Looking at Tian Luo below, Sagittarius suddenly said to the two beside him



  The two nodded at the same time, and then quickly rushed towards Tianluo. As subordinates, they knew what they needed to do, even if they were facing an invincible enemy.

  "The lion's roar..."

  "Nebulas Cannon..."

  At the same time, the two moved their strongest moves to attack Tianluo.

  "too weak"

  Tian Luo smiled, and then the figure appeared directly behind the two of them.


  "fire punch"


  With a loud bang, endless flames spurted out, and the two were instantly drowned in flames.

  "Leo, Virgo, damn..."

  Seeing the scene below, Sagittarius suddenly felt that the world was spinning. Did the two people who he worked so hard to cultivate just died like this?

  With a roar, Sagittarius quickly rushed towards Tianluo

  "Sure enough, using the main body is so powerful that it doesn't even feel exciting."

  Looking at the Sagittarius rushing towards him, Tian Luo couldn't help shaking his head, and then he stretched out his palm


  There was a muffled sound, but it was quiet again

  Sagittarius stared blankly at the fist caught by Tian Luo, a huge force covering it, and he couldn't pull it out easily.

  "Okay, I'm not interested anymore"

  Released his hand, Tian Luo changed back to his original appearance, with a lazy smile on his face.

  "You, what do you mean?"

  Sagittarius stared blankly at Tian Luo

  "It's very simple, although you may be very angry if you say it, but it's a fact, you are all too weak, so weak that I can't even be interested, and... my wife is here"

  Tian Luo waved his hand, and then his eyes looked aside, only to see Li Xing looking at them with a smile from a distance, it seems that Libra has been settled.


  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Sagittarius suddenly felt a bit of endless anger in his heart, but he couldn't burst out.

  "What do you want to do? Why are you fighting against me when you are so strong?"

  Looking at Tian Luo's lazy look, Sagittarius suddenly asked

  "An enemy of you? Don't tease me, if you were an enemy of you, you would have died long ago"

  Tian Luo laughed immediately after hearing this, and then looked at him strangely.


  "Okay, we're going on a date, you can do whatever you want"

  Seeing the silent look of Sagittarius, Tian Luo smiled and then planned to leave

  "Wait, you're not really against us, so why are you here? And why are you always helping fuorze against me?"

  Seeing Tian Luo want to leave, Sagittarius couldn't help but say

  "I'm happy, I agree with you to collect switches, and I don't want to participate in things here in Tokyo, that's all."

  Tian Luo waved his hand, then walked away, leaving the Sagittarius sitting there in a daze.

  "Tianluo, that guy should be the leader of the bad guys? Why don't you solve him?"

  Seeing Tian Luo approaching, Li Xing asked strangely

  "Hey, there's no need for that at all. I haven't got what I want, and we don't need to take action at all. After they die, we can just pick up a leak. The law of this world is that justice will definitely defeat evil. , so there is no need to worry at all.”

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  "Well, then do as you say."

  Li Xing nodded thoughtfully after hearing this.

  "By the way, what happened to the guy who fought with you? You won't kill him, will you?"

  Tian Luo looked at Li Xing and asked suddenly

  "No way, that guy's moves were so weird that he finally let him run away"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Li Xing said unhappily

  "That's it, run away, we're just here to travel anyway, don't worry about it"

  Tian Luo said comfortingly

  "Well, I see, then let's go eat, I'm a little hungry"

  Li Xing nodded, then patted her stomach pitifully.

  "Okay, but I don't know what to eat here?"

  Tian Luo nodded, then scratched his head helplessly.

  "I know, I have already inquired just now, there is a sushi restaurant that is particularly delicious, let's go together"

  Li Xing laughed instantly, then took Tian Luo's hand, and then the two disappeared in place

  On the side of the disappearance of the two of them, I looked at the bright eyes, and I recovered from my deep thoughts. He suddenly thought of Leo and Virgo.

  I saw two black figures standing up slowly not far away, looking very embarrassed

  "How are you feeling?"

  Seeing that the two of them were all right, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  "I got a little injury, but it doesn't affect anything"

  Virgo shook her head

  "Me too"

  Leo said in a muffled voice, he never dared to raise his head, he felt that he was so disappointing that he was beaten so embarrassingly again

  "It's okay, the opponent is too strong"

  Looking at the appearance of Leo, I Wang Guangming sighed and said

  "Yes, my subordinate understands"

  Leo nodded, this is how he dared to raise his head

  "Sir, that guy..."

  Seeing me looking at the light, Virgo said hesitantly.

  "I don't know what he wants to do. This kind of enemy is the most terrifying. Don't worry about it, let's get our business done. He said he won't stop us."

  Glancing at the place where Tian Luo disappeared, I Wang Guangming sighed

  "Really old..."

Chapter [-] The end of the trip

  "Huh? What happened there?"

  When they came out of an old sushi restaurant, Tianluo and Lixing suddenly heard an explosion. Although they were far apart, they clearly caught the sound.

  "There is a four-image seal burst in this place, which can attract cosmic energy. The purpose of those guys is to destroy him, and then all the cosmic energy will run to the sky."

  Lao Luo looked into the distance and explained

  "Would that be a problem?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Li Xing said with some worry, after all, he was instilled in the idea of ​​protecting human beings since he was a child. He is different from human beings, even if it is not a world

  "Fang Xin, this kind of thing will not affect this place. They are also trying to find the next apostle faster. It will be fine."

  Tian Luo held Li Xing's hand and comforted softly.

  "Well, I see"

  Li Xing nodded

  Tianluo didn't take action as I said before Wang Guangming. He still accompanies Li Xing to play here. After all, there is only one day left.

  On the other side, Gentaro also fought with the apostles. Although he tried his best, he still failed to stop their plan.

  The seal of the four elephants was destroyed, and all the cosmic energy that originally wandered here rushed to the sky, and the matter finally came to an end.

  Soon it was the afternoon, and night was coming. The school team also sent everyone back to the school. The students all went home. The happy time of the day has passed at this moment, and the next thing that awaits them will be their further studies.


  "Due to the release of the seal, the sky-high cosmic energy has increased several times. Next, I think other apostles will appear one after another. This time, it's a bit difficult to do."

  Three days have passed since the school leave, and during the period, it seems to be flat and nothing happened, but in the Kamen Rider club, it seems very nervous.

  The singer Xianwu looked at a constellation drawing on the table and frowned.

  "Now there are six apostles of Capricornus, Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces, Aquarius, and Taurus that have not appeared"

  Nozama Tomoko pointed to several of the constellations and said

  "It doesn't matter, as long as I have this, I will definitely let them go."

  Looking at the serious eyes of everyone, Gentaro took out the No. [-] switch and said with a smile.

  He used this to defeat Libra before. Although the switch has not been retracted, it is already very good. At least it is no longer as troublesome to deal with the apostles as before.

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