The leader is the chairman of Tiangao... I look at the light, and behind him are Virgo and Leo

  "Hehe, I don't have the air to flatter Mr. Tian Luo, but I need to come here for something, but can you tell me your purpose, Mr. Tian Luo?"

  I look at the light and look at Tianluo with a smile

  "What purpose can I have, just go shopping with my girlfriend"

  Tian Luo shrugged helplessly.

  "Is that so? So what's going on here?"

  I looked at the light and looked at the two fighting above and said thoughtfully.

  "The devil knows what's going on, the chairman, your people need to discipline you, little lion, I advise you not to act rashly, you will die..."

  Tian Luo waved his hand, and then looked at Leo who wanted to come forward to help, his eyes instantly became cold

  Leo, who was still trying to move, suddenly felt his body stiff, and then a powerful momentum pressed down on him.

  "Hehe, I will discipline my subordinates, but I don't need Mr. Tianluo to intervene, or let's do some activities, my old bones are about to rust."

  I looked bright and walked in front of Leo, and then said in a low voice.

Chapter five hundred and forty-eight body vs Sagittarius

  "Ah? Mr. Chairman, do you want to fight me?"

  Hearing my words, Tian Luo was stunned for a moment.

  "Yes, I don't know if Mr. Tian Luo has this interest."

  I looked at the light and nodded

  "This... it's not good, you are so old, in case I make a move..."

  Tian Luo scratched his head and said helplessly.

  "Boy, how dare you say that, my lord!!!"

  "Li Shen, you shut up"

  When I saw Lishen's roar opening, I Wangguang scolded him directly, and then his eyes turned to Tianluo again.

  "Hehe, don't underestimate the old man, it's scary for the old man to get angry."

  "Why is this so familiar? Well, I'll be merciful."

  Tian Luo looked at me staring at the light and finally nodded helplessly.

  "I can't use my hands and feet here, let's move to another place."

  Having said that, I looked at Virgo with bright eyes

  Virgo nodded, and then a man-high vortex appeared in front of him.

  "Go, go."

  I Wang Guangming walked in first, followed by Leo, and Virgo stood there quietly waiting for Tianluo

  Looking at Virgo, Tian Luo's mouth curled into a smile, and then he looked at Li Xing who was fighting.

  "Baby, I'll go out first, just wait for you to find me"

  "Understood, you go first"

  Li Xing nodded and said

  "Damn, how dare you be distracted"

  Libra is about to explode at the moment. After fighting with Li Xing for so long, there is no winner, and the other party seems to be very relaxed. Now he wants to die.

  "I didn't play with you so suddenly, I'll be serious next time"

  Li Xing ignored Libra's anger at all. He looked at Libra and said lightly, and then a terrifying magic power erupted from his body.

  "Okay, we should go too"

  Looking at Li Xing, who was already serious, Tian Luo nodded with satisfaction, and then walked directly into the whirlpool.

  At the moment of entering, the vortex disappeared, and Virgo also disappeared without a trace.


  On an unnamed barren mountain, several figures slowly appeared there. It was me, Wang Guangming and Tian Luo.

  It looks like it has been abandoned for a long time, there is no one around, it is suitable for a duel

  "It's pretty good, at least you don't have to worry about breaking things and paying for it"

  Tian Luo glanced around and nodded.

  "Oh, is that right? Mr. Tian Luo also broke a lot of things in school, right? Do they need some compensation?"

  I hope that Guangming has also returned to its original appearance, and I look at Tianluo with a smile.


  Tian Luo was suddenly at a loss for words, this old thing is too bad atmosphere

  "Hahaha, come on, I haven't shot for a long time, Mr. Tianluo, I hope you will also use your true power"

  Seeing Tian Luo's appearance, I Wang Guangming laughed out loud, and then I saw his eyes turn blood red, and there was an extra switch in his hand.

  A terrifying blood-red energy began to burst out of him, and then revealed his true form.

