The man smiled and said again

  "Killing warrior Zedom, a very powerful Hora in ancient times, there are seeds growing in his body, and those seeds can turn ordinary people into magic wizard Hora, which is also his means of controlling others"

  "Then he is now?"

  "Killed by you knights of the Lord of the Rings, beheaded a lot, and his head... is somewhere in this city"

  the man said slowly

  "It turned out to be like this..."

  Rowtooth stared blankly at the drawing

  ps, the next chapter is going to be late, try to write it as soon as possible.

Chapter five hundred and twentieth I really want to have only one

  "Tianluo, I just checked the missing psychiatrist, it's a woman, this guy is lying"

  At this moment, Li Xing's voice suddenly came out of Tianluo's pocket. It was the talisman.

  "Oh, boy, it looks like it will take some tricks for you to tell the truth."

  A sly smile appeared on Tian Luo's face.

  "Wait, I'm not lying, it's true, my old employer is like a god in this city, it's very easy to tamper with a little bit of information"

  The more the man panicked, the more panicked he shouted.

  "is it?"

  Tian Luo smiled happier, but the more he panicked

  "Tianluo, wait for him to finish speaking"

  At this moment, Liu Ya stopped Tian Luo, and his face was also very serious.

  "Are you sure? It's easy to be surprised."

  Tian Luo said

  "I want to know the mastermind behind the scenes, the god of the city, is it that Jincheng is suffering from water?"

  said sternly

  He thought about it for a long time. In the whole city, only Jincheng, the boss of the Jincheng family, has this ability.

  Hearing Liu Ya's words, the man nodded in horror.

  "It seems so"

  Tooth nodded

  "If that's the case, then continue talking about what you just said, Zedom's head."

  "Yes, yes, in fact, Zedom has been sleeping, you know the voice that comes from the goddess statue every day, it is a requiem, in order to prevent Zedom from waking up"

  "Who's singing that?"

  "Sophia, a very famous singer in the past, but..."


  Before he could finish speaking, he saw a fist hit directly on his head, and the man flew upside down.

  "You are this?"

  Liu Ya looked at Tian Luo suspiciously, he didn't know why Tian Luo suddenly shot

  "Boy, you're still lying at this time, saying you're naive or timid."

  Tian Luo looked at the man who fell to the ground with a smile on his face

  "I-I'm not lying"

  The man struggled to stand up from the ground and shouted

  "Really? Li Xing, check Sophia's history, is she an ordinary person?"

  Tian Luo said to the talisman paper

  "Well, I see"

  Li Xing's voice came from inside

  A minute passed, and Li Xing's voice finally came out from the talisman paper again.

  "Tianluo, Sophia is really just an ordinary person"

  "What about ordinary people? Is there a problem?"

  The man looked at Tian Luo in puzzlement, and Liu Ya was equally puzzled.

  "The song is indeed a requiem, but you also have to see who sang it. There are magical fluctuations in this song. The person who sings is the mage... the mage of the ring"

  Tian Luo glanced at the man lightly and said

  "how come"

  Liu Ya looked at Tian Luo in surprise, because he felt nothing.

  "Li Xing, you can sing too"

  Tian Luo said to Li Xing

  "Indeed, this is what my mother once gave me"

  Fuli was quiet for a while, and then Li Xing said sadly.

  "Yes, this is a song circulated in the Lord of the Rings, and only a special family has it, so I really think there is only one... You are lying, it's not Sophia who sings"

  Tian Luo stretched out a finger and said seriously.

  " would you know?"

  The man's eyes were wide open, but Tianluo saw it out, and his plan failed.

  "Sure enough, you should die."

  Knowing that the man is lying to me, Liu Fang is also angry

  "No, I really want to be human, I don't want to be Hora, I don't want to die..."

  Seeing Liu Fang rushing up, the man stepped back in horror.

  "Returning to a human? How could such a thing happen, Liuya, let's do it"

  Tian Luo shrugged his shoulders.

  In fact, you don't need to guess to know, this guy doesn't know anything, he's just a waste

  "No, roar..."

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, the man roared angrily, then his body shattered, and in the blink of an eye he turned into a Hora holding an axe

  Liu Fang also transformed again, golden light filled the entire basement, and then quickly rushed towards Hora

  In just a moment, Hora was cut off in the middle, and then disappeared.

  Liu Fang changed back to his main body, and then stared blankly at the ground.

  "time to go"

  Tian Luo stood aside and said

  "Tianluo, is it really impossible to turn back into a human after becoming the magician Hora?"

  Ryuto asked suddenly

  "Of course, unless..."

  "Unless what?"

  Rowtooth hurriedly asked

  "Unless the toxin of the vaccine has not spread completely, but this will not make him return to human beings, only other creatures"

  Tian Luo shrugged and walked out

  "Other... Creatures"

  Liu Ya stood there blankly, and then came back to his senses and walked outside.


  It was already late at night outside, Tian Luo and Liu Ya quickly returned to their residence, and then saw Li Xing and the others sitting there waiting for them.

  "Are you okay?"

  Li Xing looked at Tian Luo and asked

  "Of course, it's completely trivial."

  Tian Luo waved his hand

  "Tianluo, show me that blueprint"

  At this moment, Master Fu Li suddenly said

  "This is for you"

  Tian Luo nodded, and then directly threw the blueprint engraved with Zedom's information to the Master Fuli

  "It's really him"

  Master Fu Li nodded solemnly, suddenly showing a painful look, as if thinking of something sad

  "Master Fu Li, are you alright?"

  Li Xing asked quickly

  "No, it's okay"

  Master Fu Li came back to his senses and quickly shook his head

  "What? This guy is very strong?"

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