by us within the searchable range. As long as these guys are taken care of, then the last messenger is not far away."

  After clicking on those places, Master Fu Li said solemnly.

  "Isn't it easy, when you find that messenger, you must beat him hard"

  The snake jumping dragon said fiercely

  "It's not that simple, I always feel that something will happen later"

  Master Fu Li shook his head after hearing this, then he pointed to a sign on the map

  "This is Volcity's cemetery. All the dead residents will be buried here. It is also the hiding place of the magician Hora. I need you to solve it at night."

  "This is interesting, I don't know if there are ghosts in it"

  After hearing this, Tian Luo said curiously.

  "Please, we've already seen ghosts, okay?"

  Li Xing rolled her eyes at Tian Luo. After a person dies, the soul is a ghost in the legend. For them, seeing a ghost is as easy as eating.

  "I'm talking about the kind that kills"

  Tian Luo said helplessly

  "Don't think about it, even if there is a soul, it would have been eaten by the Hora inside. Who are you planning to go?"

  Master Fu Li looked at Tian Luo speechlessly


  Liu Ya stood up directly, beheading the wizard Hora has always been his job, so he must go

  "It's too dangerous to be alone, why don't I go too"

  Li Xing also nodded.

  "It's more dangerous to go with a man and a woman, I'm going too"

  Tian Luo stood up directly, joking, even if he understood Liu Ya's character, Tian Luo would not let Li Xing be alone with others, um, definitely not

  "Hehe, I don't want to be a light bulb, it would be bad if I was hated"

  Snake Raptor shrugged

  "Same as above"

  Sora nodded earnestly

  Everyone knows Tianluo's small eyes, let him remember the hatred to know what kind of shit he will come up with.

  "Okay, then the three of you can go together, so I can rest assured, remember, everything has to be careful"

  Master Fu Li showed a smile on his face, then nodded.

  "Then I'll prepare first and leave after dinner."

  Rowtooth nodded and walked out.

  "Then I'll also prepare for it. It's the first time I go to the destination. I'm a little excited when I think about it."

  Tian Luo also nodded and walked into his room.

  Li Xing also sat there quietly, as if thinking about something


  Night falls

  In the desolate area in the northernmost part of the city, this is the only cemetery in volcity, where all the dead people in the city for decades are buried. There are all tombstones in a radius of several kilometers, which looks very strange and terrifying.

  At this moment, a group of green light suddenly flashed, like a flame, like a ghost, I saw him slowly drifting from far to near.

  "Bastard, you are enough, why use green flames when there are red flames!!"

  At this moment, an angry female voice suddenly came out of the light, and the light flashed a few times.

  "Don't be like this, don't you think this can set off the atmosphere better?"

  Then there was a male voice complaining

  "Can you two stop arguing? You've been arguing all the way. You embarrass me like this."

  It's a male voice again, but the voice is very helpless.

  The closer I got closer, I could finally see the appearance of a humanoid at this moment. I saw three people standing there under a green flame. The two looked at each other. There seemed to be sparks flashing in the middle. With a depressed face, it was the three of Tian Luo

  "Wait, it's not right"

  At this moment, Tian Luo suddenly stopped the two of them, and then looked around vigilantly.


  The two were also vigilant

  "Well, why isn't there a yin wind and crows calling? It's not common sense."

  Tian Luo nodded solemnly


  Hearing Tian Luo's words, the two suddenly wanted to vomit blood, Yin Feng?Crow barking?what the hell?

  "What expressions do you have, shouldn't you? The cemetery should be windy, and then the crows are screaming."

  Tian Luo looked at the two and said

  "Who did you hear?"

  Li Xing looked at Tian Luo and asked

  "Isn't that what it's all about on TV?"

  "Autumn is almost over, winter is coming, brother, the birds are flying away"

  Rowtooth sighed.

  Tianluo's IQ varies greatly, sometimes he looks like a sage, sometimes he looks like an idiot, it's really frustrating

  "Oh, let's go on, then, where the hell is Hora?"

  Nodding, Tian Luo then asked again

  "I don't know, but there is a legend here."

  Li Xing shook her head.

  "What legend?"

  Tian Luo and Liu Ya suddenly came to the spirit

  "I heard that there is a tomb keeper here, but no one has seen him, because everyone who saw him is dead."

  Li Xing said solemnly

  "If it weren't for the legend, this gravekeeper might be our target, but we don't know where he is."

  "That, wouldn't it be that guy?"

  At this moment, Tian Luo suddenly said

  The two came back to their senses, then followed Tian Luo's gaze, and saw a terrifying figure in a cloak standing there quietly.

  PS: Well, let’s take a chapter today. I’m in a bad mood. The chapter I made up yesterday was sacked, and now it’s pending trial. I’m so tired.

Chapter five hundred and nineteen killing the war general Zedom

  The space suddenly froze, and a strange aura spread around

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