"It turned out to be here, what does Jincheng Taoxing want to do?"

  Several people were suddenly surprised, and then asked suspiciously


  At this moment, there was a sudden loud noise in the distance, and then the earth began to vibrate continuously, and several people suddenly felt like the end of the world.

  "No, he actually intends to lift the seal of Zedom"

  Feeling a strong breath from a distance, Master Fu Li suddenly shouted

  "Go and stop him..."

  "It's late, it's already out"

  Tian Luo shrugged and saw that the sky suddenly darkened, as if there was going to be a storm, and just where their eyes were, two figures quickly ran towards this side. It was Jincheng Taoxing and Zun. scholar

  The two of them arrived in front of several people in the blink of an eye. At first, Jincheng Taoxing was a little flustered, but then his face turned hideous.

  "None of you can leave this time, this is the feast I gave you"

  "Bastard, you know what you are doing? The whole city will be destroyed when Zedom comes out!!"

  The Rune Mage roared angrily.

  They have been protecting human beings all the time, they did not expect to be calculated by human beings in the end, it is so sad

  "This is all forcing me. If it weren't for you, I would be the patriarch of the Jincheng family now. You guys, especially you, I would never make you feel better."

  Jincheng Taoxing also roared after hearing this, he looked at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on Tian Luo

  "Uh, it's none of my business, you guys are like standing on the edge of a cliff, and sooner or later you will fall off. I just pushed you to fall off sooner or later."

  Tian Luo shrugged and said speechlessly.

  "You... well, we'll see, hope you don't die at Zedom's hands"

  Jincheng Taoxing glanced at Tian Luo angrily, and then planned to leave

  "Hey, who said I wanted you to leave?"


  Jincheng Taoxing was stunned for a moment, and then a drop of cold sweat flowed down his forehead, this guy should not...

  "Don't worry, I haven't planned to kill you yet, I'm just letting you watch the battle."

  Tian Luo said lazily, and then lightly tapped his finger on Jincheng Taoxing's shoulder

  "You, what have you done to me"

  Jincheng Taoxing felt his whole body froze, he couldn't even move now

  "Well, it's just a small body fixation technique. If you don't watch such a grand battle, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

  Tian Luo waved his hand.

  "The ghost will regret it, let me go quickly"

  Jincheng Taoxing roared angrily.

  "Hehe, now it's not whether you want to go or not, but whether I want to let go, the dominance is on my side"

  Tian Luo laughed, and then looked into the distance, only to see where the black gas was getting heavier and heavier, and countless lightning bolts fell from the sky, which looked extremely terrifying.

  "It seems to be coming out, but you have to be careful, it will be a tragedy if you are stoned to death"

  Tian Luo smiled and looked at Jincheng Taoxing


  At this moment, I saw a sudden explosion in the distance, a stone the size of a human head suddenly fell from the sky, and then... it was a scream

  I saw that Jincheng Taoxing had lost his head at this moment, and was directly smashed.


  The scene suddenly became quiet. Even in a very dangerous situation, everyone was unmoved. Their eyes looked at Jincheng Taoxing's corpse, and then looked at Tian Luo.

  "Uh... it's none of my business, what you all saw is the stone over there"

  Tian Luo was also stunned. He swears to God that he just said it casually. Who would have known that such a thing would happen?


  At this moment, the venerable gentleman on the side suddenly reacted, and then came to Jincheng Taoxing's corpse in an instant.

  Since he was facing Tianluo, even if Jincheng Taoxingbei controlled him, he didn't dare to make a rash move. Who knew that such a thing would happen?

  "You... all die for me"

  Angrily glanced at Tianluo and the others, and the gentleman turned into Hora directly.

  "Jincheng Taoxing is still so loyal after he died?"

  Tian Luo looked at Venerable with some doubts

  "It's already his instinct"

  Master Fu Li shook his head and said

  "Okay, Liuya, I'll leave this guy to the three of you. I'm going to deal with that guy. Do you have any opinions?"

  Tian Luo nodded, then looked at Liu Ya and the three of them.

  "it does not matter"

  The three of them nodded their heads

  They had already played once last time, and they are confident that they will win this time.

  "Very well, Li Xing and her husband, you can just watch from the side, don't go to die for nothing."

  Tian Luo nodded and said again

  "I do not want"

  Li Xing quickly shook her head

  "Good, I'll take you to eat candy when I'm done."

  Tian Luo smiled and patted her head

  "Get out of the way, I'm not a child"

  Li Xing rolled her eyes at Tian Luo, and then her eyes were a little worried again

  "Are you really sure?"

  "Absolutely, only I am the strongest"

  Tian Luo gave a thumbs up

  "Tianluo, be careful this time, Zedom's power is not comparable to those of the magician Hora"

  Master Fu Li said solemnly

  "I know, don't worry, I'm going..."

  With a wave of his hand, Tian Luo walked towards the distance

  "Be sure to come back, I'll be waiting for you here!!"

  Li Xing looked at Tian Luo's figure and couldn't help shouting loudly

  "Ok, go home and wait for me in vain."

  Tian Luo smiled and disappeared from their sight.

Chapter five hundred and twenty-ninth battle against Zedom

  In an uninhabited ruin, the ground suddenly burst, and a huge square iron block slowly flew from the ground, exuding a terrible aura.

  "Hahaha, finally came out, who released this king?"

  A low but crazy voice sounded from the iron block, and the surrounding ground shook again.

  "Oh, you are Zedom, you're just a big iron as expected"

  Tian Luo appeared beside him and said thoughtfully.

  "It was you who released this king?"

  "No, that guy was killed by you just now"

  Tian Luo shook his head.

  "So that's the case, but forget it, anyway, you will be eaten at the end of your life."

  Iron Nugget Zedom said slowly

  "Uh, you really deserve to be the villain, you have a personality."

  Tian Luo extended his thumbs up in admiration

  "Hahaha, this king just came out, and I lack a body, so I'll use yours."

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Zedom burst into laughter, and then the iron lumps turned into countless small iron lumps and rushed towards Tian Luo.


  Tian Luo smiled, a golden wall suddenly appeared around his body, and the iron block was knocked out as soon as it touched it.

  "This is... such a powerful soul, it's simply the best, boy, it's best to stand still and don't move now, or you'll be miserable in a while"

  Feeling the power of Tianluo, Zedom was a little shocked at first, and then he showed an excited look. At this moment, in his eyes, Tianluo seemed to have become the best food.

  "Haha, this is the funniest joke I've heard this year, isn't your brain rusted?"

  Tian Luo recently evoked a mocking smile

  "You don't agree"

  Zedom's voice also cooled, and no one dared to defy him for a long time, even those knights and mages dared not speak to him like this

  "What do you say..."

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