"I know this"

  Hearing the words of Sutian Meteor, Shiroshima Yuki suddenly said, and then she ran to the machine on the side.

  "Xiaoxian has been there before, this is the office building"

  "It's easy to handle, we'll go here tonight while he's live streaming"

  Sutian Meteor nodded.

  "But...what if he moved away?"

  At this moment, Tomoko Nozama suddenly said


  Hearing this, the room fell silent again

  "Whether it's true or not, we're always going to see it"

  After a quiet moment, Sutian Meteor said again


  Several others also ordered

  It has been decided, and everyone is not interested in discussing. At this moment, the class time is coming, and everyone left here.



  The sun slowly disappeared, and the lively streets became sparse, with only two or three walking on the street.

  In a not-so-good building, three sneaky figures slowly walked towards a room, and then slammed the door open.

  "Sure enough, not here"

  Seeing the scene inside, Sutian Meteor suddenly sighed.

  "Damn, don't let me catch the jk guy, even if he dares to do this, he must be repaired severely"

  Another voice came from behind Sutian Meteor, it turned out to be a large character falcon, and on his body was Fengcheng Miu

  Both of them are in college, so Sutian Meteor asked them to come and help because they were free at night. As for the singer, they had better take a rest now. After all, they were so tired before.

  "I really don't know what that guy thinks. Is it really that important to be a star? Anyway, we have been together for so long."

  Fengcheng said not and a little indignantly.

  Although they left, their hearts are still in the Kamen Rider Department. Unexpectedly, jk left and joined forces with their opponents.

  "Maybe it's true. As he said, high school is just a memory, and being a star is indeed a lifetime dream."

  Sutian Meteor shook his head and said

  "So what? I don't even know where he is now."

  Big Word Falcon said with a wry smile

  "I can only wait, when that guy has a concert..."

  "Hehe, you have no chance to wait until then"

  Just then, suddenly a low voice came from the door.

  The three were startled, then looked back

  I saw a silver-white Leo standing there quietly

  "No, it's a cadre"

  Seeing Leo, the big text falcon suddenly exclaimed.


  Before the three of them could react, a roar mixed with sound waves rushed towards the three of them. The three of them slammed into the wall directly, and the Dawen Falcon and Fengcheng Miyu fainted.

  "I expected you guys to come out and make trouble, so take this opportunity to get rid of you guys."

  Glancing at the Sutian meteor that has not yet fallen, Leo walked in slowly


  Seeing the two people who had passed out, Sutian Meteor cursed secretly, and while Leo was not paying attention, he quickly rushed to the door and then ran out

  "Hehe, can you run away?"

  Leo was not angry, but walked out with a smile. In their eyes, ordinary people are like little mice. It is a joke to try to escape.

  But just as he went out, a figure suddenly appeared, and then attacked his head fiercely.


  With a cold snort, Leo directly blocked the attack, and then looked at the figure who suddenly appeared

  "Meteor, I didn't expect you to be here too, but it's okay, I'll look for it again"

  Seeing the figure, Leo sneered.

  "Your fate is up to me"

  Seeing Leo in front of him, the Sutian meteor at the moment is full of fighting spirit

  "Don't be afraid to flash your tongue when you talk big"

  Leo gave him a cold look, then rushed over.


  With a strange cry, Sutian Meteor also greeted him, and the two were instantly entangled with each other.


  "Ah, has the fight already started?"

  And on the roof of a building next to it, Tian Luo sat there bored and looked at the two people who were already huddled below.

  "Meteor's speed is okay, but the attack is still too low. No, it should be said that Leo's defense is too high, and the speed is not bad. It's a one-sided battle."

  Seeing that Sutian Meteor has fallen, Tian Luo said thoughtfully.

  Although Leo is very weak in his hands, it is undeniable that in the eyes of others, it is really strong and strong. At least the current Sutian meteor is difficult to win.

  "Should I help, but I said before that I wouldn't hinder them. How can a person like me who has faith in his words can't say anything?"

  Looking at Tian Luo, he said in distress, but then his eyes suddenly lit up.

  "It's better if he doesn't recognize him. I'm really very smart, so it's not disrespectful."

  Thinking of this, Tian Luo suddenly smiled, and then a belt suddenly appeared in front of him, and next to the belt was a lock seed, which was a cantaloupe.

Chapter five hundred and fifty fifth distressed I look to the light

  At this moment, the Sutian Meteor has been beaten and retreated, and with the last blow of Leo, I saw that his whole person was knocked out.


  Seeing the Sutian meteor flying upside down, Leo said with disdain

  "Damn, how can it be so strong"

  Struggling to stand up from the ground, Sutian Meteor cursed inwardly.

  The gap between the two is really too big, and there is not much room for fighting back.

  "Hehe, boy, do you have any last words? If not..."

  I saw a sudden burst of cold light in Leo's eyes, and then his body rushed towards the Sutian meteor like lightning.


  Seeing this scene, Sutian Meteor didn't even have the strength to resist, and there was only a blank in his mind.


  At this moment, a sound of fine iron symphony suddenly entered the ear, and then there was no sound anymore.

  "This is……"

  Feeling a little strange, Sutian Meteor looked up subconsciously, and saw a white figure appeared in front of him, the long sword in his hand just blocked Leo's sharp claws

  It was a man in armor. The white armor was mixed with cyan patterns. He held a shield in the left and a sword in the right. The moonlight shone on him like a legendary paladin.

  "who are you?"

  Leo looked at the sudden appearance of the unknown figure with vigilance

  "My name is Kamen Rider... Zhanyue, I can't help but take action when I see it's very lively here."

  Tian Luo lowered his voice and said

  "Kamen Rider?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Leo looked at Tian Luo in surprise, then took a step back more vigilantly, his eyes became sharper, as if he would attack the next moment.

  "Thank you……"

  Sutian Meteor was relieved at the moment, because he felt that Tianluo was here to save him, so he said gratefully

  "It's nothing, the two inside are your friends. They are not in good health now. It's better to send them to the hospital quickly."

  Tian Luo shook his head, then pointed to the room

  "I understand"

  Sutian Meteor nodded, and then planned to enter the house

  "Never let you escape"

  Seeing this scene, Leo roared lowly, and then quickly rushed towards the Sutian Meteor

  bang bang bang bang...

  Just when he was about to release Daosutian Meteor, I saw countless sparks suddenly appear on him, and then quickly retreated.

  "Hehe, now your opponent is me"

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