Lan shouted at Tian Luo

  "The switch is just a medium. The most important thing is to look at the desire of that person. The weaker the desire, the stronger the desire that bursts out of the heart, and it is so big that he can't even control it himself."

  Ignoring Lan's expression, Tian Luo said with a smile

  "What will happen to Qing then?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Lan was silent for a while, then looked at Tian Luo and asked

  "Well, it should continue to destroy. After all, if you want to prove to people that you are powerful, you must make others afraid. By the way, he seems to have said that he wants to protect you, right?"

  said with a smile

  "how do you know?"

  Lan looked at Tian Luo in surprise

  "Hehe, as long as you have a little self-esteem, men will not be as protective as girls, so you'd better stay away from the crowd and save others from harming others."

  Tian Luo shook his head and said


  "Because in the case of extreme desires, even if someone encounters you, he will think that they are bullying you, and that person is killed by him, understand?"

  Tian Luo's expression also became serious

  " could Qing do this?"

  Lan was stunned. Although it was only a few simple words, she was a little horrified when she heard it.

  "Okay, that's all I have to say, I don't want to talk about anything else. If I want to save him, I'll be with Gentaro. I'm too lazy to care about this kind of thing. Every time I see someone spoiled by my desires. Everyone feels so speechless."

  Tian Luo stretched his waist, then walked towards the distance


  Lan stared blankly at Tian Luo's back, and then looked at Gentaro who was beside him.

  "Tian Luo teacher is right, if you are blocking, there is really no way to save it."

  Gentaro hesitated for a while and finally spoke up.

  If you keep evolving, you will first break away from your body, and then your spirit will slowly transform. If you really evolve to the Twelve Apostles, and then destroy it, it will also cause huge damage to the body.

  "I see"

  Depressed nodded, Lan also turned to leave, but his back was unusually bleak

  At this moment, she feels that it is herself who is wrong. If she is not so strong, then Qing will not become so extreme.


  Looking at Ran's figure, Gentaro couldn't help but sighed.


  On the other side, Tian Luo was walking slowly on the path, but suddenly he stopped

  "Hey, you dare to follow me if you know you're bad, do you think you're very good now?"

  Tian Luo's eyes turned to a tree not far behind him.

  "Cut, it was discovered."

  A very unhappy voice came, and then a figure in a brown school uniform jumped up from the tree, it turned out to be a meteor in the field.

  "I've been surprised since just now, otherwise how could I come to such a remote place?"

  Tian Luo shook his head, then found a stone and sat down.

  "You should know why I'm looking for you, right?"

  880 Sutian Meteor looked at Tian Luo and said slowly

  "Aries, you have asked me many times"

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  "Yes, can you tell me where he is now? Although Erlang's condition has stabilized, he still needs the power of Aries to wake him up"

  Sutian Meteor nodded and said

  "Of course, Aries is not in the sky"

  "Where is that?"

  "Angsung High School"

  Tian Luo slowly spit out four words

  "Impossible, the switch can only be used by sky-high students"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Sutian Meteor said incredulously, this is actually just one point, the other point is that he was a student of Ang Xing High School before, and there is no Aries figure in it at all.

  "You're stupid, don't forget how you got here"

  Tian Luo said speechlessly.

  "How did I get here... Could it be..."

  Suddenly, Sutian Meteor's eyes widened, and then he looked at Tian Luo in disbelief

  "I got it?"

  A smile appeared in Tian Luo's eyes

  "I got it"

  Sutian Meteor nodded heavily, and then stood there blankly.

  He suddenly felt that God had made a joke for him, that the Aries, who had been searching so hard, was so close, and he happened to be an exchange student just like him.

Chapter five hundred and thirty-eight the name of a good frustration

  Tian Luo went back to school after he separated from Sutian Meteor. He didn't care much about what happened next. Anyway, the result was the same.

  Just like this, a day passed safely, and nothing new happened until after school at noon the next day.

  "Tianluo Tianluo, I'm done"

  As soon as he got home, an excited voice came into Tian Luo's ears, and then there was another person in his arms, it was Li Xing.

  At this moment, the armor that wraps him can no longer be displayed, and it seems that the work of fusing magic power has finally been completed.

  "Oh, she's beautiful again"

  Tian Luo smiled and pinched Li Xing's cheek

  Due to the fusion of magic power, all the impurities in Li Xing's body were expelled, her face was as clean as jade without a trace of impurities, and from time to time it exuded a luster that did not belong to human beings, looking like an ordinary fairy.

  "You have to practice hard. If you can't control it, you can't go out casually, or you will scare ordinary people."

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  She just merged the magic power, and Li Xing doesn't know how to control it at the moment, so she has this kind of performance. As long as she gets used to it, it will get better.

  "Okay, I see, let's eat quickly"

  Li Xing smiled and nodded, then pulled Tian Luo to sit down

  This time, Li Xing and Nana made the meal together. Well, Tian Luo started to get caught up in the issue of choice again.

  "Tianluo, I really want to fight now, do you have any opponents?"

  After lunch, Li Xing suddenly said to Tian Luo

  "Uh... let's enter the Heim Underworld"

  Tian Luo was stunned for a moment, then said helplessly.

  He had forgotten Li Xing's character. This girl is not so well-behaved on the surface, and her desire to fight even surpassed those of Wakana and the others. After all, she has been training to fight since she was a child. This kind of peaceful life is really difficult for her to adapt to.

  Open the space, Tian Luo and Li Xing walked in, and the scene instantly turned into a diamond forest

  "Why don't you get some soldiers first, just take your time"

  Tian Luo said to Li Xing


  Li Xing nodded

  Then Tianluo knocked down all the surrounding trees, and the place instantly turned into an open space.

  Raising his hand, a ray of light shot out from Tian Luo's hand, and when it landed on the ground, he instantly turned into an ordinary foreigner with a big head.

  "Just use this first"


  Li Xing nodded again, then put on the ring and belt, the purple-gold light flashed again, and instantly put on the armor


  The foreigner felt the power emanating from Li Xing, and shouted and rushed towards Li Xing.

  "Rings often have magic of various elements, feel it with your heart"

  Tian Luo reminded on the side.

  There are many magic powers that Li Xing has integrated, including gold, wood, water, fire, soil, wind and thunder. All kinds of magic attacks have been engraved in the ring by Tianluo.

  "I understand, look at my ball rolling... eh? Why is it called rolling balls? It's such a frustrating name..."

  Feeling the first magic, Li Xing immediately used it, and the wind magic began to spin in her hand, but when she saw the name of this trick, Li Xing curled her lips.

  "Anna, the name is just a code, don't care about these details."

  Seeing that the name he wanted was despised, Tian Luo replied with some shame.

  "Okay, I get it now"

  Li Xing nodded, and then directly confronted the foreigner, the wind magic in her hand smashed directly at the foreigner


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