"it's over"

  Tian Luo shook his head, then his body disappeared, and then appeared in the original position of Aquarius

  At this moment, the body of Aquarius stopped, and he stood there blankly.

  "Does it hurt?"

  Tian Luo turned around and asked

  "No feeling"

  Aquarius shook his head

  "That's good, I thought it would hurt you."

  Tian Luo nodded.

  As his voice fell, the two bottles on Aquarius' shoulders smashed, and he changed back to erinu Suda again.

  "Come out, take the switch, she will stay, I have erased her memory"

  Watching Erinu Suda slowly fall, Tenra said to the void beside him

  A red figure suddenly appeared, then picked up the switch, it was Virgo

  "It's going to be hard for me to do this"

  Virgo smiled bitterly and said

  "It will be harder if you don't listen"

  Tian Luo lifted his transformation and looked at him with a smile.

  "Okay, as you like"

  Virgo said helplessly, then disappeared.

  "Okay, when you wake up, you won't remember anything, what a jerk."

  After helping Erinu Suda up, Tianluo shook his head, and then brought him to the front of the crowd.

Chapter [-]: Emoto, the big move of the student union

  Time flies, and it has been a week since the last assessment

  Nothing happened during the period, Erinu Suda forgot about the switch, and also forgot about Tenra

  Although she doesn't remember these things, she does remember things about the assessment. She succeeded, and the staff of the space agency also sent her an invitation letter. If she graduates, she can go there for an internship and then go to her dream. The universe, though... she's been there

  And Shiroshima Yuki and the others are the same, but in the end it depends on their own wishes, and they have to wait for the end of their studies.

  Gentaro and the others didn't say anything about Erinu forgetting things, such an ordinary life is what she should, and it is their responsibility to deal with the apostles

  Everyone is still living their normal lives, except for classes every day, they go to the Kamen Rider club, until...

  "Uh, the atmosphere is a little weird today."

  Re-entering the campus, Tian Luo looked around thoughtfully

  According to the original scene, students in school uniforms would come and go beside him, and among them there were also a few non-mainstream people dressed in very personalities, but today there were none, all of them were well-dressed.

  Walking into the office, Tianluo happened to see the teacher in big 920 shirt and Utsu Miyao who were chatting. The expressions of the two seemed to be a little wrong.

  "Yo, what are you talking about, it seems like a serious matter."

  Tian Luo walked over to the two of them and said with a smile

  "It's Teacher Tianluo..."

  Seeing Tian Luo come in, the two of them also came back to their senses and said hello.

  "Mr. Tianluo, something happened to the student council in the past two days today, it seems like..."

  Coming to Tianluo's side, Utsu Muyao said in a low voice

  Naturally, they did not shy away from Teacher Dashan. The three of them at the moment all knew about the Kamen Rider Department.

  "Apostles? Manipulating students? Why don't I know?"

  Hearing this, Tian Luo scratched his head.

  "You are too lazy for you, leave early and arrive late if you have nothing to do"

  The two gave Tianluo a blank look at the same time. This guy is really helpless, and he must know the top of the school, or he would have been expelled long ago.

  "Okay, it seems that something really happened, I'll ask Gentaro after school."

  Tian Luo shrugged and said, and then the three chatted about what happened

  The problem was in the student union. Because the former president of the student union was injured and hospitalized, the vice-president Shan Puxiongtai took over temporarily, and it was at this time that the problem occurred.

  Originally, every delinquent boy became very obedient, not even some of the former students who violated the school rules, this has never happened before

  "Shan Puxiong too? A little impression"

  Tian Luo nodded and said that this person was one of the four people who had been assessed last time.

  "Well, it was a good thing originally, but the student union is very strict. If you violate the school rules, you will be arrested, and then you will be like a different person. Now the students are panicking."

  Teacher Dashan nodded.

  "So, do you think the apostles are playing tricks?"

  Tian Luo smiled and looked at the two


  The two nodded earnestly, with excitement in their eyes.

  "Hey, what are you excited about?"

  Tian Luo silently looked at the two of them

  "Hey, it's finally my Dashan-sensei's turn to play. It would be great to show Gentaro and the others today."

  Teacher Dashan smiled and said

  "Yes, but don't underestimate me"

  Utsumiya also nodded seriously.

  "Are you sure you're not causing trouble?"

  Tian Luo rolled his eyes

  Just as the three of them were communicating, a sound of footsteps suddenly came from the door. The three of them looked over at the same time and saw a middle-aged man in a white coat standing there.

  "Hey, Mr. Jiang Ben, you are here, just haven't introduced it yet. This is Mr. Tian Luo, who teaches sports."

  Looking at the middle-aged man, Teacher Dashan hurriedly introduced, and then looked at Tianluo again and said.

  "Mr. Tianluo, this is a new exam, Mr. Jiang Ben, who teaches astronomy, he is very good."

  "Oh, it turns out to be Mr. Emoto, lucky to meet"

  Tian Luo glanced at Jiang Ben, then said with a smile on his face


  Jiang Ben also smiled, and then shook hands with Tian Luo

  At this moment, Tian Luo suddenly snapped his fingers, and saw an invisible energy suddenly enveloped the office, and the surroundings suddenly stopped. At this moment, only he and Jiang Ben could act.

  "Cut, you can really pretend to be Tachibana for a while, Virgo, are you tired?"

  Tianluo glanced at Jiang Ben speechlessly, then directly found a seat and sat down.

  "You are..."

  Jiang Ben stared blankly around, his face full of shock

  "It's just a pause for their time, don't care, only the two of us are conscious now, so we can say anything"

  Tian Luo waved his hand

  "It's unbelievable. The deepest research I study is the space field, but I can't touch time. You are really strong."

  Jiang Ben shook his head helplessly after hearing this. He was no longer surprised why Tianluo knew his other identity. With such power, what could he not know?

  "You are really contradictory, you have too many worries, and you are too tired to live"

  Looking at Jiang Ben Tianluo, he said with a smile

  It's troublesome enough to have the generals of the apostles on one side and the sponsors of their opposites on the other.

  "There's no way to do this, you have to organize them."

  Jiang Ben also seemed to relax and said with a wry smile.

  "Then have you ever thought about being discovered by that guy, do you think you can still survive by then?"

  Tian Luo looked at Jiang Ben suspiciously

  "I don't care anymore. I killed my best companion and gave up my favorite things. What's the point of living? I have long thought of that day, but I still have to stop him before I die, or else The world will be destroyed, this is my sin"

  Jiang Ben shook his head calmly, as if death would be a relief for him

  Originally, he and I, Wang Guangming, and singer Xianwu's father were partners, but because of conflict of interests, they became deadly enemies.

  He and I, Wang Guangming, killed the father of singer Xianwu together, and finally became what he is now. He has always felt guilty about this matter.

  And my plan of looking to the light is to collect the switches of the Twelve Apostles, and then use these powers to open the door to the depths of the universe

  If he succeeds, the cosmic energy will explode on the earth, and no one will survive except a few, which is why Emoto wants to stop him

  In order to be able to go to the depths of the universe, he has to sacrifice everyone, even if he is sinful, it is impossible for him to turn a blind eye

  "So you researched except meteor, and you gave the key to the moon base to the singer Xianwu, so that they could stop me from looking at the light together"

  Tian Luo said lazily

  "That's right, but now I'm running out of time, the Twelve Apostles are still two short of switches, plus the core switches that are about to be found, they must grow up quickly, or they will be finished."

  Jiang Ben said excitedly.

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