  In a large robe, the body is unusually burly, the head has a skull like a dinosaur, and two blood-red eyes emit a strange light on it.

  What's more prominent is that on his left hand, a crossbow is connected to his arm, and a terrifying aura comes out from the inside of the crossbow.

  "Is this a Sagittarius? Sure enough, it is much more powerful than the others"

  Tian Luo looked at Sagittarius and showed a smile recently.

  "Yes, I am the leader of the Twelve Apostles... Sagittarius, let me see how arrogant you are towards me, otherwise you may be embarrassed."

  Sagittarius looked at Tian Luo and said solemnly

  "Well, since you are an old man, I won't look down on you. Maybe I haven't fought with real power for a long time."

  Tian Luo nodded, and saw that his eyes suddenly turned golden, and a trace of coercion emanated from his body.

  Countless golden rays of light emanated from Tian Luo's body, and then his body began to change, becoming stronger and taller, and a terrifying aura rushed towards the three people on the opposite side.

  "This is... an ancient breath"

  Feeling this power, the three of them couldn't help but take a step back, and Sagittarius said in surprise.

  "As expected of an old senior, you can guess it just by breathing."

  Tian Luo's voice came from the golden light, and then the light slowly disappeared, and a golden bird-shaped creature appeared in front of the three of them, in the form of a phoenix.

  "Impossible. It clearly feels like the breath of a demon, but it is full of light. Who are you...?"

  Seeing Tian Luo's appearance at the moment, Sagittarius said solemnly

  "I am a man, a demon, and a god as well"

  Tian Luo laughed, and then slowly walked towards Sagittarius

  "Impossible, how can there be such a thing, it's so familiar, yet unfamiliar, it's really strange."

  Sagittarius frowned and said, but then he raised his hand, and countless flaming arrows erupted from his bow and crossbow, and then quickly rushed towards Tianluo

  "The for me"

  Tian Luo looked at the flaming arrows all over the sky and did not move, just quietly watching the flaming arrows flying towards him.

  "This guy……"

  Sagittarius' eyes froze, and he looked at Tian Luo strangely.

  In his eyes, all the flaming arrows shot at Tian Luo, and a deafening roar erupted around him instantly, and countless flames erupted from the place where the sky stood.

  "Just bluffing?"

  Seeing this scene, the Leo and Virgo on the side were stunned.

  "No, it's just that he doesn't want to run away."

  Sagittarius shook his head

  "Hehe, you really know the best."

  As Sagittarius finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter in the flames, a figure slowly walked out of the flames, and the flames surrounded him as if to protect him

  "Sure enough, you are from hell, I feel the breath of hell"

  Sagittarius looked at Tian Luo and said seriously

  "You know this, congratulations, you got it right"

  Tian Luo shrugged, then waved his hand, and saw that the flames behind him were all extinguished immediately, as if it had never happened before, but the place where he came out was much lower than the surrounding area, as if it was originally like this.

  "There's always the smell of hell, and it's birds again, if the next blow I think I'll understand"

  Nodding, Sagittarius raised his arm again, the surrounding sky suddenly darkened, the stars were all over the sky, and a trace of black energy emanated from the sky and began to flow into the bow and crossbow in his hand.

  "Want to kill me in one hit? Interesting"

  Feeling the power from the bow and crossbow, Tian Luo's mouth twitched into a smile.

  "Let me see if your real identity is what I guessed"

  Seeing Tian Luo as if nothing had happened, Sagittarius let out a low voice, the bow and crossbow in his hand began to hum, and then an arrow emitting a black light slowly appeared.

Chapter [-] Have you been kicked by the speed of light?

  "Is that what you want to know who I am?"

  Looking at the arrow that was already aimed at him, Tian Luo smiled and looked at Sagittarius

  "Of course, let me die..."

  With a low voice, the arrow of Sagittarius shot out fiercely

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