Seeing that the new guy was chatting and fighting like this, Aries roared.

  "Ah? You are the new apostle, why are you here?"

  At this moment, Gentaro really noticed Aries, and immediately said in surprise.


  Gritting his teeth, Aries looked at Gentaro angrily, and then the light came on again, and then wrapped up towards Gentaro.

  "What is this?"

  Gentaro looked at the light in surprise, and then quickly avoided, but his arm had already touched a little

  In Gentaro's shocked eyes, the weapon on his arm suddenly disappeared.

  "what's the situation?"

  "Hehe, you'll understand soon."

  Aries laughed horribly, the light flashed again, and then flew towards Gentaro

  "Gentaro, hurry up and dodge, that's the energy that can make your body sleep, it's not that the weapon has failed, it's that your body has fallen into hibernation."

  At this moment, there was another shout, and I saw singer Xianwu and a few people slowly running over from a distance.


  Seeing that everyone came here, Sutian Meteor didn't know what to say.

  "Hey, you are really amazing, you even led to an apostle"

  jk came to Sutian Meteor and said with a smile

  "I'm scared to death. I can't mess around next time. I'm lucky to catch up today."

  Shiroshima Yuki let out a long sigh of relief

  "I really don't understand what secrets you have, do you want to tell me..."

  Nozama Tomoko looked at the plastic field meteor with a wicked smile

  The others are smiling

  "Thank you...thank you"

  Feeling the eyes of everyone, Sutian Meteor was suddenly very moved. It was the first time he had come to Tiangao for so long, and in the end, he only said these two words.

Chapter [-] I'm going to blow you up

  "I'm going, this guy is too tolerant, and he still hasn't changed at this time?"

  In the office, Tian Luo looked at his mobile phone and said speechlessly.

  I saw that in the mobile phone, there were Gentaro who was fighting, and Meteor Suttara beside him.

  The battle at the moment is not optimistic, Gentaro seems to be about to fall asleep and is beaten by Aries, and the few people on the side are worried.

  "Huh? That's..."

  At this moment, Tian Luo suddenly noticed a place. One day, a shadow appeared beside a big tree, it seemed to be a person.

  "Someone is hiding in a tree? Interesting, I'd better go take a look."

  With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Tian Luo walked towards the door.


  On the other side, Gentaro was so embarrassed at the moment that he didn't even have the strength to raise his hand, and he stood there to meet the attack of Aries.

  "As the moon..."


  "Little String..."

  Singer Kengo looked at Gentaro worriedly

  "Damn, can't transform now"

  Sutian Meteor cursed in his heart, everyone is here, he can't run away at all, let alone intervene in the current battle

  "Hahaha, do you feel the urge to sleep? It's okay, just sleep..."

  While attacking, Aries laughed wildly, and Gentaro was thrown around like a sandbag at the moment.

  "Meteor, Xianwu, take them away quickly"

  At this moment, Gentaro shouted loudly to the crowd

  "But you..."

  Singer Kengo looked at Gentaro and said worriedly

  "It's okay, get out of here quickly, I, I'll hold him back..."

  Gentaro shook his head weakly, but did not take a step back.

  Time seemed to be quiet, singer Kengo stared at Gentaro, after a long time...

  "let's go……"

  Gritting his teeth, singer Xianwu said to the crowd

  "But Xiaoxian he..."


  Ignoring Yuki Shiroshima's words, the singer Xianwu pulled him and planned to leave, and everyone quickly followed.

  "Don't try to run away"

  Seeing a few people leaving, Aries roared, and then planned to rush up

  At this moment, Gentaro seemed to have regained his fighting spirit, and he came to Aries in an instant.

  "Your opponent is me"

  "Bastard, die for me"

  Aries angrily attacked Gentaro

  Seeing that Gentaro had stopped Aries, singer Kengo and the others quickly rushed out of the campus

  But just when they ran to the school gate, a figure stopped them.

  A black robe, a head like a plate, a scepter is slowly held, and the figure is so quietly watching the few people running over

  "Libra? Why is that guy here..."

  Seeing this figure, everyone stopped quickly, and Sutian Meteor's face became extremely ugly. I didn't expect that just seeing hope was followed by despair.

  "Hehe, waiting for you all at once, I'll catch you all today."

  Libra laughed, and then slowly walked towards a few people

  "What to do? What to do? We are dead!!!"

  jk shouted in a bit of a collapse, just out of the wolf's mouth and entered the tiger's den again

  "Damn, do you really want to reveal your identity?"

  Sutian Meteor cursed inwardly, and then blocked a few girls

  Although revealing his identity may provoke Dr. Tachibana, he will never watch a few people die, absolutely not.


  At this moment, a white figure suddenly fell in front of several people, it turned out to be Gentaro.

  "Gentaro, are you okay?"

  Everyone was shocked and quickly helped him up

  "Cough, it hurts"

  Gentaro said with some pain, although it hurts, but he wants to sleep more, this feeling is really uncomfortable

  "Oh, it's you again?"

  At this moment, Aries also came to us, and his eyes turned to Libra. He didn't expect this guy to come again.

  "Aries, this is the enemy of adults, so..."

  "This is my kingdom, so you'd better not interfere, otherwise..."

  Aries interrupts Libra directly


  Libra looks at Aries angrily

  "Okay, it's time to execute the intruder, are you ready?"

  Ignoring Libra, Aries looked at Gentaro

  "You, what do you want to do..."

  Hearing this, the singer Kengo and the others immediately protected Gentaro in front of him.

  "Hmph, useless resistance"

  Aries snorted disdainfully, and then several people suddenly felt sleepy for a while, and then all fell down.


  Gentaro yelled, then dragged his tired body and rushed towards Aries


  With a muffled sound, Aries withdrew his feet, and then looked at Gentaro coldly to the end.

  "String... Gentaro"

  At this moment, a slight voice suddenly sounded aside, and I saw Sutian Meteor struggling to stand up from the ground.

  "Oh? There's still one. It's really tenacious. If that's the case, I'll cut you first."

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